Understanding Darboux's Theorem

  • Thread starter quasar987
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In summary, the conversation is about the proof of Darboux's theorem, which states that a bounded subset A of R^n with a bounded function f:A-->R is integrable on A. The proof involves two parts, one of which is easily proven while the other requires a lemma. The author is struggling to understand how a certain inequality is achieved in the second part of the proof. They have reached out to their professor and tried to find another text where the theorem is proven, but have not had any luck so far.
  • #1
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Homework Statement

I'm frying my brain on the proof of Darboux's thm. It says that if a subset A of R^n is bounded and f:A-->R is bounded as well, then f is integrable on A with integral I <==> for any e>0, the exists a d>0 such that for a partition P={S_1,...,S_K} of an n-rectangle S containing A, |P|<d ==>


where x_i belongs to S_i, v(S_i) is the volume of S_i, and |P|<d means that each subrectangle in P has sides lesser than d.

The "<==" part is fairly easy.

For the "==>" part, the author begins by proving the following lemma:

Lemma:Let P be a partition of an n-rectangle B in R^n. Then, given e>0, there is a d>0 such that if P' is another partition of B with |P'|<d, then the sum of the volumes of the subrectangles not entirely contained in an element of P (i.e. overlapping two or more of them) is lesser than e.

To prove the "==>" part of Darboux, the authors begins by writing |f(x)|<M, since f is bounded. Then, observe that since I equals the upper an lower integrals, we have that given e>0, there are partitions P1 and P2 such that L(f,P1) > I - e/2 and U(f,P2) < I + e/2. For P the natural refinement of P1 and P2, we have both inequalities: L(f,P) > I - e/2 and U(f,P) < I + e/2.

Now, according to the above lemma, there exists a d>0 such that if P'={S'_1,...,S'_K} is a partition of S with |P'|<d and with {S'_1,...,S'_N} the elements of P' not entirely contained in an element of P, then


If x_i belongs to S'_i, we have that


So far so good. But the authors then complete simply by saying, "similarily,


How is this inequality achieved? After separating the series into two parts like above, we can do the same trick with the first term, but not with the second. Namely, we have



[tex]\sum_{i=1}^{N}v(S'_i)<\epsilon/2M \Rightarrow -M\sum_{i=1}^{N}v(S'_i)>-\epsilon/2[/tex]



But it is not clear to me if and why it would be the case that

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  • #2
Are the 40 readers of my post as puzzled as I am by this, or simply were discouraged of reading by the length of the post? :smile:
  • #3
Personally I'm puzzled! :redface:
  • #4
Last bump. I tried working on this again today and still can't make sense of

  • #5
Have you tried checking the textbook's errata or contacting the author(s), or your professor? It could be an oversight.
  • #6
I had thought of none but will do all. Thx for the advice!
  • #7
Marsden has not replied yet, but one of my professor who is an analyst thinks it is an oversight. However, he cannot point me to another text where this thm is proven!

Does anybody know one??
  • #8
Try Wade, An Introduction to Analysis, third edition, pp. 396. It's not exactly the same theorem, but it's similar.

Otherwise try looking in Spivak.

FAQ: Understanding Darboux's Theorem

What is Darboux's theorem?

Darboux's theorem, also known as the intermediate value theorem, states that if a function is continuous on a closed interval, it will take on every value between its endpoints at least once.

What is the importance of Darboux's theorem?

Darboux's theorem is an essential tool in mathematical analysis and is used to prove the existence of solutions to equations and inequalities. It also helps in understanding the behavior of continuous functions.

How is Darboux's theorem proven?

Darboux's theorem can be proven using the concept of connectedness, which states that a set is connected if it cannot be separated into two non-empty, disjoint open sets. The key idea is to show that if a function is continuous on an interval, the image of that interval is also connected.

Can Darboux's theorem be extended to multivariable functions?

Yes, Darboux's theorem can be extended to multivariable functions. In this case, it states that if a function is continuous on a connected set, the image of that set is also connected. This concept is known as the intermediate value property.

What are some real-life applications of Darboux's theorem?

Darboux's theorem has many applications in real-life situations, such as in economics, where it is used to prove the existence of equilibria in markets. It is also used in physics to analyze the behavior of continuous physical systems. Additionally, it has applications in computer science and engineering for optimization problems.
