Understanding Dipole and Quadrupole Moments for Energy Calculation

In summary, the potential energy of two dipoles is scaled by the distance between them according to a formula involving the angles and elements of their respective quadrupole tensors.
  • #1

i have two questions :smile:, that i cannot solve by my own:

does anybody know how to calculate the potential energy of two quadrupole moments that are separated by a distance r?( i looked for it in all my physics books, but i did not find anything at all)

and: if you have two dipoles there is an equation for the potential energy that varies with the distance 1/r³ but what exactly does this distance 1/r³ between the two dipoles mean?

for example: if you think of two hydrogen atoms, that possesses a dipole moment, that is caused by an electric field. then what is this distance 1/r³? is it just the distance between the two nuclei or do you have to take account for the fact, that the electron is not in a spherical symmetric orbital anymore if there is an electric field and 1/r³ is some kind of mean value between the electron position and the nucleus of the one atom to this point at the other atom?
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  • #2
Gavroy said:

i have two questions :smile:, that i cannot solve by my own:

does anybody know how to calculate the potential energy of two quadrupole moments that are separated by a distance r?( i looked for it in all my physics books, but i did not find anything at all)

and: if you have two dipoles there is an equation for the potential energy that varies with the distance 1/r³ but what exactly does this distance 1/r³ between the two dipoles mean?

for example: if you think of two hydrogen atoms, that possesses a dipole moment, that is caused by an electric field. then what is this distance 1/r³? is it just the distance between the two nuclei or do you have to take account for the fact, that the electron is not in a spherical symmetric orbital anymore if there is an electric field and 1/r³ is some kind of mean value between the electron position and the nucleus of the one atom to this point at the other atom?

Well, the formula for two generic quadrupoles is quite complicated and involves the 3-D angles of both quadrupoles (4 total degrees of freedom) as well as the 6 non-zero elements of both quadrupole tensors. However in some cases there are significant simplifications (e.g. if the quadrupole tensors is diagonal, or if both quadrupoles are identical). I don't have my books with me at home, so I can't look up the precise formulas .. I am pretty sure the scaling with distance goes as 1/r4. If you have access to a library, one useful book is "Intermolecular Forces" by Stone.

The r in the formula you asked about refers to the center of mass distance between the two dipoles. So in your example, it would just be the two atomic centers.

FAQ: Understanding Dipole and Quadrupole Moments for Energy Calculation

What is a dipole moment?

A dipole moment is a measure of the polarity of a molecule or system. It is defined as the product of the magnitude of the charge on either end of the molecule and the distance between the charges.

How is a dipole moment represented?

A dipole moment is often represented by an arrow, with the tail at the positive end and the head at the negative end. The length of the arrow represents the magnitude of the dipole moment.

What is a quadrupole moment?

A quadrupole moment is a measure of the distribution of charge within a molecule or system. It is defined as the second moment of the charge distribution, taking into account both the magnitude and orientation of the charges.

How is a quadrupole moment related to a dipole moment?

A quadrupole moment is related to a dipole moment, but it also takes into account the shape and symmetry of the charge distribution. A system with only a dipole moment will have a nonzero quadrupole moment if the charge distribution is not perfectly symmetrical.

What is the significance of dipole and quadrupole moments in chemistry?

Dipole and quadrupole moments play a crucial role in determining the physical and chemical properties of molecules. They affect intermolecular forces, solubility, and reactivity, among other things. They are also important in understanding the structure and behavior of molecules in electric fields.
