Understanding Dipole Moment: The Measure of Electric Strength Explained"

In summary: Maybe we can say that the strength of the dipole is the strength of its field, or the strength of its potential.In summary, dipole moment is a measure of the strength of an electric dipole, equal to the product of the charge and distance between two charges. The equation P=ql shows that the strength of the dipole increases with distance, which may seem counterintuitive but is similar to the relationship between mass and gravity. However, it may not be accurate to speak of the dipole itself having a strength, as it also has a field and potential.
  • #1
Abdul Majid
Dipole moment is the measure of strength of electric dipole and is equal to product of either charge and distance between two charges.
but as we know when charges are close the force b/w them is strong n when they are far away force decrease.
But in above equation strength increases with increase in distance as p is directly proportional to l.
Where have i got it wrong?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Abdul Majid said:
Dipole moment is the measure of strength of electric dipole and is equal to product of either charge and distance between two charges.
but as we know when charges are close the force b/w them is strong n when they are far away force decrease.
But in above equation strength increases with increase in distance as p is directly proportional to l.
Where have i got it wrong?
Those are two different things. The attraction between them diminishes if they are far apart, but that is not the dipole moment.
There is an analogous situation with masses and gravity. If two masses orbit each other, the attraction between them is weaker when they are far apart, but their angular momentum increases.
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  • #3
What do we mean by strength of dipole?
  • #4
Abdul Majid said:
What do we mean by strength of dipole?
I'm not sure it is right to speak of the dipole having a strength. A dipole has a moment, and the moment has a strength. But the dipole also has a field and a potential.

FAQ: Understanding Dipole Moment: The Measure of Electric Strength Explained"

What is a dipole moment?

A dipole moment is a measure of the polarity of a molecule. It is the product of the distance between the centers of positive and negative charge and the magnitude of the charge difference between them.

How is dipole moment calculated?

Dipole moment is calculated by multiplying the distance between the centers of positive and negative charge by the magnitude of the charge difference. This value is typically measured in units of Debye (D).

What does a high dipole moment indicate?

A high dipole moment indicates a highly polar molecule, with a large separation between positive and negative charges. This means that the molecule is more likely to interact with other polar molecules through dipole-dipole interactions.

Can two molecules with the same chemical formula have different dipole moments?

Yes, two molecules with the same chemical formula can have different dipole moments. This is because the orientation of the atoms within the molecule can affect the overall dipole moment. For example, the isomers cis-2-butene and trans-2-butene have the same chemical formula but different dipole moments.

How does dipole moment affect a molecule's physical properties?

The dipole moment of a molecule can affect its physical properties such as melting and boiling points, solubility, and reactivity. This is because dipole-dipole interactions between molecules can influence their ability to attract and interact with other molecules.
