Understanding Double Oscillator Potential Eigenstates and Tunneling

In summary, we discussed the problem of a particle moving in a double oscillator potential with two wells separated by a barrier. We talked about the definite parity of the eigenstates and how for large values of a, the wavefunction can be approximated as a linear combination of the ground states of two separate harmonic oscillator wells. We also discussed the normalization of these wavefunctions and the energy levels of the ground state and first excited state. Finally, we looked at the particle's wavefunction and the time it takes to tunnel from one well to the other.
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Homework Statement

1. Consider the problem of a particle of mass m moving in the double oscillator potential V(x) = ½ k ( |x| - a )2 which has two wells centered at x = ±a separated by a barrier whose height at the origin is given by V0 = ½ k a2 . The particle can tunnel from one well to the other.

a) Explain why the eigenstates of this potential must have a definite parity.
b) For large a (or V0 >> ħω) the two minima are well-separated and a good approximation to the wavefunction of the lowest energy states of this particle is a linear combination of the ground states of two separate harmonic oscillator wells centered at x = ±a. Write down the possible wavefunctions and explain which one is the ground state and which one is the first excited state. Hint: plot the wavefunctions.
c) Normalize these wavefunctions.
d) The ground state has an energy E0 = ħω(1/2 – ε) while the first excited state has an energy E1 = ħω(1/2 + ε) where ε2 = (β/π) exp[-2β] with β = 2V0/ħω . Assume that at t = 0 the particle is in the ground state of the oscillator well centered at x = - a. Find ψ(x,t) and find the time that the particle takes to tunnel completely to the well centered at x = +a.
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can anyone help me to solve this

FAQ: Understanding Double Oscillator Potential Eigenstates and Tunneling

1. What is a double oscillator potential?

A double oscillator potential is a type of potential energy function commonly used in physics to model the behavior of two oscillating particles or systems. It consists of two parabolic potential wells, with a minimum at the center of each well, connected by a potential barrier. The particles can oscillate between the two wells, similar to a mass on a spring system.

2. What are the key features of a double oscillator potential?

The key features of a double oscillator potential include the two potential wells, the potential barrier between them, and the minimum energy points at the center of each well. The potential barrier acts as a barrier to the particles' motion, while the wells provide stable points of equilibrium.

3. How is a double oscillator potential mathematically represented?

A double oscillator potential can be represented mathematically by a function of the form V(x) = 1/2 kx^2, where x is the displacement of the particle from the center of the potential well and k is the spring constant. For a double oscillator potential, there will be two such functions, one for each potential well.

4. What is the significance of the potential barrier in a double oscillator potential?

The potential barrier in a double oscillator potential represents the energy required for a particle to transition from one potential well to the other. This barrier plays a crucial role in determining the behavior of the system, as particles must have enough energy to overcome the barrier in order to move from one well to the other.

5. What are some real-world applications of the double oscillator potential?

The double oscillator potential has many real-world applications, including in the study of molecular vibrations, the behavior of atoms in a crystal lattice, and the behavior of particles in quantum mechanics. It can also be used to model the motion of pendulums and other oscillating systems.
