Understanding Double Slit interference and Uncertainty

In summary: I said the double slit experiment was possible in the first place)?In summary, the conversation discusses the uncertainty principle and its interpretation in relation to the double slit experiment. The uncertainty principle states that there is a limit to the accuracy with which we can predict the position and momentum of a particle. The conversation also mentions alternative ways of modeling the experiment, such as Feynman's approach. It is also mentioned that at a beginner level, the wave-particle duality is often used, but it has been overthrown by quantum mechanics. The conversation ends with the acknowledgement that understanding these concepts can be challenging, but it is possible to gain knowledge through asking questions and continuous learning.
  • #1
John Morrell
I've recently been doing some learning about the double slit experiment and a bit about how, qualitatively, quantum electro dynamics works. Something that I wondered about for a long time was how momentum could be conserved in these systems when we assume that a particle could land in any number of positions. I kept thinking; couldn't we do the double slit experiment and just measure the velocity of the particle before it reaches the slits so that we know which one it goes through and where it hits after that? Then I realized that the uncertainty principle states that we can't know both the position and velocity beyond a certain uncertainty.

I just want to check if this is a correct interpretation of this principle. Is it fair to look at the double slit experiment as a result of our fundamental uncertainty about where the particle is and where it's moving? Is it possible to get similar results by assuming particle-like motion where we just don't know where the particle starts or which direction its moving?

Note, I'm not saying that this is why the double slit experiment works the way it does. I just want to know if this is a valid alternative way of modeling it.
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  • #2
John Morrell said:
Then I realized that the uncertainty principle states that we can't know both the position and velocity beyond a certain uncertainty.

I just want to check if this is a correct interpretation of this principle.
This is not quite right interpretation of uncertainty principle nowadays. There is no principal limit to accuracy with which you can measure position and momentum of single particle but you can't predict position and momentum beyond certain limit i.e. it is not possible to prepare a state (ensemble of particles) such that position and momentum does not show some spread in observed values.
  • #3
The alternative way is to Feynman, as far as we know. The particle along a well defined path from the source to the plate ... a path? no .. different paths, to be honest endless ... what? everyone imaginable compatible with the constraints of equipment ... all ... all and all together.
  • #4
John Morrell said:
Note, I'm not saying that this is why the double slit experiment works the way it does. I just want to know if this is a valid alternative way of modeling it.

Well the double slit is surprisingly an advanced topic.

At the beginner level you use a wrong Idea - the wave particle duality - its wrong, was overthrown at least by 1926 when Dirac came up with his transformation theory that generally goes by the name of QM these days, but you need to start somewhere.

Then using the formalism of standard QM you have the following explanation:

But even that is wrong from an even more advanced standpoint:

And to make matters worse even the above is wrong from the very advanced view - we have professors that post here who even criticize it.

Sometimes physics is like that - maddening isn't it.

At your level , since this is an I level and not an advanced level thread, simply use the first link I gave - you can come to grips with the more advanced stuff layer. If it was an advanced level thread I would let the professors and other professional physicists talk about and simply listen. I understand it to the level of the second paper - beyond that it gets a bit over my head.

  • #5
Hey thanks for the help guys! In a way this sort of this is kind of maddening because I'm actually an engineering student and I don't know if I'll ever have time to really thoroughly understand this sort of thing in the way that a real professional course of study would let me. But It's nice to know that at least I can keep asking and pick it up one misguided question at a time.
  • #6
John Morrell said:
Hey thanks for the help guys! In a way this sort of this is kind of maddening because I'm actually an engineering student and I don't know if I'll ever have time to really thoroughly understand this sort of thing in the way that a real professional course of study would let me. But It's nice to know that at least I can keep asking and pick it up one misguided question at a time.

It's also worth pointing out that the uncertainty in position and momentum actually relates to the three spatial components separately. There is an uncertainty relation between the x-components of position and momentum; between the y-components; and, between the z-components. But, there is no uncertainty relation between the x-component of momentum and the y-component of position, say.
  • #7
Do you mean that the direction, like the unit vector of the x y and z momentum, is unchanging (unless of course the particle interacts with something else)? The direction it travels is essentially constant?
  • #8
John Morrell said:
Do you mean that the direction, like the unit vector of the x y and z momentum, is unchanging (unless of course the particle interacts with something else)? The direction it travels is essentially constant?

Since the kinetic energy remains constant the change in momentum at the slit due to the uncertainty principle is reflected in a change in direction.

See the first paper I posted.


FAQ: Understanding Double Slit interference and Uncertainty

1. What is the double slit experiment and how does it demonstrate wave-particle duality?

The double slit experiment involves shining a beam of light or particles through two parallel slits and observing the resulting pattern on a screen. This experiment demonstrates wave-particle duality because the particles behave like waves and interfere with each other, creating an interference pattern, just like waves of light or sound do.

2. How does the distance between the slits affect the interference pattern in the double slit experiment?

The distance between the slits affects the interference pattern in the double slit experiment because it determines the spacing of the fringes on the screen. The smaller the distance between the slits, the wider the spacing of the fringes, and vice versa.

3. What is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and how does it relate to the double slit experiment?

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with complete certainty. In the double slit experiment, this means that we cannot know which slit a particle will pass through (position) and also observe an interference pattern (momentum) at the same time.

4. How does the observer or measurement affect the outcome of the double slit experiment?

The observer or measurement can affect the outcome of the double slit experiment because the act of observing or measuring the particles can collapse their wave-like behavior into a single, definite position or path. This is known as the observer effect.

5. Can the double slit experiment be performed with anything other than light or particles?

Yes, the double slit experiment can be performed with other types of waves, such as water waves or sound waves. It has also been performed with larger objects, such as molecules and even buckyballs (carbon molecules consisting of 60 atoms).

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