Understanding Electron Chirality and Scalar Conservation

In summary, (1) electron = left chiral . anti electron = right chiral. positron = left chiral. anti positron = right chiral. So scalar couples L and R chiral fermion fields. (2) electron = left chiral . anti electron = right chiral. positron = right chiral. anti positron = left chiral. So scalar conserves chirality.
  • #1
(1) electron = left chiral . anti electron = right chiral. positron = left chiral. anti positron = right chiral. So scalar couples L and R chiral fermion fields.
(2)electron = left chiral . anti electron = right chiral. positron = right chiral. anti positron = left chiral. So scalar conserves chirality.Im pretty sure 1 is right. However in flip tanedos article he says that the anti positron has left chirality...

Is 1 right??

Im definate that (1) is right. However in flip tanedos 'feynman diagrams for undergrads- helicity chirality and the mass' has some confusing phrases saying that the anti positron is left chiral...

Is (1) right??
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
kimcj said:
in flip tanedos article

Do you have a link to this article?
  • #3
kimcj said:
Is (1) right??

A positron and an anti-electron are the same thing. So are an anti-positron and an electron. So (1) doesn't even make sense; it contradicts itself.
  • #4
PeterDonis said:
A positron and an anti-electron are the same thing. So are an anti-positron and an electron. So (1) doesn't even make sense; it contradicts itself.
No i don't mean the physical mass based electrons and positrons. i mean the spinor componets of the electron and positron
  • #5
kimcj said:
i don't mean the physical mass based electrons and positrons. i mean the spinor componets of the electron and positron

In other words, you are referring to a 4-component Dirac spinor, and you are calling the upper two components the "electron" and "anti-electron", and the lower two components the "positron" and "anti-positron"? That's not correct terminology, and that may be why you are getting apparently different answers from the article you read (do you have a link?).

If you want to view a 4-component Dirac spinor as being "made of" two 2-component Weyl spinors, then the first 2-component spinor would be the "electron" and the second 2-component spinor would be the "positron". It is still true, as I said, that "positron" and "anti-electron" are the same thing, and "anti-positron" and "electron" are the same thing.

The chirality of the components themselves depends on which basis you choose. In the Weyl basis, each 2-component Weyl spinor has definite chirality for both components--the first component is left and the second is right. In the Dirac basis, however, that is not the case. In the Weyl basis, the first 2-component spinor would have components called "left-handed electron" and "right-handed electron", and the second would have components called "left-handed positron" and "right-handed positron".

As far as making scalars out of these spinors, the mass term ##\bar{\psi} m \psi## couples terms of left and right chirality, and the kinetic term ##\bar{\psi} \gamma^{\mu} \partial_{\mu} \psi## couples terms of the same chirality (left and right separately).
  • #7
Just to clarify this, an electron is of course not the same as a positron. The electron is negatively and the positron is positively charged. They are particle and antiparticle, described by massive Dirac (bispinor) field. They are thus not of definite chirality but consist of both left- and right-handed spinor components, as already is clear from the mass term ##\bar{\psi} \psi=\bar{\psi}_L \psi_R + \bar{\psi}_R \psi_L##.

For details, have a look at the first theory lecture here:

  • #8
PeterDonis said:
By the "Flip Tanedo" article, do you mean this?

FAQ: Understanding Electron Chirality and Scalar Conservation

1. What is electron chirality?

Electron chirality refers to the spatial orientation or symmetry of the electron wave function, which determines the direction of electron spin and its associated magnetic moment.

2. How is electron chirality relevant in physics?

Electron chirality plays a crucial role in various phenomena in physics such as the quantum Hall effect, topological insulators, and spintronics. It also has implications in condensed matter physics, materials science, and nanotechnology.

3. Can electron chirality be observed in experiments?

Yes, electron chirality can be detected and measured through various experimental techniques such as scanning tunneling microscopy, photoemission spectroscopy, and spin polarized electron microscopy. These techniques allow for the visualization and manipulation of electron spin and its direction.

4. Is electron chirality the same as molecular chirality?

No, electron chirality and molecular chirality are two different concepts. While electron chirality refers to the symmetry of the electron wave function, molecular chirality refers to the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in a molecule. However, both concepts are related and can influence each other in certain systems.

5. How does electron chirality affect chemical reactions?

Electron chirality can affect the outcome and selectivity of chemical reactions by influencing the electronic and magnetic properties of reactants and intermediates. This can lead to the formation of different products or the preferential activation of certain bonds in a reaction.

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