Understanding Elliptical Formulas: Focal Point Discrepancy Explained

In summary, the discussion is about the relationship between the focal point of a spherical mirror and an ellipse. While the focal point for a spherical mirror is at a distance of half the radius of curvature, the focal points for an ellipse are located at the two foci. This is due to the different ways that light rays reflect off of each shape. However, as an ellipse becomes more oblong, it can eventually become a parabola and have its focal point at the same distance as a spherical mirror. This demonstrates the subtle connection between the two constructions.
  • #1
Confused as why these two formulas do not match up. Or do they?



This does not seem to match up with the fact that the focal point should be 1/2 the distance of the radius of curvature.

If you make a = b in the elliptical formula, you will essentially be making a circle, and in that case the focal point would be zero or at the center according to the formula.

But this is not true, the focal point should be 1/2 the radius.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
nautica said:
This does not seem to match up with the fact that the focal point should be 1/2 the distance of the radius of curvature.

Are you referring to the focal point of a spherical mirror, where a small pencil of rays parallel to the principal axis (i.e. the rays from an "object at infinity") focuses?

That situation is different from an ellipse where [nonparallel] rays leaving the one focus of an ellipse reflect off the ellipse and focus (converge) on the other focus. For a circle, of course, rays leaving the center of a circle reflect off the circle and converge back on the center.
  • #3
Yes, that is what I am referring too. But an ellipse is just a special case of a circle and as you close the sides, the ellipse becomes a cirlce. So the formula I stated should work. Right?

I don't guess I completely understand what you are saying about the ellipse. Are these not "focal points" in relation to optics.

  • #4
Here is the elliptical mirror (which has the spherical mirror as a special case)
In this case, ALL rays from one focus reflect off the mirror and converge at the other focus. (The object at one focus has its image at the other focus. In the circular case, the object at the center has its image at the center.)

Here is the spherical mirror
where rays "close to and parallel to the principal axis" reflect off the mirror and converge at point F (where F=R/2). (The object at infinity along the principal axis has its image at F.)

The connection between two constructions is a little subtle.

First, recall from optics that a spherical mirror has "spherical aberration" in the sense that parallel rays "far from the principal axis" do not focus at F.
The required shape so that ALL parallel rays focus at F is a parabola.
Look at page 3 (figure 1) of this pdf file
The osculating (best fitting, best approximating) circle through the vertex has radius R=2F (that is F=R/2).

Second, take the elliptical mirror above and make it more oblong (effectively moving one focus out to infinity). You'll end up with a parabola. [For an example, consult
http://www.math.unifi.it/archimede/archimede_inglese/curve/curve_giusti/curve5.html ]

Hopefully, you have enough to put the pieces together.
I apologize if this presentation is a little unclear. Maybe someone else can clarify.
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FAQ: Understanding Elliptical Formulas: Focal Point Discrepancy Explained

What is an elliptical formula?

An elliptical formula is a mathematical equation used to describe the shape of an ellipse, which is a closed curve that is formed by the intersection of a plane and a cone. These formulas help us understand the properties of ellipses and how they differ from other shapes, such as circles or parabolas.

What is a focal point discrepancy in an elliptical formula?

A focal point discrepancy in an elliptical formula refers to the difference between the actual focal point of an ellipse and the focal point calculated using the formula. This discrepancy is due to the simplifying assumptions made in the formula, which do not account for the eccentricity (or elongation) of the ellipse. It is important to be aware of this discrepancy when using elliptical formulas in real-world applications.

How can we better understand the focal point discrepancy in elliptical formulas?

One way to better understand the focal point discrepancy in elliptical formulas is to visualize it using a graph. By plotting the actual focal point and the calculated focal point on the same graph, we can see the difference between the two and gain a better understanding of how the formula approximates the shape of an ellipse.

What are some real-world applications of elliptical formulas?

Elliptical formulas have many practical applications in fields such as astronomy, engineering, and physics. They are used to calculate the orbits of planets and satellites, design elliptical-shaped buildings and structures, and model the motion of projectiles and other objects.

What are some common misconceptions about elliptical formulas?

One common misconception about elliptical formulas is that they can accurately describe the shape of any ellipse. In reality, these formulas are based on idealized assumptions and may not accurately represent the eccentricity of a real-world ellipse. Another misconception is that the focal point discrepancy is a flaw in the formulas, when in fact it is a result of the simplifying assumptions made in the equations.
