Understanding Fourrier Transforms in Quantum Mechanics: Help Needed!

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of Fourier transforms in quantum mechanics to convert functions from one space to another. The example of converting the hydrogen ground state from position-space to momentum-space is given, and the correct formula for the transform is discussed. The role of the constant in front of the integral is also explained.
  • #1
I am studying Quantummechanics, but I don't see how Fourriertransforms in quantum mechanics work

I want to know how I can Fourrier Transform the Hydr. ground state, so the transform of
[tex] \phi\left(r\right)=\left(\frac{1}{\pi a_{0}^3}\right)^\frac{1}{2} e^\left-(\frac{r}{a_{0}}\right) [/tex]

Does someone knows the answer


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  • #2
A Fouriertransform is used to convert one function in a certain space into the same function in one other space.

To represent the hydrogen ground state in p-space (momentum space) you evaluate the following integral over the whole space:

psi(p) = (2 pi h)^{-3/2} \int {exp(ip.r/h)*phi(r) dr}.

Where the expression for the hydrogen ground state is to be inserted at phi, h represent the reduced placks constant and the expression p.r is a scalar product between the two vectors p and r.

Hope you find yourself wiser after reading this!

/The Latex-rookie
  • #3
He Reid thanks

but should it not be (2 pi h)^{-1/2}?
Do you know where on the net I can find this formula

Thanks for the help
  • #4
It doesn't really matter which factor you put in front of the transform, as long as you make sure that the factor of the inverse transform is such that transforming forth and back subsequently yields the same answer. It's a matter of convention and convention differs in different areas of physics. In this case, Reid suggested ( (2 pi h)^{-1/2} )^3 because you are working in three dimensions. Other common factors include (2pi)^{-1/2}, (2 pi i)^{-1/2}.
  • #5
Hi again,
sorry I don't know where to find it on the net. It is the eq. (2.59) in the book Quantum mechanics, second edition by Bransden & Joachain.

As CompuChip writes, the coefficient in front of the integral is just for later convinience.

I must however confess to a mistake: the exponent should be negative, i.e.
psi(p) = (2 pi h)^{-3/2} \int {exp(-ip.r/h)*phi(r) dr}. I hope I haven't mislead you too bad.

It is the in the exponent of the Fouriertransform from the p-space to r-space where the exponent should be positive, i.e.
phi(r) = (2 pi h)^{-3/2} \int {exp(ip.r/h)*psi(r) dr}.

Have a nice day! :)
  • #6
The constant infront you can always put in there afterwards, since you demand the wavefunctions to be normalised. The constant depends on what dimensions you have. For 1-dim sqrt(2pi*hbar) is mostley used for example.

The momentum-wave function is the Fourier transform of the position-wave function, so the exponential should have minus sign.

And vice versa, the position-wave function is the inverse Fourier transform of the momentum-wave function, so no minus sign in the exponential.

So what I told you here is just a confirmation on what CompuChip and Reid told you =) Go a head and try, if you don't get the correct answer, post your attempt here and we'll try to help you.

FAQ: Understanding Fourrier Transforms in Quantum Mechanics: Help Needed!

What is a Fourier transform?

A Fourier transform is a mathematical tool used to decompose a complex function into its individual frequency components. It converts a function of time or space into a function of frequency or wave number, respectively.

How are Fourier transforms used in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, Fourier transforms are used to represent the state of a quantum system in terms of its momentum or energy eigenstates. This allows for easier analysis and calculations of quantum systems.

What is the relationship between position and momentum in Fourier transforms?

The Fourier transform of a position wave function gives the momentum wave function, and vice versa. This is known as the position-momentum uncertainty principle, which states that the more precisely the position of a quantum particle is known, the less precisely its momentum can be known, and vice versa.

What are some common applications of Fourier transforms in quantum mechanics?

Fourier transforms are commonly used in quantum mechanics for solving the time-independent Schrödinger equation, determining the energy levels of a quantum system, and analyzing the wave functions of particles in a potential well.

Are there any limitations to using Fourier transforms in quantum mechanics?

While Fourier transforms are a powerful tool in quantum mechanics, they are limited by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that the more precisely the momentum or energy of a particle is known, the less precisely its position can be known. This can lead to uncertainties in the results obtained through Fourier transforms.

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