Understanding Frequency Smearing in FFT

In summary, the amplitude of a bin in the FFT is determined by the amplitude of the cosines in that bin. The amplitude of each bin is also determined by the height of the sum of all of the sincs at that frequency. windowing can help make the amplitude more meaningful.
  • #1
I understand that for the FFT the resolution or bin size is a function of the number of samples in your signal and that while padding the signal with zeros will make the graph look more precise it will not enable you to resolve between two frequencies if they are contained in the same bin. What I do not understand is how the amplitude of each bin is determined. For example, so I have a bin size of 5 Hz and I have two cosine signals of equal magnitude in that bin separated by 1 Hz(lets say 1000 and 1001) why does the magnitude of that reported bin not equal 2? As they are moved further apart the amplitude becomes even less and also starts impacting the bin next to it as well. I imagine this has something to do with the fact that in the rectangularly windowed FFT cosine and sine are sincs rather than diracs, but am not exactly sure why the amplitude comes out to some seemingly(to my inexperienced eyes) random value. This then leads me to ask two more questions. The first is whether there is some kind of formula to determine the amplitude give the frequency and the amplitude of my cosines. The second and more ignorant question, is there anything I can do, like windowing, to make it so that the amplitude seems more logical for a bin size(so two equal magnitudes are twice the magnitude). Again the second question really is based in the fact that I don't fully understand what the meaning of each bin's amplitude is, i.e. those seemingly arbitrary numbers actually correlate to some important part of the FFT.
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  • #2
The FFT uses the same formula as the DFT to perform the Fourier transform (it just uses some fancy manipulations to speed up the calculations). So the amplitudes in the FFT are calculated using the DFT formula, which you can find here:


For your second question, I'm not really sure of the answer. I doubt it's possible to make the amplitude results completely logical (i.e. two frequencies of identical amplitude in a bin adding up to 2), since that would cause the FT calculation to be irreversible. For example, if you had 1000Hz and 1002Hz and that gave you the same spectrum as 1000Hz and 1001Hz, then what would the inverse Fourier transform give you? It should be different for the two cases, but it can't be if those cases give the same spectrum.
That being said, there might be some way to make it at least more meaningful by windowing as you suggest, but I don't know enough about that to be of any help unfortunately.

If you're concerned about where the numbers are coming from, I'd suggest zero padding the signal before transforming it. As you say, this won't allow you to separate the frequencies any better (because of the sinc vs. delta problem), but it will add more bins which will help 'fill-out' the spectrum. That should allow you to view the actual shape of the spectrum at the frequencies of interest.
  • #3
After more research I realized that the height isn't random but it is the sum of all of the sincs at that frequency. So why it may not be logical visually mathematically it is logical for the exact reason of being reversible. However I was able to help limit the amount to which the bin affected each other by windowing the data. I specifically used the hanning window to severly reduce the amplitude of the side lobes at a minimal cost to main lobe width.

Another great website to learn all of this from is bores.com
  • #4
i would also suggest the USENET newsgroup, comp.dsp.

FAQ: Understanding Frequency Smearing in FFT

1. What is frequency smearing in FFT?

Frequency smearing in FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) is a phenomenon where the frequency components in a signal get spread out or blurred in the frequency domain. This is caused by sampling a continuous signal at discrete time intervals, which results in a loss of information and introduces artifacts in the frequency spectrum.

2. How does frequency smearing affect signal analysis?

Frequency smearing can distort the frequency spectrum of a signal, making it difficult to accurately analyze and interpret the signal's true frequency content. This can lead to errors in measurements and can affect the accuracy of any calculations or conclusions drawn from the data.

3. What are the causes of frequency smearing in FFT?

Frequency smearing in FFT is primarily caused by the sampling rate and the length of the signal being analyzed. A low sampling rate or a short signal length can result in significant frequency smearing. Other factors, such as windowing and signal processing techniques, can also contribute to frequency smearing.

4. How can frequency smearing be reduced or avoided?

To reduce frequency smearing, it is important to use a high sampling rate and a sufficiently long signal length. Windowing techniques, such as the Hamming or Blackman window, can also help reduce smearing by reducing the amplitude of the signal near the edges. Additionally, using proper signal processing techniques and avoiding high levels of noise can also help minimize frequency smearing.

5. Can frequency smearing be completely eliminated in FFT?

No, frequency smearing cannot be completely eliminated in FFT. It is an inherent limitation of the technique due to the discrete sampling of a continuous signal. However, with proper sampling rates, signal lengths, and processing techniques, the effects of frequency smearing can be minimized to a negligible level.

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