Understanding G-Force After a Car Accident: Explained in Simple Terms

  • Thread starter kemathen7
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In summary, the conversation is about the concept of "g's" as a unit of acceleration and how it relates to forces experienced by objects in motion. The conversation includes an explanation of how acceleration and forces are connected, and how "g's" are used to measure this force. The conversation also includes a comparison to other common units of measurement, such as centimeters and meters.
  • #1
You'll have to excuse me - I'm nothing close to a physics expert.

I have a friend who was in a car accident. I was told they were going a couple of G's when they entered into the spin (the car flipped end over end). For argument's sake, let's say they were going 2 or 3 G's. Can someone explain to me what exactly this means and put it into idiot terms? And what could happen when going that fast? Two people were thrown from the car, and all the passenger's shoes stayed in the car.

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  • #2
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "going a couple of G's". "g's" (just an FYI, when referring to this, use the lower case 'g'. Uppercase refers to something else, a constant) aren't something you travel at, they're something you feel. Perhaps you just repeated what you were told incorrectly? At any rate, a 'g' is short for "gravitational force", which basically refers to the amount of force the people in the car were feeling due to their acceleration. Like when a car accelerates from a stop light, you feel pressed into your seat. The point is, when accelerating, you feel a force indistinguishable from gravity (this actually happens to be one of the core concepts in Einstein's general theory of relativity). Consider swinging a weight tied to string, like a yo-yo, around in circles. The weight seems to be pushed away from the centre of the circle. This is because it is accelerating (which refers to a change in velocity, which includes both speed and direction. If you're direction changes, you're accelerating), inward as it turns out, so, like when the car accelerates forward and you feel pushed backwards, since the weight is accelerating inward it feels an outward push. This is the same principle that works in those rides at amusement parks where the ride spins and the rider feels pressed backwards against the wall. The magnitude of this force is where the "g-force" comes in. A free-falling object will accelerate downward at, neglecting air resistance, approximately 9.81m/s^2 (the squared comes from the fact that just as speed is measured in metres per second, acceleration is measured in metres per second PER second, which is the same as saying metres per second squared). This acceleration is what we feel as the gravitational force. If your car is accelerating at 9.81m/s^2, the force pushing you into your seat would be equal to the force of gravity pushing you into the ground. Hence, the force experienced during acceleration is often put in terms of multiples of the force of gravity. So, if you're experiencing 1 g, the force you feel will be equal to the force of gravity. 2 g's is twice as strong as the force of gravity acting on you. To put all this into idiot terms, as requested, your friend's car underwent a lot of two kinds of acceleration: it slowed down a considerable amount in a short amount of time - acceleration can be negative - and it flipped end over end, thereby causing the change-in-direction acceleration I mentioned, like the yo-yo being swung in circles. Both of these translated into a force experienced by the passengers. If you say they experienced 2 or 3 g's, that means that this force was 2 or 3 times the force that you feel pushing you downward at this very moment. I hope that helps, I apologize if I didn't- I tend to be bad at explaining what I'm trying to say.
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  • #3
Another way of explaining this measuring in "g's" is simply:
Usually, the unit of acceleration is 1 m/s^2 (in the SI-system);
measuring acceleration in g's instead, is not particularly more different from going from cm as the length unit to "m" as our length unit.
  • #4
True, however the OP admitted to knowing very little about physics so I just wanted to give a little background on what acceleration, specifically centripetal acceleration, has to do with forces.
  • #5
There was no criticism towards your approach; in fact, I thought it very good.
However, I have occasionally met students which seem to think measuring accelerations in "g" is something mysterious and arcane. I tried to demystify this, by the analogy with cm's vs. m's

FAQ: Understanding G-Force After a Car Accident: Explained in Simple Terms

1. What is gravity?

Gravity is the natural force of attraction between two objects with mass. It is responsible for keeping us on the ground and for the motion of planets around the sun.

2. How does gravity work?

Gravity works by exerting a force on objects with mass. The larger the mass of an object, the greater its gravitational pull. The force of gravity also decreases with distance, so the closer two objects are, the stronger the force of gravity between them.

3. What is the difference between mass and weight?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. Mass is constant, but weight can vary depending on the strength of the gravitational pull.

4. How does gravity affect the movement of objects?

Gravity affects the movement of objects by pulling them towards the center of the Earth or towards the center of a larger object. This is why objects fall towards the ground and why planets orbit around the sun.

5. Can gravity be turned off or reversed?

No, gravity cannot be turned off or reversed. It is a natural force that is always present and cannot be controlled by humans. However, the effects of gravity can be counteracted through technology, such as with rockets and spacecrafts.
