Understanding Goodness of Fit for Best-Fit Lines on Graphs

In summary: This statistic is a measure of how well the equation matches the data. The equation is typically a polynomial, but it can also be a quadratic, cubic, or any other type of equation. The equation is fit to the data points and then the goodness of fit is determined by how much error is left after the equation is fit. The equation can be tweaked, changed, or re-fit until the goodness of fit is as good as possible. In summary, there is no one perfect way to fit a curve to data. You can try a linear fit, but sometimes it is easier to minimize the sum of the errors by coming close to most points.
  • #1
I have a question about the 'best-fit' line on a graph. Usually, in my physics lab, we did experiment, then plot the points on a graph. After that, my teacher would let us draw a best-fit line. However, we didn't connect the points to make this best-fit line since my teacher said many times that drawing a best-fit line doesn't mean to connect the points but go between these points. But sometimes how can you figure out this is a straight line or a curve (parabola)? How can you find the slope since you don't know which two points are actually on the line? However, when I took a physics exam, the question let me plot the points given on the table, then I did. Next, let me draw a best-fit line, so I drew a line that kind of go between the points, however, I saw other people draw a line that connecting these points, half a parabola. And It was correct. so I must be wrong. I am so confused with the best-fit line. Hope you can help.
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  • #2
A unique k-th order polynomial can always be fitted to k arbitrary points. That polynomial is guaranteed to go through each point in the data. But sometimes that's not practical. Imagine a data set with one million points. In this case the unique polynomial must have one million terms. The alternative is to average out the points using the technique of least squares. Even then, there is a question of functional form. To continue with the example of one million points, a 10th-order polynomial is almost guaranteed to be a better fit than a 5th-order polynomial (can you think of the reason)? A useful statistic is the adjusted R-square.
  • #3
There is no absolute method for fitting curves. It's a matter of balance between what is simple to work with and what is accurate.

Like Enuma said, you could come up with a function that goes through all points, but that is not practical most of the time.

If you have a plot that behaves in an approximately linear way (a straight line represents the trend of the data points), it is very easy to work with a linear fit.

When you fit it manually, what you are trying to do is visually minimize the sum of the errors. The error is the vertical distance between the fit and the actual point, so you may be tempted to try and draw the line passing exactly through the points. But many times, the way to minimize the sum of the errors involves coming close to most points, rather than being exact on a few.

Not sure how clear that was, but I hope it helps.
  • #4
To know how well your equation matches your data you can determine what's called Goodness of fit.

Related to Understanding Goodness of Fit for Best-Fit Lines on Graphs

What is a 'best-fit' line on a graph?

A best-fit line on a graph is a straight line that represents the trend or relationship between two variables in a set of data. It is drawn in a way that minimizes the overall distance between the line and all of the data points, making it the most accurate representation of the data.

Why is a 'best-fit' line important in data analysis?

A best-fit line is important because it allows us to visualize and understand the relationship between two variables in a set of data. It also helps us make predictions and identify patterns or trends in the data.

How is a 'best-fit' line determined?

A best-fit line is determined using a mathematical method called linear regression. This involves calculating the slope and intercept of the line that minimizes the distance between the line and the data points. There are also various software and tools available that can automatically generate a best-fit line for a given set of data.

What does the slope of a 'best-fit' line represent?

The slope of a best-fit line represents the rate of change between the two variables on the graph. It tells us how much the dependent variable changes for every unit increase in the independent variable.

Can a 'best-fit' line be used to make predictions?

Yes, a best-fit line can be used to make predictions based on the relationship between the two variables in the data set. By extending the line beyond the existing data points, we can estimate the value of the dependent variable for a given value of the independent variable.

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