Understanding Gradient Vector of Scalar Field (grad)

In summary, the gradient vector of a scalar field (grad) represents the direction of the greatest change of a scalar function at a specific point in a 2D or 3D space. This vector is perpendicular to the tangent plane of the 3D surface at that point, not the surface itself. The gradient vector is a 2D vector, even if the function is in 3D, and it is different from the gradient of a "level surface" for the same function.
  • #1
Dear All

I am having trouble understanding the gradient vector of a scalar field (grad).

I understand that you can have a 2D/3D space with each point within that space having a scalar value, determined by a scalar function, creating a scalar field. The grad vector is supposed to point in the direction of the greatest change of the scalar function at a specific point in space. What I am stuck on is the direction of the gradient vector that grad gives you.

As an example, (see image below), say there is a 2D space in the x,y domain and a 2D scalar function, f(x,y). The scalar function produces a 3D surface when plotted against x and y as shown in the image below.

Text books tell you that at a specific point in space the grad vector points in the direction of the greatest change of the scalar function. But it also states that this is perpendicular to the 3d surface tangent plane at this point.

If the later point is true, then surely grad would output a 3d gradient vector, as I cannot see how it can be perpendicular to a 3d surface otherwise. However, I know the grad function is meant to output a 2d gradient vector as it uses a 2d scalar function in this case.

On the wikipedia image below, you can see that the grad vectors are in the 2D x-y plane but they are not perpendicular to the surface at that point (or else they would be pointing up or down too).

I am sure I am misinterpreting this somewhere, but I can't figure out where!

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Many thanks


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  • #2
paul_harris77 said:
Dear All

I am having trouble understanding the gradient vector of a scalar field (grad).

I understand that you can have a 2D/3D space with each point within that space having a scalar value, determined by a scalar function, creating a scalar field. The grad vector is supposed to point in the direction of the greatest change of the scalar function at a specific point in space. What I am stuck on is the direction of the gradient vector that grad gives you.

As an example, (see image below), say there is a 2D space in the x,y domain and a 2D scalar function, f(x,y). The scalar function produces a 3D surface when plotted against x and y as shown in the image below.

Text books tell you that at a specific point in space the grad vector points in the direction of the greatest change of the scalar function. But it also states that this is perpendicular to the 3d surface tangent plane at this point.
No, it doesn't (or 'they don't' if your subject is still "Text books"!) If you are thinking of z as a function of x and y, z= f(x,y), then [itex]grad z= grad f= f_x\vec{i}+ f_y\vec{j}[/itex] is a two dimensional vector that points in the direction, in the x, y plane, in which the function f increases fastest.

If you are thinking of the surface as a "level surface" for some function F(x, y, z)= z- f(x,y)= constant, then [itex]\grad F= -f_x\vec{i}- f_y\vec{j}+ \vec{k}[/itex] points perpendicular to the surface.

But those are completely different ways of thinking about z= f(x,y) and the gradients are of different functions.

If the later point is true, then surely grad would output a 3d gradient vector, as I cannot see how it can be perpendicular to a 3d surface otherwise. However, I know the grad function is meant to output a 2d gradient vector as it uses a 2d scalar function in this case.

On the wikipedia image below, you can see that the grad vectors are in the 2D x-y plane but they are not perpendicular to the surface at that point (or else they would be pointing up or down too).

I am sure I am misinterpreting this somewhere, but I can't figure out where!

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Many thanks



Related to Understanding Gradient Vector of Scalar Field (grad)

1. What is the gradient vector of a scalar field?

The gradient vector of a scalar field is a vector that represents the directional change and magnitude of the scalar field at a given point. In other words, it shows how the scalar field changes in each direction from that point.

2. How is the gradient vector calculated?

The gradient vector is calculated by taking the partial derivatives of the scalar field with respect to each variable. These partial derivatives are then combined to form a vector.

3. What is the significance of the gradient vector in mathematics and science?

The gradient vector is an important concept in mathematics and science as it provides valuable information about the behavior and changes of a scalar field. It is used in various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics to analyze and understand the relationship between variables.

4. How does the gradient vector relate to the concept of slope?

The gradient vector can be thought of as a higher-dimensional version of a slope. Just as the slope of a line represents the change in the y coordinate over the change in the x coordinate, the gradient vector represents the change in the scalar field over the change in each variable.

5. Can you give an example of how the gradient vector is used in real-world applications?

One example of the use of gradient vector in real-world applications is in weather forecasting. The temperature, pressure, and humidity levels at different points on a map can be represented as a scalar field. By calculating the gradient vector at each point, meteorologists can predict the direction and magnitude of changes in these variables, allowing for more accurate weather predictions.

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