Understanding Halmos's Definition of Tensor Product of Vector Spaces

In summary, the conversation discusses difficulties with understanding the definition of the tensor product of two vector spaces from Halmos's book. The definition uses reflexivity to obtain the tensor product and there is confusion about how to use the definition to form the tensor product of two specific vector spaces. The conversation also mentions some alternative definitions and the importance of not fixating on a particular representation of tensors.
  • #1
I'm currently reading Halmos's book "Finite dimensional vector spaces" and I find it excellent. However, I'm having some problems with his definition of the tensor product of two vector spaces, and I hope you could help me clear it out. Here's what he writes:
"Definition: The tensor product [tex]U \otimes V [/tex] of two finite dimensional vector spaces U and V (over the same field) is the dual of the vector space of all bilinear forms on [tex] U \oplus V [/tex] . For each pair of vectors x and y, with x in U and y in V, the tensor product [tex] z = x*\otimes y [/tex] of x and y is the element of [tex] U \otimes V [/tex] defined by [tex] z(w) = w(x,y) [/tex] for every bilinear form w."

Just right before that, he talks about that the definition uses reflexivity to obtain the tensor product of U and V. Where? I'm finding this definition somewhat obstruse. And if you guys have the time, I'd love to see an example of how to really get the tensor product of two vector spaces using this definition.

Hope you have the time.
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  • #2
I find this one of the lesser section in the otherwise great book. There are more elegant and insightful definitions of the tensor product. E.g. see http://www.math.harvard.edu/~tomc/math25/tensor.pdf .
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  • #3
Thanks, I'll read it through.
I'd love to see some "concrete" examples too if possible.
  • #4
Some notation in there that I'm quite not used to. What's really confusing me are some concrete examples, say, how to use (any given) definitions to form the tensor product of say, C^2 and C^3.
  • #5
An inner product on V is an element of (V (x) V)* satisfying some additional properties.

A linear transformation on V is an element of V (x) V*.

I say "is" loosely. e.g. if you're thinking in terms of linear transformations, then there is a difference between the following:
  • A linear transformation V -> W
  • A linear transformation on W* -> V*
  • An element of W (x) V*
  • A bilinear form on W* x V
despite the fact there is a natural, canonical way to convert back and forth between any of them, and upon choosing a basis, they are all naturally represented by matrices.

(In the above, V and W denote finite-dimensional vector spaces)
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  • #6
I'm grateful, but I can't say I understand your point of the message.
I feel really stupid for not understanding this.
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  • #7
There wasn't a coherent point, just an information dump!

One thing was to point out that matrices are a familiar example of elements in a tensor product.

Another thing to keep in mind is not to fixate on a particular representation. The "V (x) W consists of bilinear forms on V* x W*" is a common sort of thing, but it's overly restrictive to think in that way.

e.g. just think of all the ways you use a matrix: you can multiply it by a column vector on the right, or a row vector on the left. If you have both a row and a column vector, you can multiply them on either side of the matrix to get a number. If you have another matrix with a compatible dimension, you can multiply them. You can create a matrix by adjoining several compatible matrices side-by-side. You can use a matrix to define a subspace in four different ways: the row space, column space, and its left and right null spaces.

Any tensor product has a similarly bewildering variety of uses. IMHO it's more fruitful to think in terms of "what things can I do with a tensor" rather than trying to fixate on some particular definition as if that's what a tensor "really is".
  • #8

FAQ: Understanding Halmos's Definition of Tensor Product of Vector Spaces

What is Halmos's definition of tensor product of vector spaces?

Halmos's definition of tensor product of vector spaces is a mathematical concept that describes how two vector spaces can be combined to form a new vector space. It is a generalization of the concept of the Cartesian product of sets, and it allows for the representation of multilinear functions between vector spaces.

What are the key components of Halmos's definition?

The key components of Halmos's definition of tensor product are the bilinear map, the universal property, and the construction using quotient spaces. The bilinear map takes in two vectors from the original vector spaces and outputs a vector in the tensor product space. The universal property states that any bilinear map can be uniquely extended to a linear map on the tensor product space. The construction using quotient spaces involves taking the quotient of the free vector space generated by the Cartesian product of the original vector spaces.

Why is understanding the tensor product important in mathematics?

The tensor product is a fundamental concept in mathematics with applications in various fields such as linear algebra, differential geometry, and functional analysis. It allows for the manipulation of multilinear functions and provides a framework for studying vector spaces and their transformations. Understanding the tensor product is crucial for advanced mathematical concepts and applications.

What are some common misconceptions about Halmos's definition of tensor product?

One common misconception is that the tensor product is a product of two vectors. In reality, the tensor product is a new vector space that is formed from the original vector spaces. Another misconception is that the tensor product is commutative, but in general, it is not. It is also important to note that the tensor product of two vector spaces does not necessarily have the same dimension as the original vector spaces.

How can I apply Halmos's definition of tensor product in my research or studies?

The tensor product is a powerful tool that can be applied in various mathematical fields. For example, in linear algebra, it can be used to define and study multilinear transformations and their properties. In differential geometry, it can be used to define the tangent space and differential forms on a manifold. In functional analysis, it can be used to define tensor products of operator spaces. Understanding Halmos's definition of tensor product can greatly enhance your understanding and application of these concepts in your research or studies.

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