Understanding Heat Equation in Equilibrium and Energy Balance

In summary, the conversation discusses the heat equation with given boundary conditions and an equilibrium solution. The condition of equilibrium is shown to satisfy a specific equation, and the concept of a heat source is introduced. The use of an energy balance equation is explained, and there is a discussion about the direction of heat flux and why it may seem counterintuitive. Finally, there is a clarification about the relationship between heat flux and temperature derivatives.
  • #1
member 428835
Hi PF!

Given: ##u_t = u_{xx} +1## (heat equation) with the following B.C.: ##u_x(0,t)=1, u_x(L,t)= B, u(x,0)=f(x)##. My professor then continued by stating that in equilibrium, we have ##0 = u_{xx} +1 \implies u = -x^2/2 + C_1 x + C_2##. So far I'm on board, although by "equilibrium" does he mean steady state (after a long period of time)?

Next, we show that the equilibrium solution must satisfy ##-L + 1 = B## (via the B.C., after showing that ##C_1 = 1##).

He goes on to say that this condition is imposed from the source of heat and the two flux B.C. By source, does he mean the ##1## on the R.H.S of the initial equation?

Now here's where it get's tricky. He then says to perform an energy balance, thus:

$$\frac{d}{dt} \int_0^L c \rho u dx = -u_x(0) + u_x(L) + \int_0^L Q_0 dx = -1 +B +L=0$$

Now I understand the L.H.S completely, but where is he getting the heat source on the R.H.S, namely the ##Q_0## term? Also, shouldn't the thermal constant ##k## show up prefixing the flux terms (the ##u_x## terms) or is this only true if we applied the divergence theorem and fouriers law of heat? Also, why is there a minus sign in front of the ##u_x(0)## term and a positive sign in front of the ##u_x(L)##? Isn't it energy in minus energy out?

He then proceeds by stating that initial energy equals final energy in equilibrium, thus we must have $$\int_0^L f(x) dx = \int_0^L u(x) dx$$ where i know ##f(x)## is initial but is ##u(x)## final since it does not depend on ##t##?

thanks a ton!
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  • #2
Sorry guys, I'm good now on everything except the flux question (why aren't those derivatives reversed, namely, ##u_x(0)-u_x(L)##)?
  • #3
joshmccraney said:
Sorry guys, I'm good now on everything except the flux question (why aren't those derivatives reversed, namely, ##u_x(0)-u_x(L)##)?
If heat is coming in at x = 0, the temperature has to be decreasing with distance from the boundary. So -ux(0) describes the rate at which heat is entering through the boundary (i.e., the heat flux at the boundary).

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  • #4
Chestermiller said:
If heat is coming in at x = 0, the temperature has to be decreasing with distance from the boundary. So -ux(0) describes the rate at which heat is entering through the boundary (i.e., the heat flux at the boundary).

Hey Chet!

Ahhh I see, you're looking at those derivatives from their definition. This makes total sense; I can't believe I missed this. Thanks a ton!
  • #5
So to clarify that I'm understanding the flux correctly, if we are in 1-D at the left edge and given ##u'(0) > 0 ## then we see that ##(u(a)-u(0))/(a-0) : a>0 \implies u(a)-u(0) > 0 \implies u(a) > u(0)## which tells us that temperature is greater to the right of zero (for some neighborhood), and thus heat should be moving out (left) at ##x=0##? Thus, we place the minus sign in front of ##u_x(0)##, which was done.

At the right point where ##x=L## we see that ##u'(L)>0 \implies u(L) > u(a) : L>a## and thus since the temperature is slightly bigger at ##L## than at ##a## heat should be flowing into the rod (to the left), making me think there should be a negative in front of the ##u'(L)## when balancing our energy. Can you help me out here?

Thanks again!
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  • #6
joshmccraney said:
So to clarify that I'm understanding the flux correctly, if we are in 1-D at the left edge and given ##u'(0) > 0 ## then we see that ##(u(a)-u(0))/(a-0) : a>0 \implies u(a)-u(0) > 0 \implies u(a) > u(0)## which tells us that temperature is greater to the right of zero (for some neighborhood), and thus heat should be moving out (left) at ##x=0##? Thus, we place the minus sign in front of ##u_x(0)##, which was done.

Putting the minus sign in means you are referring the the rate at which heat is coming in at x = 0. In the energy balance, this contributes to the rate at which temperature (internal energy) is rising.
At the right point where ##x=L## we see that ##u'(L)>0 \implies u(L) > u(a) : L>a## and thus since the temperature is slightly bigger at ##L## than at ##a## heat should be flowing into the rod (to the left), making me think there should be a negative in front of the ##u'(L)## when balancing our energy. Can you help me out here?

There shouldn't be a minus sign. u'(L)>0 means the heat is coming into the rod. In the energy balance, this also contributes to the rate at which temperature (internal energy) is rising.

  • #7
Gotcha! So it seems like positive flux always means heat (or whatever) is entering, right?

So how is the logic that I wrote wrong? I know it's not right, but why?
  • #8
joshmccraney said:
Gotcha! So it seems like positive flux always means heat (or whatever) is entering, right?
No. Heat flux is a vector quantity. Its direction in opposite to that of the temperature gradient. Have you had vector calculus yet? Do you know what the Del (aka Nabla) gradient vector operator is?
So how is the logic that I wrote wrong? I know it's not right, but why?
I'll get to that after I hear back from you.

  • #9
Yes, I've had be of calculus and am very familiar with del, used for curl, divergence, and gradient.

And I totally spaced that heat flux is the double partial, right? It would be u_xx. Then why arent they balancing the time rate of change with the flux? Isnt it correct to say time rate of change of heat equals net heat flux plus source?
  • #10
joshmccraney said:
Yes, I've had be of calculus and am very familiar with del, used for curl, divergence, and gradient.

And I totally spaced that heat flux is the double partial, right? It would be u_xx. Then why arent they balancing the time rate of change with the flux? Isnt it correct to say time rate of change of heat equals net heat flux plus source?
Heat flux is not second partial; it is determined by the first partials of temperature T. The heat flux vector is given by:
[tex]\vec{h}=-k\vec{\triangledown} T[/tex]
Thus, the heat flux vector is directed opposite to the temperature gradient vector.
For your rod problem, this equation reduces to:
[tex]\vec{h}=-k\frac{\partial T}{\partial x}\vec{i}_x[/tex]
where ##\vec{i}_x## is the unit vector in the x direction. To get the rate of heat flow into the rod at either x = 0 or x = L, you dot the heat flux vector with an inwardly directed normal to the rod at that location, and then multiply by the cross sectional area A. At x = 0, the inwardly directed normal to the rod is ##+\vec{i}_x##, while, at x = L, the inwardly directed normal to the rod is ##-\vec{i}_x##. So the rate of heat flow into the rod at x = 0 is:
[tex]Q(0)=-kA\frac{\partial T}{\partial x}\vec{i}_x \centerdot \vec{i}_x=-kA\frac{\partial T}{\partial x}[/tex]
Similarly, the rate of heat flow into the rod at x = L is given by:
[tex]Q(L)=-kA\frac{\partial T}{\partial x}\vec{i}_x \centerdot (-\vec{i}_x)=+kA\frac{\partial T}{\partial x}[/tex]
Hope this makes sense.

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  • #11
Honestly, why can't you teach at my university and i just learn from you?? This makes SO MUCH SENSE! (Sorry, I know we're suppose to keep this site formal, but dang. Mind blowing!) You're the man!

FAQ: Understanding Heat Equation in Equilibrium and Energy Balance

1. What is the heat equation in equilibrium?

The heat equation in equilibrium is a mathematical expression that describes how temperature changes over time in a system that is not experiencing any external influences. It is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics and is used to understand how heat is transferred between different parts of a system.

2. How is the heat equation derived?

The heat equation is derived from the principles of conservation of energy and Fourier's law of heat conduction. It is a partial differential equation that relates the rate of change of temperature with respect to time to the rate of heat transfer within a system.

3. What is the importance of understanding the heat equation?

Understanding the heat equation is crucial for predicting and controlling the behavior of heat in various systems, such as in engineering, physics, and meteorology. It allows us to analyze and optimize heat transfer processes, design efficient heating and cooling systems, and study the thermal properties of materials.

4. What is energy balance in relation to the heat equation?

Energy balance is the principle that states that the total amount of energy in a system remains constant over time. In the context of the heat equation, it means that the amount of energy transferred into a system must equal the amount of energy transferred out of the system, in order for the system to be in equilibrium.

5. How is the heat equation used in real-world applications?

The heat equation is used in a wide range of real-world applications, including designing efficient heating and cooling systems for buildings, predicting and modeling weather patterns, analyzing heat transfer in industrial processes, and understanding the thermal properties of materials in engineering and materials science.
