Understanding Interference and Energy in Monochromatic Light Sources

In summary, when two light sources or antennas emit monochromatic waves with the same wavelength and amplitude but opposite phases, interference will occur and cancel out most of the waves. This means that the energy carried by the field will be greatly reduced, and in the case of two antennas, the net energy out of each antenna will be less due to absorption from the other antenna. However, this reduction in energy is not due to interference itself, but rather absorption by matter at the sources. In the absence of matter, the energy in the wave is conserved.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Suppose that we have two light sources emitting monochromatic light with the same wavelength and amplitude, but opposite phases. Suppose also that the distance between the light sources is small compared to the common wavelength (this is probably unrealistic, so we can instead consider two antenna emitting radio waves, with a small distance between them compared to the wavelength). This means that interference will cancel out most of the waves, only very little of them will be left (in the limit when the distance tends to 0, the waves will be completely cancelled). Since the energy is proportional to the square of the intensity of the field, this means that almost no energy will be carried by the field, despite that the energy emitted by the two sources should be twice the energy emitted by one of them if the other one was not present.

How can this be explained?
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  • #2
Erland said:
Suppose that we have two light sources emitting monochromatic light with the same wavelength and amplitude, but opposite phases. Suppose also that the distance between the light sources is small compared to the common wavelength (this is probably unrealistic, so we can instead consider two antenna emitting radio waves, with a small distance between them compared to the wavelength). This means that interference will cancel out most of the waves, only very little of them will be left (in the limit when the distance tends to 0, the waves will be completely cancelled). Since the energy is proportional to the square of the intensity of the field, this means that almost no energy will be carried by the field, despite that the energy emitted by the two sources should be twice the energy emitted by one of them if the other one was not present.

How can this be explained?

Two wave pulses will simply pass through each other and continue on afterward. When a pulse encounters another pulse there will be some interference as they pass through each other. But they will keep going afterward. There will not be perfect interference, however, because the pulses cannot be monochromatic. They are made up of a range of frequencies.

I am not the person to ask, but I expect that a better answer involves principles of quantum electrodynamics.

While electromagnetic waves appear in the macroscopic world, at the quantum level the energy is in the form of photons. So I think the question should be: what happens when two otherwise identical photons collide head-on? You might ask that question in the Quantum Physics forum.

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  • #3
Erland said:
Suppose that we have two light sources emitting monochromatic light with the same wavelength and amplitude, but opposite phases. Suppose also that the distance between the light sources is small compared to the common wavelength (this is probably unrealistic, so we can instead consider two antenna emitting radio waves, with a small distance between them compared to the wavelength). This means that interference will cancel out most of the waves, only very little of them will be left (in the limit when the distance tends to 0, the waves will be completely cancelled). Since the energy is proportional to the square of the intensity of the field, this means that almost no energy will be carried by the field, despite that the energy emitted by the two sources should be twice the energy emitted by one of them if the other one was not present.

How can this be explained?
The same thing which makes the antenna a good emitter of RF also makes it a good absorber of RF. So the net energy out of each antenna will be less with the other antenna since it will be emitting the same energy as before but also absorbing energy from the other antenna for less net energy.

Note, the reduction in total energy is NOT due to interference, it is due to absorption. Interference does not reduce energy at all, but your scenario involves more than just interference.
  • #4
DaleSpam said:
Interference does not reduce energy at all
Is this really correct?

Suppose that we have two monochromatic spherical waves with the same wavelengths and amplitudes, but opposite phases, propagating from two points with distance h between them. Then, it is not difficult to prove that the magnitude of the field (or whatever it is), due to interference is ##O(h/r)## where ##r## is the distance from the field point to one of the points of origin for the waves. Since the magnitude for one of the waves is ##O(1/r)##, and the energy is proportional to the square of the magnitude, the energy is substantially reduced and in fact tends to ##0## at every point outside the originating points (this holds also for the surface integrals of the energy over spheres surrounding these origins) when ##h\to 0##.
  • #5
Erland said:
Is this really correct?

Suppose that we have two monochromatic spherical waves with the same wavelengths and amplitudes, but opposite phases, propagating from two points with distance h between them. Then, it is not difficult to prove that the magnitude of the field (or whatever it is), due to interference is ##O(h/r)## where ##r## is the distance from the field point to one of the points of origin for the waves. Since the magnitude for one of the waves is ##O(1/r)##, and the energy is proportional to the square of the magnitude, the energy is substantially reduced and in fact tends to ##0## at every point outside the originating points (this holds also for the surface integrals of the energy over spheres surrounding these origins) when ##h\to 0##.
Yes, but if you look at WHERE the energy is lost you will find that it is all lost at the points of origin. I.e. It is lost through absorption by matter at the sources, not through interference in free space.

In the absence of matter the energy in the wave is conserved, regardless of interference.
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  • #6
Tkanks DaleSpam, but I have two further questions:

1. In the case with the two antennas, what exactly will happen? If we assume that we are running both antennas at the same power, what happens with the energy they get from the electric power supply (which we assume is the source of energy here)? Is it lost as heat or does radiation from the other antenna create impedance so that the first antenna cannot be run at the intended power?

2. The energy density of the electromagnetic field is ##\frac 12(\epsilon |\bf {E}|^2 +\frac 1\mu |\bf {B}|^2)##. From what you say, it seems that this has nothing to do with where energy can be absorbed or emitted locally, but just is a function which gives the total energy if it is integrated over the entire space. Does this energy density have no other significance than this?
  • #7
Erland said:
1. In the case with the two antennas, what exactly will happen? If we assume that we are running both antennas at the same power, what happens with the energy they get from the electric power supply (which we assume is the source of energy here)? Is it lost as heat or does radiation from the other antenna create impedance so that the first antenna cannot be run at the intended power?
It depends on their mutual inductance and how well their impedances are matched. It could (most likely IMO) wind up as heating in the antenna structure, or it could potentially be seen at the power source in which case the power source could either store the energy or lose it to heat there.

Erland said:
2. The energy density of the electromagnetic field is ##\frac 12(\epsilon |\bf {E}|^2 +\frac 1\mu |\bf {B}|^2)##. From what you say, it seems that this has nothing to do with where energy can be absorbed or emitted locally, but just is a function which gives the total energy if it is integrated over the entire space. Does this energy density have no other significance than this?
I don't really see what you are trying to say. Obviously, you cannot absorb energy at some location if the density is zero there, and if you emit energy locally then the local density becomes non-zero. So I wouldn't say that it has nothing to do with it. But you are correct that integrating it over the whole space gives the total EM energy.
  • #8
QM dictates that the emission of photons from modes "suffering" from destructive interference is suppressed. This is the principle behind photonic crystals.


FAQ: Understanding Interference and Energy in Monochromatic Light Sources

1. What is interference in monochromatic light sources?

Interference in monochromatic light sources refers to the phenomenon where two or more light waves of the same wavelength overlap and either reinforce or cancel each other out. This results in patterns of light and dark fringes, known as interference patterns.

2. How does interference affect the energy of monochromatic light?

Interference does not change the energy of monochromatic light. The energy of each individual light wave remains the same, but the overall intensity of the light may be affected by the interference pattern.

3. What are the types of interference in monochromatic light sources?

There are two types of interference in monochromatic light sources: constructive interference and destructive interference. Constructive interference occurs when the light waves overlap and reinforce each other, resulting in a brighter spot. Destructive interference occurs when the light waves cancel each other out, resulting in a darker spot.

4. How is interference used in practical applications?

Interference is commonly used in practical applications such as spectroscopy, interferometry, and holography. In spectroscopy, interference is used to analyze the properties of light and to identify different substances based on their unique interference patterns. In interferometry, interference is used to measure small displacements and distances with high precision. In holography, interference is used to create three-dimensional images.

5. How does the wavelength of light affect interference patterns?

The wavelength of light has a direct impact on interference patterns. Interference patterns are more distinct and visible when the light waves have a shorter wavelength, such as in the case of blue or violet light. Longer wavelength light, such as red or orange light, may produce less defined interference patterns.
