Understanding Internal Energy: Kinetic Theory and the Law of Equipartition

In summary, internal energy at a specific state cannot be calculated directly, but can be determined through the kinetic theory of gases and the law of equipartition of energy. The average kinetic energy is directly proportional to temperature, and for an ideal gas, internal energy is solely due to kinetic energy, with potential energy being negligible. The equation for internal energy is U=(f/2)RT, where f is the number of degrees of freedom. However, the absolute internal energy of a material cannot be determined, as it is always relative to a reference point. In the kinetic theory of gases, this reference point is not explicitly considered, but in reality, internal energy also includes molecular interactions and other variables such as volume and entropy for real gases.
  • #1
Internal energy at a specific state can't be calculated but by kinetic theory of gases and law of equipartition of energy Average kinetic energy is directly proportional to temperature.And for an ideal gas internal energy is due to kinetic energy only for an ideal gas potential energy can be neglected It means internal energy is a function of temperature only. It gives equation
KE=(3/2)RT it is for monoatomic gas (from kinetic theory of gases)
U=(f/2)RT from law of equipartition of energy
Here f is no. Of degrees of freedom
so why can't we find internal energy at a particular state?
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  • #2
Internal energy at a specific state can't be calculated
Why do you think that?
  • #3
mfb said:
Why do you think that?
Because what we calculate the most is change in internal energy but not internal energy at a specific state
  • #4
Are you asking why one can't determine the absolute internal energy of a material?
  • #5
Because what we calculate the most is change in internal energy but not internal energy at a specific state
The total energy does not matter (unless you consider general relativity). You can calculate it, but there is no point in it.
  • #6
Chestermiller said:
Are you asking why one can't determine the absolute internal energy of a material?
And we always talk only change in internal energy
But U=(f/2)RT from law of equipartition of energy so why can't we determine absolute internal energy
  • #7
mfb said:
The total energy does not matter (unless you consider general relativity). You can calculate it, but there is no point in it.
Can't we calculate internal energy at a state by using law of equipartition of energy U=(f/2)RT
  • #8
Can't we calculate internal energy at a state by using law of equipartition of energy U=(f/2)RT
That is the internal energy relative to some reference point which gets defined as 0 internal energy.
  • #9
mfb said:
That is the internal energy relative to some reference point which gets defined as 0 internal energy.
What is that reference point ?
  • #10
U=0 corresponds to T=0 in your equation.
  • #11

Does your equation for internal energy include chemical bond energies of polyatomic molecules? How about latent heat effects of fusion and vaporization? What about the effect of temperature on heat capacity?
  • #12
mfb said:
U=0 corresponds to T=0 in your equation.
But in kinetic theory of gases we took absolute terms only like temperature , pressure
Where this reference point is considered in kinetic theory of gases and law of equipartition of energy
  • #13
Chestermiller said:

Does your equation for internal energy include chemical bond energies of polyatomic molecules? How about latent heat effects of fusion and vaporization? What about the effect of temperature on heat capacity?
But in kinetic theory of gases we don't consider molecular interactions
  • #14
But in kinetic theory of gases we don't consider molecular interactions
But that is a feature of real gases.
  • #15
Chestermiller said:
But that is a feature of real gases.
Yes but kinetic theory of gases strictly defined for ideal gases
And internal energy for real gases are different from ideal gases.I mean it is not only a function of temperature but with some variables like volume ,entropy
  • #16
Yes but kinetic theory of gases strictly defined for ideal gases
And internal energy for real gases are different from ideal gases.I mean it is not only a function of temperature but with some variables like volume ,entropy
Yes. So? What exactly are you asking? As a PF expert on thermo, I'm having trouble understanding your issue. Can you please restate it more precisely?

FAQ: Understanding Internal Energy: Kinetic Theory and the Law of Equipartition

1. What is internal energy?

Internal energy is the total energy of a system due to the motion and interactions of its particles. It includes both the kinetic energy of the particles (due to their motion) and the potential energy of the particles (due to their interactions).

2. What is the kinetic theory of gases?

The kinetic theory of gases is a model that explains the behavior of gases based on the motion of its particles. It states that gas particles are in constant, random motion and that the temperature of a gas is directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of its particles.

3. What is the law of equipartition of energy?

The law of equipartition of energy states that in thermal equilibrium, the total energy of a system is equally distributed among all of its degrees of freedom. This means that each degree of freedom (such as translation, rotation, or vibration) has an equal share of the total energy.

4. How does the kinetic theory relate to the law of equipartition?

The kinetic theory of gases is based on the assumption that gas particles have multiple degrees of freedom, such as translational, rotational, and vibrational motion. According to the law of equipartition, each of these degrees of freedom would have an equal share of the total energy in thermal equilibrium.

5. How is internal energy affected by changes in temperature and pressure?

According to the ideal gas law, internal energy is directly proportional to temperature and pressure. This means that as temperature and pressure increase, the average kinetic energy of the particles (and therefore the internal energy) also increases. However, this relationship does not hold true for all systems and may vary depending on the specific conditions.

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