Understanding Jensen's Inequality: Equal Conditions

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  • Thread starter Steve Zissou
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In summary, Jensen's inequality states that for a convex function f(x), the expected value of f(x) is always less than or equal to the expected value of f(E(x)). This inequality can only be equal if the function f(x) is both convex and concave, which means it is a linear function. This holds for all probability distributions, making it a strong condition.
  • #1
Steve Zissou
Hello all,

Jensen's inequality says that for some random x,
if f(x) is convex.
Is there any generality that might help specify under what circumstances this inequality is...equal?

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  • #2
Steve Zissou said:
Hello all,

Jensen's inequality says that for some random x,
if f(x) is convex.
Is there any generality that might help specify under what circumstances this inequality is...equal?

If a real function ##f : \mathbb{R} \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}## satisfies ## f \left( \int_{0}^{1} \mu \, d x \right) \leq \int_{0}^{1} (f \circ \mu) \, d x ## for all bounded, Lebesgue measurable functions ##\mu \colon [0,1]\to \mathbb {R}## then ##f## is convex. So if equality holds, ##f## is also concave (application on ##-f##). The only functions which are both are linear functions, which in return satisfy the equation.
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  • #3
Wow, thanks for the quick reply fresh 42!
However I'm not entirely sure I understand your math notation. In what sense do we mean f(x) can only be "linear?"
Thanks again for helping me.
  • #4
For linear functions the equality holds: ##f(E(x)) = f(\int \mu dx) = \int (f \circ \mu ) dx = E(f(x)##.

So the question is: Can we conclude, that if the equality holds, then ##f## has to be linear?

So let us assume the equality. The theorem I quoted says, that under certain conditions, we can conclude that the inequality implies convexity. Then the inequality in the other direction (which we have by the assumption of equality) implies convexity of ##-f##. But if ##f## and ##-f## both are convex, then ##f## is linear. So all examples of ##f## which fulfill this additional condition on functions ##\mu ## that also fulfill the equality have to be necessarily linear. For expectation values we have a the probability density function which is bounded and Lebesgue measurable, so the additional condition for ##\mu ## holds.

This means in your example of Jensen's inequality, equality holds if and only if ##f## is linear.

The in ##E(.)## hidden condition "for all probability distributions" is quite strong.
  • #5
Ok fresh_42 let me see if I understand:
Convex case:
Concave case:
...so we're saying the only way to get the equality to hold is that both inequalities are true simultaneously. That means if the function f(x) is both convex and concave, which means it is a linear function.
Do I have it right?
Again, thanks a million!
  • #6
Steve Zissou said:
Ok fresh_42 let me see if I understand:
Convex case:
Concave case:
...so we're saying the only way to get the equality to hold is that both inequalities are true simultaneously. That means if the function f(x) is both convex and concave, which means it is a linear function.
Do I have it right?
Again, thanks a million!
Yes. That's always true: ##A = B \Longleftrightarrow A \leq B \textrm{ and } A \geq B \Longleftrightarrow A \leq B \textrm{ and } -A \leq -B##.
So if ##f(E(x))=E(f(x))## for all possible probability distributions, we can apply the reversal of Jensen's inequality and get convexity for ##f## and ##-f##. ##-f## convex means ##f## is concave (and vice versa). So ##f## is both, which is only possible, if ##f## is linear.

You can also get the result for finite dimensions and discrete random variables from:
##f(\sum x_i \lambda_i) = \sum f(x_i) \lambda_i \;\; \forall_{x_i\, , \,\lambda_i} \,:\,\sum \lambda_i = 1 \Longrightarrow f(\lambda_1 x_1 + (1-\lambda_1)x_2)=\lambda_1 f(x_1) + (1-\lambda_1)f(x_2)## and a little algebra with the condition of arbitrary ##x_i## and arbitrary probabilities ##\lambda_i##. As i said: for all probability distributions is pretty strong.
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FAQ: Understanding Jensen's Inequality: Equal Conditions

1. What is Jensen's Inequality?

Jensen's Inequality is a mathematical concept that states that the average of a convex function is always greater than or equal to the function of the average. In other words, it describes the relationship between the average of a function and the function of the average.

2. How is Jensen's Inequality used in science?

Jensen's Inequality is commonly used in statistics and probability to prove important theorems and inequalities. It is also used in economics, finance, and other fields to analyze data and make predictions.

3. What are the equal conditions for Jensen's Inequality?

The equal conditions for Jensen's Inequality are: 1) the function f must be convex, 2) the random variable X must be integrable, and 3) the expected value of X must be finite.

4. Can Jensen's Inequality be applied to any type of function?

No, Jensen's Inequality is only applicable to convex functions. This means that the function must be a curve that is always above its tangent lines and has no "dips". Examples of convex functions include exponential, logarithmic, and quadratic functions.

5. What are the practical applications of Jensen's Inequality?

Jensen's Inequality has many practical applications in fields such as economics, finance, and data analysis. It can be used to prove important theorems, make predictions, and analyze data. For example, it is used in portfolio optimization to minimize risk and maximize returns, and in machine learning algorithms to improve accuracy and efficiency.

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