Understanding Kaon Notations on Chart Before Standard Model

In summary, the conversation discussed the notation for Kaons and its relation to charge and particle identification. The subscript and superscript denote the mass and charge eigenstates of Kaons. C violation and the concept of eigenstates were also mentioned in relation to neutral mesons. C violation occurs when the Hamiltonian operator does not commute with the charge conjugate operator, leading to mixing between Kaon eigenstates. An eigenstate is a solution to the eigenvalue-eigenstate equation and is important in understanding quantum mechanics.
  • #1
I was looking at this old chart (before the standard model was completed) and this thing with Kaon notations was confusing. So I understand that the top right number on a particle denotes charge, but what is subscript? Does that denote the number, as in which exact particle it refers to? Because it was regarding Kaon decay stuff, which had to do with more than one Kaon.
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  • #2
Its possible its the mass, unless you have the chart handy or an example of the numbers I can't help much.

If you look at the pdg :


down some are the Kaons. Here
##K_S## = K - Short (in terms of lifetime, due to mixing)
##K_L## = K - Long (in terms of lifetime, due to mixing)
##K_1(1270)## means that it has J=1, and is an excited state with a mass near 1270.
  • #3
CookieSalesman said:
I was looking at this old chart (before the standard model was completed) and this thing with Kaon notations was confusing. So I understand that the top right number on a particle denotes charge, but what is subscript? Does that denote the number, as in which exact particle it refers to? Because it was regarding Kaon decay stuff, which had to do with more than one Kaon.
Can you show the example from the old chart?
  • #4
Yes, the old chart looked like...
Mesons were listed, and the Kaons were split into three
The top where the negative Kaon equaled the positive Kaon, and following that, MeV rest mass and lifetime, etc, and decay modes.

Then, the neutral K and anti-K were in one category. On the top row was K0 and on the bottom was K0 (With a line over the K, to denote antiparticle

To the right of those two, was K01 (498 rest mass, .7e-10 lifetime) and below that was K02 (498 rest mass, .4e-8 lifetime).

The subscript and superscript are a bit messed up in the post, but on the picture were directly on top of each other.(It went from left to right)
Sorry if the wording made visuals confusing.I'm pretty sure Kaon 1 was just the normal neutral Kaon
And I'm pretty sure Kaon 2 was just the anti-neutral, right?
  • #5
"I'm pretty sure Kaon 1 was just the normal neutral Kaon
And I'm pretty sure Kaon 2 was just the anti-neutral, right? "

No. K##^0_1## and K##^0_2## are C=+1 and C=-1 eigenstates.
With C violation, they mix into two mass eigenstates with pure lifetimes (until CP violation)
called K##_S## and K##_L##.
  • #6

What is an eigenstate?

And... sorry what is C violation or the rest?
Sorry, I have no idea...
  • #7
Neutral mesons are a bit tricky.

You can take a strange-quark and an anti-down quark to form a kaon. This has a well-defined quark content (because we used this as definition), and you can also consider its antiparticle. Those particles can change into each other over time - a kaon becoming an antikaon and vice versa. If you write down this time-evolution in quantum mechanics, you can find a way to give two states that do not oscillate in that way - superpositions of "kaon and antikaon". Those are (approximately) called KS (S=short because it has a short lifetime) and KL (L=long).
  • #8
an eigenstate is ... well without knowing what eigenstate is, I'd recommend you start from quantum physics [or even classical mehanics] before going to particle physics. The eigenstates [itex]u[/itex] of an operator [itex]\hat{A}[/itex] are the "solutions" of the eigenvalue-eigenstate equation:
[itex] \hat{A} u = \alpha u [/itex]
Where [itex]\alpha[/itex] is called eigenvalue.
In your case, the two kaons [itex]K_{1,2}[/itex] are C=+1,-1 eigenstates means that when the charge conjugate operator C acts on them, you will get +1 or -1 eigenvalues:
[itex] \hat{C} K_{1} = + K_{1}[/itex]
[itex] \hat{C} K_{2}= - K_{2} [/itex]
Now C violation means that C cannot be conserved [is not a symmetry anymore].. For that means that the Hamiltonian operator [which gives the evolution of your states] doesn't commute with the C operator [itex] [H,C] \ne 0 [/itex], thus there can be a mixing between the [itex]K_{1,2}[/itex] with time.. However you can find some linear expression with them which won't be a eigenstate of C anymore [but a superposition] but will remain fixed with time [they won't oscillate between each other].

Related to Understanding Kaon Notations on Chart Before Standard Model

1. What is the significance of Kaon notations on charts before the Standard Model?

Kaons, also known as K-mesons, are subatomic particles that have played a crucial role in the development of the Standard Model of particle physics. Before the Standard Model was established, scientists used Kaon notations on charts to understand the fundamental particles and their interactions.

2. How are Kaons represented on charts before the Standard Model?

Kaon notations on charts before the Standard Model typically consist of a letter K followed by a subscript number, indicating the type of Kaon. For example, the notation KL represents the long-lived Kaon, while KS represents the short-lived Kaon.

3. What is the role of Kaons in the Standard Model?

Kaons are considered as one of the six quarks in the Standard Model, along with up, down, charm, strange, and top quarks. They are also important in understanding the phenomenon of CP violation, which explains the dominance of matter over antimatter in the universe.

4. How do Kaons decay and what does it tell us about the Standard Model?

Kaons are unstable particles and decay into other particles through the weak interaction. The different decay modes of Kaons and their branching ratios provide valuable information about the Standard Model and its predictions for particle interactions.

5. How has the understanding of Kaons changed since the development of the Standard Model?

The Standard Model has greatly improved our understanding of Kaons and their role in particle physics. It has also led to the discovery of new types of Kaons, such as the bottom and top Kaons, and has provided a more precise explanation for their decay modes and properties.

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