Understanding Kepler's Laws and Parallax in Astronomy

In summary, Kepler's second law states that a planet will move quicker when it is closer to the star and slower when it is further away due to conservation of angular momentum. Parallax can be understood by observing the movement of an object against a background and using trigonometry to calculate its distance based on the angles measured.
  • #1
I have been reading into Kepler's laws lately because I am absolutely intrigued by space and the cosmos, but the second one about equal time and equal areas doesn't quite make sense on wikipedia or the physics textbook (Giancoli 3rd Edition i believe)...
and can someone help me understand parallax a little better? its a little confusing
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Parallax can be understood by a simple trick I was told when I was first learning about it. If you hold your finger out at arms length upright and alternately open and close each eye you can see your finger appears to move against the background. If you move your finger closer to your eyes and try it again you will notice it appears to move a greater distance on the background. We can measure the distance to the few hundred nearest stars by a similar principle. As the Earth orbits about the sun the star you are measuring appears to move wrt the background stars that are further away. If you observe for a year you can see how far it moves wrt the background stars and thus how far away it is from the Earth.

With regards to Kepler's 2nd law all it implies is that the planet moves quicker when closest to the star and slower when its further away. This is because the orbit is elliptical and the force between the planet and the star is stronger when the two are closer and weaker when the two are farther away. I'm not sure how much more I could add to that.
  • #3
ok thanks for the kepler thing that helps a lot :)
But parallax? i get the bit about how the star moves in relation to the background, so how do they calculate how far it is?
  • #4
Draw a triangle and calculate the distance based on the angles you just measured and the distance to the known object.
  • #5
so the base of the triangle is 1AU, that's ok, the right angle is at the sun's corner? we have the angle to the star - so its all trigonometry now?
  • #6
Wellsi said:
I have been reading into Kepler's laws lately because I am absolutely intrigued by space and the cosmos, but the second one about equal time and equal areas doesn't quite make sense on wikipedia or the physics textbook (Giancoli 3rd Edition i believe)...

Kepler's second law is basically a statement of conservation of angular momentum. In general, this will be:

[tex]\vec{L}=m\vec{r}\times \vec{v}[/tex]

As the planet gets closer to the sun, its speed increases and its radius decreases. The area swept out per unit length is smaller when closer to the star, but the fact that it's moving faster compensates, keeping the area swept per unit time constant.

That's a very crude explanation, but should give the general picture.
  • #7
Wellsi said:
so the base of the triangle is 1AU, that's ok, the right angle is at the sun's corner? we have the angle to the star - so its all trigonometry now?
Yep, you got it...

FAQ: Understanding Kepler's Laws and Parallax in Astronomy

1. What are Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion?

Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion are three scientific laws that describe the motion of planets in our solar system. They were developed by the astronomer Johannes Kepler in the early 17th century. The laws are based on observations made by Kepler and are considered fundamental to our understanding of planetary motion.

2. What is the first law of Kepler's Laws?

The first law, also known as the Law of Ellipses, states that the orbit of a planet around the sun is an ellipse with the sun at one of the two foci. This means that the distance between the planet and the sun varies throughout its orbit, with the closest point being the perihelion and the farthest point being the aphelion.

3. How does the second law of Kepler's Laws explain the speed of planets?

The second law, also known as the Law of Equal Areas, states that a line connecting a planet to the sun will sweep out equal areas in equal times. This means that a planet moves faster when it is closer to the sun and slower when it is farther away. This explains why planets move faster in their orbits when they are closer to the sun.

4. What is parallax in astronomy?

Parallax is the apparent shift in the position of an object when viewed from different angles. In astronomy, it is used to measure the distance of stars and other celestial objects. By measuring the angle of parallax, scientists can calculate the distance of an object using trigonometry.

5. How is parallax used to measure the distance of stars?

To measure the distance of a star using parallax, astronomers take measurements of the star's position at two different times when the Earth is at opposite points in its orbit around the sun. By measuring the angle of parallax between these two points, scientists can calculate the distance of the star using the known distance between the two observation points (the baseline).

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