Understanding Least Upper Bound & Greatest Lower Bound in Q+

In summary, Rudin is explaining that the set A, defined as {p in Q | p^2 < 2}, has no least upper bound in the set of rational numbers. This is because no rational number can be an upper bound of A, and the set B, defined as {p in Q | p^2 > 2}, has no smallest element. This means that no rational number can be a least upper bound of A in the set of rational numbers.
  • #1
Hey guys,

I'm puzzling a bit over an example I read in Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis. He has just defined least upper bound in the section I am reading, and now he wants to give an example of what he means. So the argument goes like this:

Consider the set A, where A = {p} s.t. p2 < 2 and p [itex]\in Q+[/itex] the set B, where B = {p} s.t. p2 > 2 and p is the same as above.

Now let A [itex]\subset Q[/itex] and B [itex]\subset Q[/itex], where Q is the ordered set of all rational numbers. He says that A has no least upper bound and B has no greatest lower bound.

I do not see why.

If I consider A by itself a subset of Q, then I think 2 = sup A, and B by itself a sub set of Q, 2 = inf B.

I could see that if we are talking about the set A AND B, then there is no sup A, if A [itex]\subset A AND B[/itex], because he just proved that there is no least element of B and no greatest element of A, and so it follows there is could be neither sup A nor inf B in this case.

But he states to consider A and B as subsets of Q.

Any help clarifying this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Also, sorry if this is in the wrong place; not sure where it goes, so I figured general math would be best.
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  • #2
He defines ##A=\{p\in\mathbb Q|p^2<2\}## and says that this set has no largest element. He then says that A has no least upper bound in ##\mathbb Q##. You say that 2 should be the least upper bound, but that's clearly not true, since (for example) 1.5 is an upper bound of A that's less than 2. The least upper bound of A in ##\mathbb R## is the irrational number ##\sqrt 2##.

What Rudin is trying to explain is that no rational number can be a least upper bound of A. He defines ##B=\{p\in\mathbb Q|p^2>2\}## and points out two things: 1. A rational number M is an upper bound of A, if and only if it's an element of B. 2. B doesn't have a smallest element. These two things together imply that no rational number can be the least upper bound of A.

Now regarding the notations of "upper bound in X" vs. "upper bound in Y", where X is a subset of Y, recall that the definition of "upper bound" involves a specific ordering relation. If S is a subset of X (which is still a subset of Y), no element of Y is "an upper bound of S, period". It can be an upper bound of S with respect to the ordering relation on X, or an upper bound of S with respect to the ordering relation on Y. Only an element of X can be an upper bound of S with respect to the ordering relation on X.

In the case of ##\mathbb Q## and ##\mathbb R##, we can't just say "with respect to ≤", because that symbol is used both for the ordering relation on ##\mathbb Q## and the ordering relation on ##\mathbb R##. So we use phrases like "upper bound in ##\mathbb Q##" to shorten the phrase "upper bound with respect to the ordering relation on ##\mathbb Q##".
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FAQ: Understanding Least Upper Bound & Greatest Lower Bound in Q+

1. What is the definition of Least Upper Bound (LUB) and Greatest Lower Bound (GLB) in Q+?

The Least Upper Bound (LUB) in Q+ is the smallest number that is greater than or equal to all the numbers in a given set of rational numbers. Similarly, the Greatest Lower Bound (GLB) in Q+ is the largest number that is less than or equal to all the numbers in a set of rational numbers.

2. How are LUB and GLB related to each other in Q+?

In Q+, the LUB and GLB are two distinct but related concepts. While the LUB is the smallest upper bound, the GLB is the largest lower bound. In other words, the LUB is always greater than or equal to the GLB.

3. What is the significance of LUB and GLB in Q+?

The LUB and GLB are important concepts in the mathematical field of real analysis. They help in defining the completeness of a set of rational numbers, and are essential in proving the existence of limits and supremums of sequences. They also play a crucial role in defining the concept of continuity in calculus.

4. Can LUB and GLB exist in a set of irrational numbers?

No, LUB and GLB can only exist in a set of rational numbers. This is because irrational numbers are uncountable and do not have a defined order, making it impossible to determine the smallest upper bound or largest lower bound.

5. How do you find the LUB and GLB of a set of rational numbers in Q+?

To find the LUB and GLB of a set of rational numbers in Q+, you can follow these steps:

  1. Arrange the numbers in the set in ascending order.
  2. If the set has a smallest number, it is the GLB. If not, the GLB is the greatest number that is less than all the numbers in the set.
  3. If the set has a largest number, it is the LUB. If not, the LUB is the smallest number that is greater than all the numbers in the set.

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