Understanding Limits at Infinity: Conceptual Difficulties

In summary, the limit of 4x/5x as x approaches infinity is 4/5. The expression \frac{\infty}{\infty} is indeterminate, but L'Hopital's rule can be used to evaluate the limit. The definition of limit at infinity states that for any positive epsilon, there exists a corresponding value of x at which the difference between the function and the limit is less than epsilon. Therefore, the limit is a finite number and not infinity. It is also important to note that the limit refers to the value of the function as x approaches infinity, not the value of the function when x is set to infinity.
  • #1
so i understand how to resolve a limit at x->oo, but from a conceptual standpoint, i do not get it. for example,
limit x->oo, 4x/5x
so the answer is 4/5, but oo/oo is an indeterminate expression
i understand that if i treat x as a variable, then it makes sense, but still
if the example was 4x/5x and i said that x was infinity, then there would be no answer.
in addition
4*oo = 5*oo = oo
so following that method, it would return one as the answer every time there were the same exponents on the x (so in other words, a*x/(b*x)

can someone please explain this to me?
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  • #2
For every non-zero value of x, 4x/(5x) = 4/5.
An indeterminate expression is one for which further analysis of the components is necessary. It does not imply that the limit does not exist.
  • #3
Since [itex] \frac{\infty}{\infty}[/itex] is indeterminate, you can use L'Hopital's rule which says that [itex]\lim_{x \to a} \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} = \lim_{x \to a} \frac{f'(x)}{g'(x)}[/itex] iff [itex]\lim_{x \to a} \frac{f(x)}{g(x)}[/itex] is interterminate in the form [itex] \frac{0}{0}[/itex] or [itex]\frac{\infty}{\infty}[/itex] and [itex]\lim_{x \to a} \frac{f'(x)}{g'(x)}[/itex] exists. [itex] \lim_{x \to \infty} \frac{4x}{5x} = \lim_{x \to \infty} \frac{(4x)'}{(5x)'} = \lim_{x \to \infty} \frac{4}{5} = \frac{4}{5}[/itex]

Of course, that's not necessary because you can simply cancel the x's, but it's useful if you run into things like these.
  • #4
can you prove that?
  • #5
Prove what, L'Hopital's rule? Tedious, but the proof is found in any Calculus textbook.

For this simple problem, it is better to note that in the definition of "limit at infinity",
"[itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow \infty} f(x)= L[/itex] if and only if, for any [itex]\epsilon> 0[/itex], there exist N such that whenever x > N, |f(x)- L|<[itex]\epsilon[/itex]"
x is always a real number- you never "set x= infinity". For any real number x, other than 0, 4x/5x= 4/5 so |4x/5x- 4/5|= |4/5- 4/5|= 0 which is less than any positive [itex]\epsilon[/itex].

It is also interesting to note that, although setting x= 0 gives an "indeterminant", the limit there is also 4/5. For finite a, the definition of limit is
"[itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} f(x)= L[/itex] if and only if for any [itex]\epsilon> 0[/itex] there exist [itex]\delta> 0[/itex] such that if [itex]0< |x- a|< \delta[/itex], then [itex]|f(a)- L|< \epsilon[/itex]."

Notice that "0< |x- a|". What happens AT x= a is irrelevant. for all x such that 0< x, 4x/5x= 4/5 so 4/5 is the limit.
  • #6
soandos said:
if the example was 4x/5x and i said that x was infinity, then there would be no answer.

That's why the question is "what is the limit of the expression as x approaches infinity", not "what is the value of this expression evaluated at x = infinity".
  • #7
related, but is limit x->oo a finite number?
  • #8
soandos said:
related, but is limit x->oo a finite number?
Limit of what function? It has already been made clear that the limit, as x goes to infinity of the particular expression here, 4x/5x, is 4/5. If it were instead (4x+ 5)/(5x- 2) the limit would still be 4/5. If it were 4/5x, the limit would be 0. If it were 4x/5, then there would be no limit.

(Strictly speaking, because the limit must be a real number, ANY limit is a finite number. We should say "the limit does not exist" rather than "the limit is infinity". (Some textbooks use the phrase "diverges to infinity".)

Related to Understanding Limits at Infinity: Conceptual Difficulties

1. What is the definition of a limit at infinity?

A limit at infinity refers to the behavior of a function as the input variable approaches positive or negative infinity. It is a way of describing how a function behaves at extremely large (or small) values of the input variable.

2. Why do we study limits at infinity?

Limits at infinity are important because they help us understand the long-term behavior of a function. They also allow us to make predictions about the behavior of a function when its input variable becomes extremely large or small.

3. What are some common misconceptions about limits at infinity?

One common misconception is that a limit at infinity means the function will approach a specific value at infinity. In reality, the limit at infinity can be a finite value, infinity, or negative infinity, depending on the behavior of the function.

Another misconception is that a function has a limit at infinity if it approaches a value at a specific point. However, a limit at infinity only exists if the function approaches a value as the input variable approaches infinity.

4. How can we determine if a function has a limit at infinity?

We can determine if a function has a limit at infinity by analyzing its behavior as the input variable approaches infinity. If the function approaches a finite value, infinity, or negative infinity as the input variable increases without bound, then the function has a limit at infinity.

5. Are there any rules for evaluating limits at infinity?

Yes, there are rules for evaluating limits at infinity. For example, if a rational function has a higher degree in the numerator than in the denominator, the limit at infinity will be infinity or negative infinity depending on the leading coefficients. Additionally, we can use L'Hôpital's rule to evaluate limits at infinity for certain indeterminate forms.

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