Understanding Linear Algebra Basics: Finding a Basis for a Subspace in F^3

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of basis in vector spaces. The main idea is that any element in a vector space can be represented as a linear combination of the basis vectors. The conversation also mentions the specific example of a subspace and how it can be represented by a plane through the origin. The conversation also discusses the general equation of a plane and its connection to vector spaces. The conversation ends with a question about the basis for F^3 and the clarification that F is a field, which is the same as the set of real numbers.
  • #1
Hello... I am doing this problem with basis. Infact, I am having a lot of problems understanding basis, i did every question in the textbook and I still get seem to understand the idea of it.

So i was hoping somebody can help me with the whole idea about it.

Say, for example, how would i go abouts a question like this:

--Let F be a field and let V = F^3. Let
W = {(a1 a2 a3) E F^3 / 2a1 - a2 - a3 = 0 }

Find a basis for W --

If a question like that came on a test, id fail it - sad to say. It would also be good if somebody knows a good website or has sameple tests that covers this mataril so that i may get used to it.

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  • #2
so any element in W can be represented like so:

w = (a1, a2, a3), where a1, a2, and a3 are arbitrary.

but W has the additional restriction that a1 = 1/2 (a2 + a3).


w= ( 1/2 (a2+a3), a2, a3).

w = a2 ( 1/2, 1, 0) + a3 (1/2, 0, 1). (it's easy to see that this is the same as above.)


w = span{(1/2, 1, 0), (1/2, 0, 1)}.

and that set {(1/2, 1, 0), (1/2, 0, 1)} is our basis.

ah, i miss these problems!
  • #3
Keep in mind that the above is not the only basis.

Also, notice that the given vector space is nothing but a (generalization of a) plane through the origin in [itex]\mathbb{R}^3[/itex]. Any pair of vectors in the plane will serve as a basis.
  • #4
Hey.. i was just wondering about Brad Barkers post above...

he said that a1 = 1/2 (a2 + a3).

well.. shouldn't it be a1 = 1/2 (a2 - a3) ?

Does it make a difference?
  • #5
No, you said "2a1 - a2 -a3 = 0"

That gives 2a1 = a2 + a3
  • #6
oh that was my silly mistake.. but either way.. i still learned something :)
  • #7
Hey... what about the subspace...

U = (a+b+c=0/ a b c is in the Real Numbers)

How would you show the span of that.

Also, the comment Gokul43201 made, about the basis being the plane through the origin, how did he know that? I mean its a plane because of the two vectors, but how did he know that its through the origin?
  • #8
rad0786 said:
Also, the comment Gokul43201 made, about the basis being the plane through the origin, how did he know that? I mean its a plane because of the two vectors, but how did he know that its through the origin?

The general equation of a plane is [itex]Ax+By+Cz = D[/itex].
[itex]D = 0 \Longleftrightarrow[/itex] the plane goes through the origin.
  • #9
"and that set {(1/2, 1, 0), (1/2, 0, 1)} is our basis." Can that be a Basis for F^3? what is F (Feild)? isn't that the same as R, like R^3
  • #10
iNCREDiBLE said:
The general equation of a plane is [itex]Ax+By+Cz = D[/itex].
[itex]D = 0 \Longleftrightarrow[/itex] the plane goes through the origin.
Also, for a plane to constitute a vector space with the usual vector addition, it must pass through the origin, since this point is the additive identity element.

FAQ: Understanding Linear Algebra Basics: Finding a Basis for a Subspace in F^3

1. What is a basis in linear algebra?

A basis in linear algebra is a set of vectors that can be used to express any vector in a vector space. It is a fundamental concept in linear algebra and is used to define the dimension of a vector space.

2. How do you determine if a set of vectors is a basis?

To determine if a set of vectors is a basis, you can check if the vectors are linearly independent and span the entire vector space. This means that none of the vectors can be written as a linear combination of the other vectors and that the vectors can be used to express any vector in the vector space.

3. Can a vector space have multiple bases?

Yes, a vector space can have multiple bases. This is because there can be different combinations of linearly independent vectors that can be used to express any vector in the vector space.

4. How many vectors are needed to form a basis in a 3-dimensional vector space?

In a 3-dimensional vector space, you need at least 3 linearly independent vectors to form a basis. This is because the dimension of a vector space is equal to the number of vectors in the basis.

5. Can a basis contain zero vectors?

No, a basis cannot contain zero vectors. This is because a zero vector cannot be used to express any other vector in the vector space, and therefore, it cannot be a linearly independent vector in the basis.
