Understanding Luminosity,Brightness,Intensity,Flux

  • Thread starter Arman777
  • Start date
In summary, astronomers use luminosity, flux, and brightness to measure different aspects of a star. Luminosity is the total power output of a star, flux is the power passing through a sphere per second, and brightness is the flux per unit area. Intensity is the light passing through a steradian per second, and luminous intensity is the power emitted per unit solid angle from a point source or spherically symmetric source.
  • #1
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Gold Member
I am taking astrophysics course and we are constantly talking about Luminosity,Brightness,Intensity,Flux etc. I thought that I understand the idea properly but I see now that I dont.

Intensity is the light passing through a steradian per second


Luminosity is intensity per area


And Flux is the Luminosity per area ?

$$F= L/4\pi r^2$$

And brightness = Flux

Are these statements true ?

I am confusing these definitions and their meanings constantly. Can someone help me to understand it better.
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  • #2
Luminosity, according to wikipedia is the total power output of a star. That's energy per unit time.

Flux is the power per unit area so given its luminosity is [itex]L[/itex] then the light flux through the a sphere [itex]r[/itex] units away from the center of the star is [itex]\frac{1}{4\pi r^2}L[/itex] because that is the total Luminosity divided by the surface area at that radius. All the light is flowing outward across that spherical surface.

Luminous Intensity is the power emitted per unit solid angle from a point source or spherically symmetric source. It is basically the flux (power per unit area) through the unit sphere (1 steradians = 1 unit area) centered at the source. Thus Intensity is simply rescaled Luminosity [itex]I=\frac{1}{4\pi}L[/itex] assuming a spherically symmetric source. An object could have directionally dependent luminosity (as an extreme example consider a pulsar).
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Likes Arman777
  • #3
Two usual points of confusion:
1) photometric vs radiometric measure.
Radiometry is what Maxwell and energy flux is about. Usual physical definitions.
Photometry (illuminence) convolves everything with the sensitivity of our eyeball and is what photographers have historically used. For instance a lumen is a photometric measure of light output and lux is lumen/sq.m.
2)the usual confusion about whether the total output is per steradian or per 4pi steradian
Here is a good explanation
I suggest printing off a comprehensive conversion table and sticking it to your wall!
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Likes Arman777
  • #4
I understand it I think. I looked a optic textbook, in there it says the unit of radiant flux is (W). And the notation etc confused me a lot.
  • #5
So then the Energy transfer to Earth from sun per second would be,

$$dE=dt\frac{L_{sun}A_{earth}}{4\pi r^2}$$ for ##r=1AU## ?
  • #6
Yes (where A is the area of the flat Earth disc)
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Likes Arman777
  • #7
The energy transfer per second would be: [itex]dE/dt[/itex], what you wrote is the amount of energy transferred in[itex]dt[/itex] seconds. Note that as hutchphd mentioned you want the area of Earth's shadow which is going to be [itex]\pi R^2[/itex]. So your formula would simplify to:
[tex]\frac{dE}{dt} = L_{sun} \frac{R^2}{4r^2}[/tex]
Basically what hits the Earth is what proportion of the area of the sphere 1AU from the sun is covered by the Earth's shadow times what the sun puts out, L.
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Likes Arman777
  • #8
Thank you all
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Likes hutchphd

FAQ: Understanding Luminosity,Brightness,Intensity,Flux

What is luminosity and how is it different from brightness?

Luminosity is the total amount of energy emitted by an object, while brightness is the amount of that energy that reaches our eyes. Luminosity is an intrinsic property of an object, while brightness depends on factors such as distance and absorption of light by the medium it travels through.

What is intensity and how is it related to brightness?

Intensity is the amount of light energy per unit area, and it is directly related to brightness. As the intensity of light increases, so does the perceived brightness. However, intensity can also be affected by factors such as the size of the light source and the angle at which the light is emitted.

How is flux different from luminosity?

Flux is the rate at which energy is emitted by an object, while luminosity is the total amount of energy emitted. Flux takes into account the distance between the light source and the observer, as well as the angle at which the light is observed.

What is the inverse square law and how does it relate to brightness?

The inverse square law states that the intensity of light decreases with the square of the distance from the source. This means that as the distance from a light source increases, the perceived brightness decreases. This relationship is important in understanding how light behaves over long distances.

How do scientists measure luminosity and brightness?

Luminosity is measured by calculating the total amount of energy emitted by an object, usually in watts. Brightness is measured using a unit called the candela, which is the amount of light emitted in a specific direction. Scientists use specialized instruments such as telescopes and photometers to measure both luminosity and brightness.

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