Understanding Mappings: Injective, Surjective, and Homomorphisms

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In summary, mapping in scientific research is the process of creating visual representations of data, concepts, or relationships using various tools and techniques such as GIS, diagrams, or charts. It is useful in helping researchers better understand complex data and relationships, identifying patterns and trends, and determining areas for further investigation. There are different types of mapping used in scientific research, including geographic mapping, network mapping, concept mapping, and data mapping, and scientists choose a type based on their data and research goals. However, mapping also has limitations, as maps are simplified representations and require accurate data to produce accurate results.
  • #1
Homework Helper
So I want to clarify if what I'm thinking is correct.

Suppose we have a mapping f : A → B and we have a in A and b in B.

If f is an injective map, then f(a) = f(b) implies that a = b or conversely a≠b implies f(a)≠f(b).

If f is a surjective map, then for b in B, there exists an a in A such that f(a) = b.

If A = B then f is a homomorphism from A to B if it is operation preserving. That is f(ab) = f(a)f(b) for all a and b in A.

If f is both injective, surjective, and operation preserving, then it is a bijective homomorphism, also known as an isomorphism, and thus has an inverse f-1 : B → A.

If f is an injective homomorphism, it is called a monomorphism.

If f is a surjective homomorphism, it is called an epimorphism.

If A = B and f is a homomorphism, then it is called and endomorphism.

Also a bijective endomorphism is an automorphism.

I'm hoping that those are correct ^
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  • #2
Zondrina said:
So I want to clarify if what I'm thinking is correct.

Suppose we have a mapping f : A → B and we have a in A and b in B.

If f is an injective map, then f(a) = f(b) implies that a = b or conversely a≠b implies f(a)≠f(b).

If f is a surjective map, then for b in B, there exists an a in A such that f(a) = b.


If A = B then f is a homomorphism from A to B if it is operation preserving. That is f(ab) = f(a)f(b) for all a and b in A.

It depends. What are A and B?? Are they groups? rings? modules?? You should say that. If A and B are groups, then your definition is correct. But we usually call that a group homomorphism (although we use homomorphism when the structure of group is understood).
Also, I see no reason why we should take A=B.

If f is both injective, surjective, and operation preserving, then it is a bijective homomorphism, also known as an isomorphism, and thus has an inverse f-1 : B → A.

If f is an injective homomorphism, it is called a monomorphism.

If f is a surjective homomorphism, it is called an epimorphism.

If A = B and f is a homomorphism, then it is called and endomorphism.

Also a bijective endomorphism is an automorphism.

I'm hoping that those are correct ^

That is all correct.
  • #3
Yes I intended for A and B to be groups. The only reason I took A = B is to imply that f was mapping from a group to itself.
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  • #4
Out of curiosity, is a bijection sufficient for an inverse or must the map also be a homomorphism for an inverse to happen.
  • #5
Being bijective is equivalent to the existence of an inverse. So yes, it is sufficient.

FAQ: Understanding Mappings: Injective, Surjective, and Homomorphisms

1. What is mapping in scientific research?

Mapping in scientific research is the process of creating visual representations of data, concepts, or relationships. It can involve using various tools and techniques such as GIS (Geographic Information Systems), diagrams, or charts to analyze and communicate information.

2. How is mapping useful in scientific research?

Mapping is useful in scientific research because it allows researchers to better understand and interpret complex data and relationships. It can also help identify patterns, trends, and potential areas for further investigation.

3. What are the different types of mapping used in scientific research?

There are several types of mapping used in scientific research, including geographic mapping, network mapping, concept mapping, and data mapping. Each type serves a specific purpose and can be used to visualize different types of information.

4. How do scientists decide which type of mapping to use for their research?

Scientists typically choose a type of mapping based on the type of data they are working with and their research goals. For example, geographic mapping may be more suitable for studying spatial relationships, while concept mapping may be more useful for understanding complex concepts and their connections.

5. Are there any limitations to mapping in scientific research?

While mapping can be a powerful tool in scientific research, it also has its limitations. Maps are simplified representations and may not capture the full complexity of a phenomenon. Additionally, mapping requires accurate and reliable data, so if the data is flawed, the results may be inaccurate.

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