Understanding Matrices and Vectors: Operations, Significance, and Applications

In summary: It explains the concepts well and has a lot of examples.In summary, the conversation discusses different methods for finding the dot product, cross product, and determinant of vectors in both two and three dimensions. The dot product can be used to find the area or volume of parallelograms or parallelopipeds formed by the vectors, and a negative dot product indicates a projection in the opposite direction. The cross product can be found by arranging the vectors in a specific way and taking the determinant of a 3x3 matrix. The conversation also mentions the use of matrices and vectors in solving systems of equations, which can be further explored in an introductory linear algebra textbook.
  • #1
Say i want to find [xa,ya,za]*[xb,yb,zb]

I could use pythagoras to find |a| and |b|. Then use pythagoras again to find the distance between the endpoints of a and b. Then use law of cosines to find the angle formed by a and b, then do |a||b|cos(angle).
Or, i could just do xa*xb+ya*yb+za*zb.
How are all these operations compressed into such a simple form?

(By the way, the dot product in 2 dimensions is the area of the parallelogram formed by the endpoints of a+b, a, b, and 0, right?) Then the dot product of vectors in 3 dimensions is the area of the parallelogram squared to get a 3 dimensional shape, right? Whats the signifigance of a negative dot product?

And if i want to find the cross product, all i have to do is arrange them like this
xa you za
xb yb zb

And for each coordinate of the cross product i just remove that column and find the determinant of the remaining 2x2 matrix, reversing the sign for y. Doing it otherwise, i would have to do a lot of complicated things, especially finding that perpendicular unit vector.

Also, how do matrix determinants work in finding the solution to systems of equations?
How do matrices and vectors work?
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  • #2
okkvlt said:
Say i want to find [xa,ya,za]*[xb,yb,zb]

I could use pythagoras to find |a| and |b|. Then use pythagoras again to find the distance between the endpoints of a and b. Then use law of cosines to find the angle formed by a and b, then do |a||b|cos(angle).
Or, i could just do xa*xb+ya*yb+za*zb.
How are all these operations compressed into such a simple form?
You could "prove" it by letting defining b with respect to a. Use a as the reference vector a_x i and try to find another way to express axbx. of course this prove doesn't work in [tex]R^n[/tex] where [tex]n > 3[/tex] and it becomes impossible to visualise the vectors geometrically.

(By the way, the dot product in 2 dimensions is the area of the parallelogram formed by the endpoints of a+b, a, b, and 0, right?) Then the dot product of vectors in 3 dimensions is the area of the parallelogram squared to get a 3 dimensional shape, right?
Actually the area of the parallelogram is given by the determinant of the matrix consisting of the column vectors of a,b. In three dimensions, it is also the determinant of 3 (linearly independent) vectors which gives the volume of the parallelopiped.

Whats the signifigance of a negative dot product?
Well it just means that the the projection of one vector onto another is pointing in the opposite direction.

And if i want to find the cross product, all i have to do is arrange them like this
xa you za
xb yb zb

And for each coordinate of the cross product i just remove that column and find the determinant of the remaining 2x2 matrix, reversing the sign for y. Doing it otherwise, i would have to do a lot of complicated things, especially finding that perpendicular unit vector.
The cross product of [tex]\textbf{a}, \textbf{b}[/tex] is [tex]\textbf{a} \times \textbf{b} = \left| \begin{array}{ccc}i&j&k\\a_x&a_y&a_z\\b_x&b_y&b_z \end{array} \right|[/tex].

Also, how do matrix determinants work in finding the solution to systems of equations? How do matrices and vectors work?
You can pick up any introductory linear algebra textbook for a good introduction. I read Elementary Linear Algebra by Anton, 9th edn.

Related to Understanding Matrices and Vectors: Operations, Significance, and Applications

1. What is a matrix?

A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols or expressions arranged in rows and columns. It is used to represent and manipulate data in various mathematical and scientific calculations.

2. How do you read a matrix?

To read a matrix, you start at the top left corner and move across the row, then down to the next row and continue until you reach the bottom right corner. The numbers or symbols in each cell of the matrix are read from left to right and top to bottom.

3. What are the different types of matrices?

There are several types of matrices, including square matrices, rectangular matrices, diagonal matrices, identity matrices, and zero matrices. Each type has its own properties and uses in mathematical operations and applications.

4. How do you add or subtract matrices?

To add or subtract matrices, they must have the same dimensions. You simply add or subtract the corresponding elements in each matrix to get the resulting matrix. For example, to add two 2x2 matrices A and B, you add the elements in the first row of A to the first row of B, and the elements in the second row of A to the second row of B.

5. What is matrix multiplication?

Matrix multiplication is a mathematical operation in which two matrices are multiplied to produce a new matrix. It involves multiplying the rows of the first matrix by the columns of the second matrix and adding the products. It is an important operation in linear algebra and is used in various scientific and engineering applications.

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