Understanding Null Space: A Layman's Explanation

In summary, a null space refers to the set of vectors in the domain of a linear transformation that map to the zero vector in the range. It is a subspace of the domain and can be used to determine the rank and nullity of a transformation. The null space is important in functional analysis and can help understand how a transformation loses information about its input.
  • #1
Can someone give me a layman’s terms explanation of what a null space is .
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  • #2
The way I thought of the null space when I first learned about it is that it is analogous to the zeros of a real function (i.e. the set of elements in the domain for which the value of the function is 0), but real functions aren't always nice. Now if you have a linear transformation T (which is a function with two very nice properties, namely additivity and T(av) = aT(v) for any scalar a and any vector v in V) from one vector space V to another vector space W, then the null space is simply the set of vectors in V for which the value of T at any particular vector in the set is 0.

But the null space is a subspace of V (you should prove this), and hence a vector space itself. Since you're working with these linear transformations with very nice properties over a very nice algebraic structure (the vector space), you get some nice theorems regarding the relationship between the linear transformation and the null space.

I'm sure that someone who likes algebra could give a better explanation. I'm pretty sure the null space has shown up often in theorems of functional analysis, but I can't remember how important they were. I know that some of the major theorems of functional analysis (Hahn Banach, Open Mapping, Bounded Inverse) don't really refer to the null space. But yeah this is more or less the extent of my knowledge about null spaces.
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  • #3
Null space is used with respect to a linear transformation. A linear transformation T is a mapping from one vector space U to another V (not necessarily identical) that has the following properties:
[tex]T: U \rightarrow V[/tex]
1. [tex] T(\mathbf{x} \oplus_{u} \mathbf{y}) = T(\mathbf{x}) \oplus_{v} T(\mathbf{y}), \; \forall \mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y} \in U[/tex];

2. [tex] T(\lambda \odot_{u} \mathbf{x}) = \lambda \odot_{v} T(\mathbf{x})[/tex].

The null space of T is defined as:

[tex]\textrm{Null} T = \{\mathbf{x} : \mathbf{x} \in U, T(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbf{0}_{v} \}[/tex]
  • #4
Thanks for your answers
  • #5
snipez90's reply is on the mark. Dickfore, those aren't really layman's terms :/

The definition is pretty easy to use.

Suppose you have a linear transformation T. The nullspace of T is the set of vectors v where T(v) = 0.

For many common operations, the nullspace is {0} (transformations, shears, non-zero scalings, reflections). The nullspace can never be empty, because it must always contain the 0 vector (why? because at the least, T(0) = 0).

When the nullspace contains more than just {0}, it means multiple vectors map to zero. As a consequence of this, the transformation is not invertible. The reason is because if v /= u, T(u) = 0, and T(v) = 0, you don't know whether T^-1(0) equals u or v. In effect, the transformation throws away information about its argument.

The simplest example of a nullspace greater than {0} is a projection transformation. Think of a 2D painting of a 3D landscape. That is effectively a projection -- a kind of linear transformation -- that maps points from the scene to points on a canvas. However, when this is done, a dimension is effectively "lost" in the painting. You can't tell if a mountain is small and near to the artist or if it is large and far away.

If you took a ruler from the artist's eye to a point on the mountain, from the artist's point of view, the ruler would look like a single point (because he's viewing the end of the ruler, not the side). This ruler embodies the nullspace -- an entire dimension maps to a single point (the zero point).

In this example, the nullspace would be a 1 dimensional subspace. Notice the math there: a 3D scene becomes a 2D painting and the resulting nullspace is 1D. 3 = 2 + 1. We have names for these different values. The space is 3D. The "rank" of the transformation (our projection) is 2. The "nullity" of the transformation is 1. The dimension of the space is always the sum of the rank and nullity.

Related to Understanding Null Space: A Layman's Explanation

1. What is null space?

Null space is a mathematical concept that refers to the set of all possible solutions to a system of equations where the output (or dependent variable) is equal to zero. In other words, it is the set of inputs (or independent variables) that do not affect the output.

2. Why is understanding null space important?

Understanding null space is important in various fields of science and engineering, such as linear algebra, physics, and control systems. It allows us to solve systems of equations and determine the relationship between inputs and outputs in a system.

3. How is null space related to linear independence?

Null space is closely related to the concept of linear independence. If a set of vectors in a vector space are linearly independent, then the null space of those vectors will only contain the zero vector. In other words, there are no other solutions to the system of equations other than the trivial solution (where all variables are equal to zero).

4. Can null space be visualized?

Yes, null space can be visualized in certain cases. In a two-dimensional space, the null space of a vector can be represented by a line passing through the origin. In a three-dimensional space, the null space of a vector can be represented by a plane passing through the origin. However, in higher dimensions, it becomes more difficult to visualize null space.

5. How is null space related to the rank-nullity theorem?

The rank-nullity theorem states that the sum of the rank (the number of linearly independent rows or columns) and the nullity (the dimension of the null space) of a matrix is equal to the number of columns. In other words, it shows the relationship between the dimensions of the null space and the range (or column space) of a matrix.

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