Understanding Phasors and Complex Numbers in Harmonic Functions

In summary, the phasors F(t) and G(t) correspond to functions f(t) = Acosω1t and g(t) = Acosω2t, respectively. To represent F(t)+G(t) at t = π/(2ω1), the functions are written in complex form as F(t) = Ae^(iω1t) and G(t) = Ae^(iω2t). The sum is shown on an Argand diagram and can be found using geometric reasoning and the law of cosines. The argument for the sum is given by pi*(ω2-ω1/4ω1), which can be obtained using the cosine rule. However, the result may be complicated and further clarification
  • #1

Homework Statement

What are the phasors F(t) and G(t) corresponding to the following functions:
f(t) = Acosω1t and g(t) = Acosω2t

Draw the phasors on Argand diagram as well as F(t)+G(t) at t = [itex]\pi[/itex]/(2ω1)
and from the diagram get f(t)+g(t) as a cosine identity in the simplest form.

I tried plotting the F(t) + G(t),, but I couldn't get the angle nor the magnitude of it! any help will be appreciated ;)
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  • #2
Can you describe in detail the Argand diagram you drew?
  • #3
well, assuming that we write the functions on a complex form, we get F(t) = Ae^(iω1t) and G(t) = Ae^(iω2t). And by the way, it is given that ω1<w2 .. so, at the given t, the first argument is pi/2, the second one is not exact, but it's bigger than pi/2.. so, F(t) + G(t) is sum of two vectors drawn in the argand diagram.. but its argument is really complicated, and I'm not sure of it.
  • #4
The sum is going to bisect the angle between the two phasors, and you can use some geometrical reasoning and the law of cosines to find the magnitude of the resultant.

Can you take it from there?
  • #5
I got the argument to be pi*(ω2-ω1/4ω1 ... I could use the cosine rule to get the argument, however, I got a complicated result! I don't know if I'm on the right track!

Related to Understanding Phasors and Complex Numbers in Harmonic Functions

1. What are phasors and how are they related to complex numbers?

Phasors are mathematical representations of sinusoidal signals, commonly used in the analysis of electrical circuits and systems. They are closely related to complex numbers, as they are essentially complex numbers with magnitude and phase information.

2. How do phasors simplify the analysis of AC circuits?

Phasors allow us to represent the complex sinusoidal behavior of AC circuits using a single complex number. This simplifies calculations and analysis, as we can use basic algebraic operations to manipulate phasors instead of dealing with trigonometric functions.

3. Can phasors be used to analyze non-sinusoidal signals?

Yes, phasors can be used to analyze any periodic signal, not just sinusoidal signals. This is because any periodic signal can be decomposed into a sum of sinusoidal signals, and phasors can be used for each individual sinusoidal component.

4. How are phasors represented on a complex plane?

Phasors are represented as vectors on a complex plane, where the length of the vector represents the magnitude of the phasor and the angle with respect to the horizontal axis represents the phase of the phasor.

5. What is the relationship between phasors and time-domain signals?

Phasors and time-domain signals are interconnected through the Fourier transform. While phasors represent the frequency domain behavior of a signal, time-domain signals represent its behavior in the time domain. By taking the inverse Fourier transform of a phasor, we can obtain the corresponding time-domain signal.

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