Understanding Pressure: Effects on a Helium-Filled Balloon in a Stopped Car

  • Thread starter jakeowens
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In summary, when a car suddenly stops, the driver will be pushed forward while the helium balloon inside the car will move backwards due to the change in air pressure.
  • #1
Consider a helium-filled balloon floating around in a car. The driver suddenly stops the car. With respect to the car,
*the driver is pushed backward, but the balloon moves forward
*none of these
*only the driver moves-and that is forward
*the driver is pushed forward as is the air in the car, so the balloon moves backward
*the driver, the air in the car, and the balloon are pushed backward

For this one is ayd that the only thing that moves is the driver, and he moves forward. It didn't make sense for anything in the car to be pushed backward, since they all had a forward momentum, stopping quickly wouldn't cause anything to go backward right?

I'm not as sure with what the balloon does, but it would make sense if it didn't move at all since it is lighter than air correct?

A 154.9 kg polar bear standing 6 ft tall walks onto a floating sheet of ice 0.350 m thick. How big is the ice sheet if it sinks just below the surface while supporting the bear?

For this problem i used the equation Fbuoy=density*g*Vdisplaced. I know what Fbuoy must be, 154.9kg*9.81m/s=1519.57N, because the ice just barely goes beneath the surface.

Then i divided both sides by 9.81, giving me 154.9=density*Vdisplaced. (redundant i know)

I'm just not sure what i value i should use for the density of ice. I looked it up on the internet and got that the density of ice = 917kg/m^3. Is that the value i should use?

I'm kinda stuck at this point. If i use the density of ice = 917kg/m^3, i get a really small number for the volume displaced, which can't be right. i just need a prod in the right direction.

Determine the blood pressure at the brain, taking its height above the heart to be 40 cm.

This is a hydrostatic pressure problem right? so P=density*g*h. i looked up the density of blood, and it is 1060kg/m^3, and plugged in all the numbers giving me P=1060kg/m^3*9.81m/s^2*.4m= 4159.44Pa correct?
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  • #2
For the first question, the balloon moves backwards. The air moves to the front of the car, increasing the pressure at the front compared to the rear. The bouyant force on the balloon then pushes the balloon towards the back of the car, for the same reason that the difference in air pressure between the ground and a height makes a helium balloon rise.
  • #3

Yes, you are correct in using the equation P=density*g*h for this problem. However, the density of blood can vary depending on factors such as age, gender, and health status. The average density of blood is around 1060 kg/m^3, but it can range from 1050 to 1070 kg/m^3. So, using 1060 kg/m^3 is a reasonable approximation for this problem. Your calculation of 4159.44 Pa is also correct. Good job!

Related to Understanding Pressure: Effects on a Helium-Filled Balloon in a Stopped Car

1. How does pressure affect a helium-filled balloon in a stopped car?

The pressure inside a stopped car is equal to the atmospheric pressure outside. As a result, the helium gas inside the balloon will also experience the same pressure. Since helium is a lighter gas, it will expand and fill up more space inside the balloon. This causes the balloon to increase in size and appear to be inflated.

2. Why does a helium-filled balloon deflate when the car is moving?

When a car is moving, it creates a different pressure environment compared to when it is stopped. As the car accelerates, the air pressure inside the car decreases while the atmospheric pressure outside remains the same. This difference in pressure causes the helium gas inside the balloon to expand even further, making the balloon appear to be deflating.

3. Will a helium-filled balloon behave the same way in a vacuum?

No, a helium-filled balloon will not behave the same way in a vacuum. In a vacuum, there is no air pressure to affect the expansion of the helium gas. Therefore, the balloon will not inflate or deflate as it would in a normal pressure environment.

4. How does temperature affect the pressure inside a helium-filled balloon?

In general, an increase in temperature will cause the pressure inside a helium-filled balloon to increase. This is because the molecules of gas become more energetic and collide with each other and the walls of the balloon with more force. As a result, the balloon will appear to be more inflated.

5. Why does a helium-filled balloon eventually pop?

A helium-filled balloon will eventually pop because the pressure inside the balloon becomes too great for the balloon material to withstand. As the balloon continues to expand due to changes in pressure and temperature, it will eventually reach a breaking point and burst. This is why it is important to not overinflate helium-filled balloons.

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