Understanding SHM Equations of Motion

In summary, angular frequency is the angle (in radians) per second and can be calculated by dividing 2π by the period (T) or multiplying 2π by the frequency (f). This is similar to linear velocity, where distance is equivalent to 2π and time is equivalent to the period (T).
  • #1
Peter G.

I am learning trigonometric graphs and transformations as I am learning my SHM equations and I have a doubt:

Firstly, I have a hard time defining angular frequency and that might be one of the sources of my problem. Can anyone help me with that? Is it simply how many full, 2pi rotations it performs in one second?

Now, let's take this equation:

x = xo

ω = 2π / T or 2πf

Firstly, the reason why we use 2π / T as omega:

My teacher said it but I can't remember perfectly - this is how he said it more or less:

2π would be one complete cycle. Therefore when the t, representing time, in the equation equals the time period, T, we must have an answer of 2π as what we are applying the cosine function. So we have to find something, that when multiplied to t will equal to 2pi

nt = 2π
n = 2π / T

Is that it? Something, n, multiplied by time must yield 2π? And 2π / T = ω

Peter G.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
For the most part, yes.

Compare it to linear velocity if you need to. Instead of [itex]2\pi[/itex] being a cycle around a circle, imagine a "cycle" being just something traveling 10 meters in 20 seconds. 10 meters is like your [itex]2\pi[/itex] and the 20 seconds is a period, T. The only difference is that you know of a well known function that incorporates this circular motion very nicely.
  • #3
I think you have the right idea. Here's a summary:

Period (T) = the time for one complete cycle

Frequency (f) = the number of cycles per second (thus f = 1 cycle/1 period = 1/T)

Angular frequency (ω) = the angle (in radians) per second (since 1 cycle = 2pi radians, ω = 2pi*f)

[Edit: Looks like Pengwuino beat me to it.]

FAQ: Understanding SHM Equations of Motion

1. What is SHM?

SHM stands for Simple Harmonic Motion. It is a type of periodic motion in which the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement of the object from its equilibrium position. This results in a sinusoidal or wave-like motion.

2. What are the equations of motion for SHM?

The equations of motion for SHM are x = A cos(ωt + φ), v = -ωA sin(ωt + φ), and a = -ω^2A cos(ωt + φ), where x is the displacement from equilibrium, A is the amplitude, ω is the angular frequency, t is time, and φ is the phase constant.

3. How is SHM different from other types of motion?

SHM is different from other types of motion because it follows a specific pattern or path, while other types of motion may be more random or chaotic. Additionally, the restoring force in SHM is directly proportional to the displacement, while in other types of motion it may not be.

4. What factors affect the SHM equations of motion?

The SHM equations of motion are affected by factors such as the amplitude, the mass of the object, and the spring constant. These factors determine the frequency and period of the motion, as well as the shape and size of the oscillation.

5. How are SHM equations of motion used in real-life applications?

SHM equations of motion are used in many real-life applications, including pendulums, musical instruments, and even earthquake-resistant buildings. They can also be used to model the motion of objects in space, such as the orbit of planets around the sun.
