Understanding Simple Pendulum Experiment: Water-Filled Sphere Explanation

In summary, the conversation discusses a physics class where a simple pendulum experiment is being conducted. The equation T=2pi(sqrt L/g) is being used to observe different pendulum lengths. The conversation then poses a question about a hollow sphere filled with water and suspended by a long thread, and how the period of oscillation of the pendulum changes as the water flows out. The conversation also mentions the importance of the 'L' in the equation, which represents the length from the fixed end to the centre of gravity of the string and bob. Finally, the conversation addresses the issue of the centre of gravity when the bob is heavier or the same weight as the string.
  • #1
This is my first time ever taking a physics class...and needed an explanation. In lab we're doing a simple pendulum experiment. Given the equation T=2pi(sqrt L/g) and noting observations with different pendulum lengths we must then answer this question:

A hollow sphere is filled with water and suspended by a long thread. A small hole is made in the bottom of the sphere and as the water flows out one observes that the period of oscillation of the simple pendulum first increases and then decreases. Explain.
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  • #2
The 'L' in the above equation is the length from the fixed end to the centre of gravity of the string+bob (the weight on the end of the string).
Where is the centre of gravity if the bob is much heavier than the string and where if the bob and the string have the same weight?

Slightly nasty question - the simple equation above normally assumes that all the weight is in the bob, there is a more complex equation if you need to take into account different weights.
  • #3

First of all, congratulations on taking your first physics class! The simple pendulum experiment is a great way to start learning about the principles of physics.

Now, let's break down the explanation for the observations in the experiment. The equation T=2pi(sqrt L/g) represents the relationship between the period of oscillation (T), the length of the pendulum (L), and the acceleration due to gravity (g). This equation tells us that the period of oscillation is directly proportional to the square root of the length of the pendulum and inversely proportional to the acceleration due to gravity.

In the experiment, a hollow sphere is filled with water and suspended by a long thread. When a small hole is made in the bottom of the sphere, the water starts to flow out. As the water flows out, the mass of the sphere decreases. This means that the acceleration due to gravity also decreases because gravity is pulling on a smaller mass.

According to the equation, as the acceleration due to gravity decreases, the period of oscillation should increase. This is because the pendulum is now experiencing a weaker force of gravity, so it takes longer for it to complete one full oscillation.

However, as more water flows out of the sphere, the mass of the sphere decreases even further. This means that the acceleration due to gravity continues to decrease. At a certain point, the period of oscillation reaches its maximum value.

But as the water continues to flow out and the mass of the sphere decreases even more, the acceleration due to gravity starts to increase again. This is because now the pendulum is experiencing a stronger force of gravity as it is being pulled towards the center of the Earth by a smaller mass.

As a result, the period of oscillation starts to decrease again until all the water has flowed out of the sphere and the mass of the sphere is at its lowest value. At this point, the acceleration due to gravity is at its highest value, and the period of oscillation is at its lowest value.

In summary, the observations in the experiment can be explained by the fact that the period of oscillation is affected by both the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity, and as the mass of the sphere changes due to the water flowing out, the acceleration due to gravity also changes, resulting in changes in the period of oscillation. I hope this helps to clarify the concept of simple pendulum and the relationship between its period and the variables involved.

FAQ: Understanding Simple Pendulum Experiment: Water-Filled Sphere Explanation

What is a simple pendulum experiment?

A simple pendulum experiment is an experiment that involves studying the motion of a pendulum, which consists of a small mass (bob) attached to a string or rod that is suspended from a fixed point. It is used to demonstrate the principles of periodic motion and the effects of changing variables such as the length of the string and the angle of release.

What are the materials needed for a simple pendulum experiment?

The materials needed for a simple pendulum experiment include a string or rod, a small mass (bob), a fixed point to suspend the pendulum from, a stopwatch or timer, and a ruler or measuring tape. Optional materials may include a protractor to measure the angle of release and a weight scale to measure the mass of the bob.

How do you set up a simple pendulum experiment?

To set up a simple pendulum experiment, first, attach the bob to the string or rod and then suspend it from the fixed point. Make sure that the string or rod is straight and not twisted. Next, measure the length of the string from the fixed point to the center of the bob. Then, release the pendulum from a small angle and start the timer. Record the time it takes for the pendulum to complete one full swing (period). Repeat the experiment with different lengths of the string and angles of release.

What is the formula for calculating the period of a simple pendulum?

The formula for calculating the period (T) of a simple pendulum is T = 2π√(L/g), where L is the length of the string and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s² on Earth). This formula assumes that the angle of release is small (less than 15 degrees) and the mass of the bob is negligible compared to the length of the string.

What are some factors that affect the period of a simple pendulum?

The period of a simple pendulum is affected by several factors, including the length of the string, the angle of release, the mass of the bob, and the acceleration due to gravity. Other factors such as air resistance, friction, and the stiffness of the string may also affect the period. In general, the longer the string and the smaller the angle of release, the longer the period will be.

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