Understanding Sound Waves in Fluids: Pressure and Velocity Fields

In summary: And yes, in physics we usually assume that the fields are smooth and infinitely differentiable, which is important for mathematical consistency and for the validity of our equations.
  • #1
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TL;DR Summary
Waves of pressure, velocity or both?
When we talk about sound waves in a fluid (air, water e.t.c.) we mean that the pressure ##P(x,y,z,t)## satisfies the wave equation, the so called velocity field of the fluid ##v(x,y,z,t)## satisfies the wave equation or both?
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  • #2
Velocity is the derivative of position, i.e. number density, i.e. pressure.,
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
Velocity is the derivative of position, i.e. number density, i.e. pressure.,
That doesn't make sense. The flow field, ##\vec{v}(t,\vec{x})## is the velocity of a fluid element, being momentarily at position ##\vec{x}## at time, ##t## (Eulerian description).

To answer the question in the OP: You start with Euler's equation of a free particle
$$\rho (\partial_t \vec{v} +(\vec{v} \cdot \vec{\nabla} \vec{v})=-\vec{\nabla} P$$
and the continuity equation for mass
$$\partial_t \rho + \vec{\nabla} \cdot (\rho \vec{v})=0.$$
In addition you need an equation of state, which we take as a polytrope
$$P=P_0 \left (\frac{\rho}{\rho_0} \right)^n.$$
Here ##(\rho_0,P_0)## is the mass density and pressure of the fluid at rest, and we assume that the deviations from these values and the velocity field itself are small, so that we can linearize the equations:
$$\rho_0 \partial_t \vec{v} = -\vec{\nabla} P, \qquad (1)$$
$$\partial_t \rho + \rho_0 \vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{v}=0. \qquad (2)$$
In this approximation
$$\vec{\nabla} P=v_{\text{s}}^2 \vec{\nabla} \rho \quad \text{with} \quad v_{\text{s}}^2=\left .\frac{\mathrm{d} P}{\mathrm{d} \rho} \right|_{\rho=\rho_0}= n \frac{P_0}{\rho_0}.$$
For an adiabatic equation of state (which is consistent with the assumption of a perfect fluid made above), you have ##n=C_p/C_v##. For an ideal gas that's ##n=(f+2)/f##. The air, consisting mostly of molecules with two atoms, ##f=5##, and thus ##n=1.4##. In any case we get from (1)
$$\rho_0 \partial_t \vec{v}=-v_{\text{s}}^2 \vec{\nabla} \rho. \qquad (3)$$
Taking the divergence gives
$$\rho_0 \partial_t \vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{v}=-v_{\text{s}}^2 \Delta \rho.$$
Taking the time-derivative of (2) finally leads to the wave equation for the density,
$$\frac{1}{v_{\text{s}}^2} \partial_t^2 \rho + \Delta \rho=0.$$
The same equation holds for ##P## since at the same linear order of the deviations from the equilibrium
$$P=P_0 + v_s^2 (\rho-\rho_0).$$
Concerning ##\vec{v}## we have to assume that it is irrotational, i.e., there's a potential for it
$$\vec{v}=-\vec{\nabla} \Phi. \qquad (4)$$
Then from (2)
$$\partial_t \rho - \rho_0 \Delta \Phi=0. \qquad (5)$$
Plugging (4) in (3) we find
$$\rho_0 \partial_t \Phi=v_{\text{s}}^2 \rho \; \Rightarrow \; \partial_t \rho=\frac{\rho_0}{v_{\text{s}}^2} \partial_t^2 \Phi$$, and finally plugging this again into (5), also the velocity potential obeys the same wave equation as ##\rho## and ##P##:
$$\frac{1}{v_{\text{s}}^2} \partial_t^2 \Phi-\Delta \Phi=0.$$
So all these quantities obey the wave equation with the phase velocity ##v_{\text{s}}##, which thus is the sound velocity.
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Likes Delta2
  • #4
@vanhees71 So Pressure and density obey the wave equation but for velocity, the scalar potential (if it exists) of the velocity field obeys the wave equation right?

If the potential of a vector field obeys the wave equation, then can we prove that the vector field obeys the wave equation too? (Tried to prove it myself but to no result ).
  • #5
Delta2 said:
@vanhees71 So Pressure and density obey the wave equation but for velocity, the scalar potential (if it exists) of the velocity field obeys the wave equation right?

If the potential of a vector field obeys the wave equation, then can we prove that the vector field obeys the wave equation too? (Tried to prove it myself but to no result ).
But since ##\frac{1}{v_{\text{s}}^2} \partial_t^2 -\Delta## commutes with ##\vec{\nabla}## then also ##\vec{v}## must obey the wave equation.
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Likes Delta2
  • #6
vanhees71 said:
But since ##\frac{1}{v_{\text{s}}^2} \partial_t^2 -\Delta## commutes with ##\vec{\nabla}## then also ##\vec{v}## must obey the wave equation.
Ok well that's wonderful but I am kind of sad that I couldn't see that myself.

BTW what are the exact mathematical conditions for the wave operator to commute with the gradient operator? Some "mixed" higher order partial derivatives of the potential of the velocity field must exist and be continuous right?

But yeah in physics we assume all the fields-potentials are infinitely differentiable in all possible ways e hehe.
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Likes vanhees71
  • #7
Yes, all the partial derivatives involved must be continuous for the mixed derivatives to commute.
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Likes Delta2

Related to Understanding Sound Waves in Fluids: Pressure and Velocity Fields

1. What are sound waves in fluids?

Sound waves in fluids are a type of mechanical wave that propagate through a medium, such as air or water. They are created by vibrations or disturbances in the medium, which cause molecules to compress and expand, creating areas of high and low pressure.

2. How do sound waves in fluids travel?

Sound waves in fluids travel through a medium by transferring energy from one molecule to the next. As the molecules vibrate, they create areas of higher and lower pressure, which propagate outwards in all directions.

3. What is the relationship between pressure and velocity in sound waves in fluids?

In sound waves in fluids, pressure and velocity are directly related. As pressure increases, velocity increases, and vice versa. This relationship is known as the acoustic impedance, and it determines how sound waves will behave in a particular medium.

4. How do pressure and velocity fields affect sound waves in fluids?

Pressure and velocity fields play a crucial role in the propagation of sound waves in fluids. The pressure field determines the areas of high and low pressure, while the velocity field determines the direction and speed of the wave. These fields interact with each other, creating complex patterns of compression and expansion that make up the sound wave.

5. How can understanding sound waves in fluids be useful?

Understanding sound waves in fluids has many practical applications, such as in the fields of acoustics, oceanography, and engineering. It can help us design better sound systems, study the behavior of marine animals, and develop more efficient methods of energy transfer. Additionally, understanding sound waves in fluids is crucial for industries that rely on underwater communication, such as oil and gas exploration.

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