Understanding square root of a polynomial

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of finding the square root of a polynomial, which involves dividing the remainder by an estimate for the root. The author of an old book, "Elementary Algebra for Schools" by Hall and Knight, first published in England in 1885, explains this method and provides examples for both algebraic and numerical problems. However, the conversation raises a question regarding example 2 in the numerical problems, where the value of b is not clear. It is debated whether this method is a form of guessing or calculating. A similar method is also mentioned in a link to Bombelli's method of computing square roots.
  • #1

This is not exactly a homework problem. I was browsing through an old book, "Elementary Algebra for Schools"
by Hall and Knight, first published in England in 1885. The book can be found online at https://archive.org/details/elementaryalgeb00kniggoog . I was studying the process of finding the square root of the polynomial which is a perfect square. I have attached some snapshots from the book here. This process is explained in the file "squareroot" . The files "example1" and "example2" give two examples of using this process. I have understood so far. Now later in the chapter, the author is using this algebraical method to find the square root of the whole numbers which are perfect squares. I have attached some examples in the files "numerical1" and "numerical2".
Now I have question regarding example 2 given in the file numerical2. How did the author get the value of b = 30.
In the algebraical method, its clear that to get the next term in the root, we divide the first term in the remainder with the twice the first term in the root. But in the case of numerical examples, its not clear how he got b = 30 in the example 2 in the file numerical2. If anybody can explain this it would be nice. Since this is an old book, author doesn't explain in great detail. So understanding it is difficult.

square root.png
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  • #2
In the tekst he says the remainder after the first step is ##(2a+b)\times b##, so he sort of writes 'divide by 2a+b to get b'. That's cheating ! b is unknown.
Best you can do is divide by 2a plus an estimate for b. So it takes some practice to build experience.

Worst that can happen is you miss and guess b too high. Well, then you get a negative remainder and try again.

For an estimate, you can divide the remainder by 2a, giving ##(1+{b\over 2a}) \times b##. This isn't waterproof:

if a = 100 and b = 90, it doesn't work very well. On the other hand, you know that b is 90 or smaller.
if a = 100 and b = 80, it doesn't work very well either. Suppose you try 90, then you get a negative remainder and have to try again.
But if b/2a is small enough (< 1/8 I would guess), the first digit already gives the right value for b.
  • #3
In NONE of these examples is the author actually finding the square root. In each case, the expression happens to be a "perfect square" and he already knows the root. All he is doing is using division to show that his root is actually correct.
  • #4
Bvu, thanks for reply. Well in the beginning its confusing what he is saying but in the algebraical examples its clear to me. He is not dividing [itex](2ab+ b^2)[/itex] by [itex](2a+b)[/itex] to get [itex]b[/itex]. He is dividing the first term in the remainder [itex]2ab[/itex] by the twice of the first term in the root , which is [itex]2a[/itex] , to get [itex]b[/itex]. Then he adds this to the root. His algebraical method is very clear to me. I just don't understand his application to the numerical problems.
  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
In NONE of these examples is the author actually finding the square root. In each case, the expression happens to be a "perfect square" and he already knows the root. All he is doing is using division to show that his root is actually correct.
Not true polynomial square root takes a polynomial of degree 2n and decomposes it
where degree(q)=n and degree(q)>degree(r)

The algorithm does not require knowing q or r in advance

As for an example like sqrt(5329)
it is a matter of writing
let a=70
b=3 and we are done
  • #7
Hi lurf, I didn't quite get how you would calculate b = 3 ? My impression still is that you have to make a good guess.

For example ##\sqrt {158404}##: subtract ##300^2##, end up with ##68404##. Now what ?
  • #8
It is very similar to long division. You can think of it as guessing, but there are only two possible guesses.
how can we divide by 140+b when we do not know b? Because we know 0<b<10
If we chose b=2 we might realize it is too small if not we can just do one more step
is b 0 or 1? obviously 1
the idea is
we start out with q=0 r=p
each step we move a chunk from r to q until there is not enough left in r
mostly we pick b by dividing r by 2q we just have to watch out for mistakes

This is where we have to decide if we try to be fancy
Usually we only try for one digit per step
if we try for more each step is harder so there is a trade off
lets pick b=90
lets pick b=7
lets pick b=1
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  • #9
I see what you mean. I like the way the 8 comes about. It means the process/algorithm works.
And indeed, the role of a and b can shift from step to step (original article has an a, b and c here).

It's just that I would describe this picking as guessing and not as calculating. Matter of perception ?
  • #10
It is reasonable to call it guessing. The usual method for division has the same problem. Just as in division the guess is just between two digits. If a gues is bad it gets fixed in the next step.
  • #11
lurfflurf, it seems I understand what you are doing. Its clear now. I was just looking around the net for this particular way of getting square root of a polynomial. I found a good article discribing this exact method here http://planetmath.org/squarerootofpolynomial ... In this link, the author refers to BombellisMethodOfComputingSquareRoots
in the references. So may be Mr Bombelli came up with this method...

Related to Understanding square root of a polynomial

What is the square root of a polynomial?

The square root of a polynomial is another polynomial that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original polynomial. It is also known as the "root" or "solution" of the polynomial.

How do you find the square root of a polynomial?

To find the square root of a polynomial, you can use the method of factoring. Factor the original polynomial into two factors, then take the square root of each factor separately. The resulting square roots will be the two square roots of the original polynomial.

Can a polynomial have multiple square roots?

Yes, a polynomial can have multiple square roots. This is because when you square a polynomial, you get a new polynomial that may also have multiple square roots. For example, the polynomial x2 has two square roots: x and -x.

What is the difference between the square root and the principal square root of a polynomial?

The principal square root of a polynomial is the positive square root, while the square root may be either positive or negative. For example, the principal square root of 9 is 3, but the square root of 9 can also be -3.

How is understanding the square root of a polynomial useful in real life?

Understanding the square root of a polynomial is useful in a variety of fields, including mathematics, engineering, and physics. It can be used to solve equations, find the roots of a polynomial, and model real-world situations. For example, in finance, the square root of a polynomial is used to calculate compound interest and in physics, it is used to calculate the magnitude of a vector.

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