Understanding Standing Waves at 60 Hz and 0.4 m Wavelength

In summary, the conversation discusses drawing a sketch of a standing wave created by a string fixed at two ends with a frequency of 60 Hz and a wavelength of 0.4 m. It is mentioned that the wave does not travel, but rather goes up and down between fixed nodes. The length of the string is calculated to be 1 m and the frequency is verified using the equation v=f*wavelength. The concept of period and the behavior of the wave at less than a full wavelength is also discussed.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Draw a sketch of of a standing wave created by a string fixed at two ends, the frequency is 60 Hz, the wavelength is 0.4 m. Draw a profile with times t=0, T/4, T/2, 3T/2

Homework Equations

period= 1/frequency,

The Attempt at a Solution

i know that at t/4, you will have a quarter of a wavelength going down the string at 1/240 seconds, but does it get reflected back? or is it just a quarter bump gowing towards the end, and the rest of the string is straight?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Unemployed said:

Homework Statement

Draw a sketch of of a standing wave created by a string fixed at two ends, the frequency is 60 Hz, the wavelength is 0.4 m. Draw a profile with times t=0, T/4, T/2, 3T/2

Homework Equations

period= 1/frequency,

The Attempt at a Solution

i know that at t/4, you will have a quarter of a wavelength going down the string at 1/240 seconds, but does it get reflected back? or is it just a quarter bump gowing towards the end, and the rest of the string is straight?
A standing wave has fixed nodes so the wave does not travel. Hence the name "standing". It just goes up and down in between nodes.

If it is fixed at two ends, the ends must be nodes. The lowest frequency mode of vibration of this standing wave is with the ends forming the first two nodes of the standing wave - ie. 1/2 wavelength. How long would the string be?

  • #3
This is from a lab, in which i calculated the wavelength to be 0.4 m from this equation:


therefore wavelength = 2L/n=.4
L= 1 m
n = (5 in the non-makeup lab)

The frequency gotten from the experimental was 60Hz

which if you plug into the equation v=f* wavelength
v is given as 23.5, you get about .4 for the wavelength
Makes sense about the standing wave.

A period is what it takes for 1 wave to travel a whole wavelength, which here is 1/60 seconds.

but if you draw something at less than a wavelength, doesn't the pulse need to travel down the whole second to the full reflected wave?

If it only travels for 1/240th of a second, do you just draw a line at the quarter wavelength mark? How does it look?

FAQ: Understanding Standing Waves at 60 Hz and 0.4 m Wavelength

1. What is a standing wave?

A standing wave is a type of wave that forms when two waves of the same frequency and amplitude moving in opposite directions interfere with each other. This results in a wave pattern that appears to be standing still, hence the name "standing wave."

2. How does a standing wave form?

A standing wave forms when a wave source causes waves to travel along a medium, such as a rope or a guitar string. When these waves reach a reflective boundary, they are reflected back in the opposite direction. The resulting interaction between the incoming and reflected waves creates the standing wave pattern.

3. What is the period of a standing wave?

The period of a standing wave is the time it takes for one full wavelength of the wave to pass through a fixed point. This is the same as the period of the individual waves that are interfering to create the standing wave.

4. How is the period of a standing wave related to its frequency?

The period and frequency of a standing wave are inversely related. This means that as the frequency of the wave increases, the period decreases, and vice versa. This relationship is described by the equation T = 1/f, where T is the period and f is the frequency.

5. What are some real-world applications of standing waves?

Standing waves have several practical applications, such as in musical instruments where they create the different notes and tones. They are also used in medical imaging techniques, such as ultrasound, to produce standing waves in the body to create images. Standing waves are also used in particle accelerators and microwave ovens, among other technologies.

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