Understanding State Functions in Thermodynamics: Consequences and Clarifications

In summary, a state function is a function that describes the relationship between different state variables and is only dependent on the current state of the system. It does not depend on the path the system took to reach that state. State functions can be calculated using equations of state, such as PV=nRT, and can be used to determine the state of a system. Calculus may be needed to evaluate state functions in some cases, but it is not always necessary. Examples of state functions include temperature, pressure, volume, energy, and entropy. Gravitational potential energy can also be considered a state function in the context of mechanics. The term "state function" is not unique to thermodynamics and has connections to other fields of study such as mechanics
  • #1
member 392791
I am having difficulty understanding what a state function is. Yes, I know its a function of the state of the parameter, but what are the consequences of state functions? Just beginning thermodynamics and have difficulties keeping everything straight here.
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  • #2
The state function describes the relationship between the different state variables.
  • #3
The state function describes the relationship between the different state variables.

Are you sure?

I have always understood that a state function is another name for a state variable.


State functions (or variables) are connected by an 'equation of state' such as PV=nRT.


If the reference does not clear up your question come back here for more and we can look at the relationship between the maths and the physics.
  • #4
Simon Bridge said:
The state function describes the relationship between the different state variables.

I think you mean equation of state when you write state function there.

A state function is a function that is only dependent on the current state of the system and not on how that system got to be in that state. Things like T, P, V, E, and S are all state functions. Things that aren't state functions, are things that depend on the path a system takes to get to a state. These include things like Heat (the amount of heat into/out of a system depends on the process) and Work.
  • #5
Well, it says that a state function is only dependent on the current state of the system, so why are they evaluated using integrals, which would imply where the state started and began by evaluating at the upper and lower limit.

Is an easy way to remember the state functions is by the things you calculate with Δ? Meaning, we usually look for ΔE_internal, ΔH, ΔS, ΔT, etc. These are all state functions. The only exception I can think of is pressure, which I haven't seen as anywhere solving for ΔP.

Also, when calculating the work done on a system W = -PΔV, suppose the pressure and volume are changing. Which P is to be used?
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  • #6
so why are they evaluated using integrals

They are only evaluated using integrals when we have to.

The important physics to understand is that the thermodynamic state of a system can be completely specified by knowing the values of certain state functions. You do not have to know them all since missing ones can be calculated by using equations connecting them.

So if we have a list of values at state A and at state B we do not need to integrate we simply take the difference. This difference is the gross difference and we use the symbol Δ. Calculus is not needed.

For example volume is a state function so the if the volume in state A is Va and in state B is Vb

Then ΔV = Vb - Va

Also, when calculating the work done on a system W = -PΔV, suppose the pressure and volume are changing. Which P is to be used?

If both P and V are changing you cannot use PΔV.
This is where we must introduce calculus and evaluate an integral as the sum of as series of infinitesmal changes PδV from Va to Vb. To evaluate this integral we must know P as a function of V.

We can come back to this once you have understood the first part.
  • #7
You need to know only two state function to identify the state of system(in most cases).Also state function is independent of path like for an ideal gas internal energy is state(point) function and so it only depends on temperature(for ideal gas,no path dependence).
  • #8
Ok, I thought the ΔV was a consequence of calculus..i.e using integral of P dV from Vi to Vf.
  • #9
Take a simpler example from mechanics.

Work = Force x Displacement
If I carry a mass m up the hill from my house to the monument at the top of the hill the work done

W = mgΔH

Where ΔH = Hmonument - Hhouse

Where H is the hieght (above sea level).

I am assuming the the force is constant and equal to mg throughout.

The symbol Δ is also known as the difference operator and is best reserved for gross differences.

If I did work extending a spring the force is not constant.

In fact for each infinitesimal extension δe I can consider the force constant and deduce that the infinitesimal work is

δW = Fδe

To obtain the total work from extension A to extension B I sum (integrate)

∫δW = ∫Fδe

In order to do this I need either e as a function of F or F as a function of e.

Conventionally we have F = ke where k is the spring constant so

∫δW = ∫keδe = k∫eδe = k[e2/2]

It is the same with the product of pressure and volume change - the product has the dimensions of work or energy.

Does this help?
  • #10
Yes, so is gravitational potential energy a state function? If so, why is the word "state function'' not introduced until thermodynamics.
  • #11
Notice that backalong in post#6 I said

"The thermodynamic state"

Yes you could consider potential energy a mechanical state function. Indeed there is a correspondence between Hamiltonian/Lagrangian mechanics and Thermodynamics.
This is explored by Story in his book

Dynamics on Differential OneForms

This is a very modern view.

As to why the nomenclature grew up as it did, you will need to consult the history books.

Related to Understanding State Functions in Thermodynamics: Consequences and Clarifications

1. What is a state function in thermodynamics?

A state function is a thermodynamic property that only depends on the current state of a system, and not on the path taken to reach that state. This means that the value of a state function remains constant regardless of the process or changes that occur within the system.

2. What are some common examples of state functions?

Examples of state functions include temperature, pressure, volume, internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy. These properties describe the state of a system and can be used to determine its behavior and changes.

3. How are state functions related to thermodynamic processes?

In thermodynamics, state functions are used to describe the beginning and end states of a process. They help to determine the changes in a system's properties and allow for the calculation of work, heat, and other thermodynamic quantities.

4. What are the consequences of understanding state functions in thermodynamics?

Understanding state functions is crucial in thermodynamics as it allows for the accurate analysis and prediction of a system's behavior and changes. It also helps to simplify complex thermodynamic processes and allows for the application of various thermodynamic laws and principles.

5. What are some clarifications to keep in mind when dealing with state functions?

It is important to remember that not all thermodynamic properties are state functions. Some properties, such as heat and work, are path functions, meaning their values depend on the path taken to reach a certain state. It is also essential to consider the limitations of state functions and their applicability to different types of systems, such as open, closed, and isolated systems.

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