Understanding String Tension in String Theory: Explained and Debunked

In summary, string tension is the energy (or mass) per unit length of a one-dimensional entity. It arises from distortions of the stuff of which the instrument is made, and is electromagnetic in nature. It is close to the energy per unit length of a liquid surface, but neither analogy is a perfect match. The tension in a violin string is due to the density of the string and the tension in a liquid surface is due to the mass per unit length of the liquid. Eventually, strings will stop shrinking because they will have reached a point where more density implies more mass per unit length.
  • #1
I'm not clear why the "string tension" of string theory is so called. Perhaps folk here can help with this elementary point.

It is not really the same as the "string tension" of a musical instrument, say a guitar or a piano, although such a musical-instrument analogy is often used.

In stringed instruments tension is but one kind of internal stress in a composite object made of strings and a body. The internal stress in the string part of the instrument is tensile and is compensated for by compressive stresses in its body part (exactly if the instrument is free-standing). These internal stresses arise from distortions of the stuff of which the instrument is made, and are electromagnetic in nature. But the strings of string theory are not made of stuff that is distorted, nor are they parts of some composite object. So in its details the musical-instrument analogy breaks down.

Neither is "string tension" quite the same as a one-dimensional version of the "tension" in a liquid surface, even though surface tension has the same units as surface energy, just as "string tension" has the same units as energy per unit length. But surface tension arises because surface atoms are less strongly bound than those inside the liquid, whereas strings are thought to be one-dimensional and such distinctions don't arise. Nor are strings known to be made of smaller entities, as liquids are. So this isn't a close analogy, either, and "tension" is perhaps an inappropriate word to use.

"String tension" seems to me to be just the energy (or mass) per unit length of a one-dimensional entity; an energy which is both sufficiently large to account for quantum gravity and to make the entity shrink to Planck-scale dimensions. Is this all "string tension" is?

Finally, I don't understand why strings eventually stop shrinking. What's to stop them making like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oozlum_bird"
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  • #2
The denser a violin (or supersymmetric) string, the more tension it has under unit displacement (ex: from being plucked). More density implies more mass per unit length. So, I do believe that your assumption regarding tension is correct. I wish I could be of more help at this point, sorry. I have Zwiebach's book, but I am making a slow go of it.
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  • #3
You guys are thinking about stress and strain tensors, are you?
  • #4
Considering that I'm obsessed with General Relativity, that's kind of a rhetorical question. I think about this in my sleep. :)

If you would like to expand on using tensors to describe the mechanics of a violin string, please be our guest. I am hesitant to do so myself, lest I lead someone astray.
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  • #5
shalayka said:
The denser a violin (or supersymmetric) string, the more tension it has under unit displacement (ex: from being plucked). More density implies more mass per unit length...
I don't believe that a violin string analogy for the tension of the strings of string theory is a "sound" (ha ha) one, because a violin string is deliberately fixed in a stretched state, whereas strings can change energy/mass by expanding or contracting; they're free souls, as it were --- I was just making use of the equivalence of mass and energy here --- I still don't understand how strings stabilise at around the Planck length. I'm sorry if I was being obscure about all this. But thanks for your kind reply, shalayka. I wish you luck with the book.
arivero said:
You guys are thinking about stress and strain tensors, are you?
I hadn't got down to this nitty-gritty level, arivero -- I don't think anyone would invoke them in the case of strings --- they would only be relevant if strings were shown to be made out of something elastic, which doesn't seem to be a string theory proposal.

FAQ: Understanding String Tension in String Theory: Explained and Debunked

1. What is string tension in string theory?

String tension in string theory refers to the amount of energy that is required to stretch a string to a certain length. In string theory, it is believed that the fundamental particles in the universe are actually tiny strings, and the amount of tension in these strings determines the properties and behavior of these particles.

2. How does string tension affect the behavior of particles?

The tension in a string affects the frequency at which it vibrates, which in turn determines the mass and charge of the particles it represents. A higher string tension results in a higher frequency of vibration, resulting in a heavier and more charged particle.

3. Is string tension a measurable quantity?

No, string tension is not a directly measurable quantity. It is a theoretical concept used in string theory to explain the fundamental properties of particles. However, string theory has yet to be experimentally proven, so the concept of string tension remains theoretical.

4. Can string tension be changed or manipulated?

In string theory, string tension is considered to be a constant property of the strings themselves. However, the behavior of the strings can be affected by other factors, such as interactions with other strings or the curvature of space-time.

5. Are there any misconceptions about string tension in string theory?

One common misconception about string tension in string theory is that it is the same as the tension in a physical string. In reality, string tension in string theory refers to the energy of the string and not its physical tension. Additionally, the concept of string tension is often misunderstood as the reason for the "stretchiness" of strings, but it is actually the motion and vibration of the strings that give them this property.

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