Understanding SU(2) Adjoint Repr of Algebra

  • Thread starter ChrisVer
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In summary, the su(2) algebra has 3 generators and the adjoint representation is a 3x3 matrix representation that acts on 3 component vectors. This makes it a 3 dimensional representation and corresponds to the spin J=1. The proof for this can be done by comparing the generators of the adjoint representation with the standard weight=1 representation. As for the spin 1/2 representation, it is isomorphic to the fundamental representation and both are built on a 2-dimensional vector space.
  • #1
Gold Member
Well I am trying to understand the adjoint representation of the su(2) algebra.
We know that the algebra is given:
[itex] [X_{i}, X_{j}]= ε_{ij}^{k} X_{k} [/itex]
(maybe I forgot an [itex]i[/itex] but I am not sure).

The adjoint representation is then ( in the matrix representation) defined by the [itex]ε_{ijk}[/itex] structure constants, via the identification [itex]X_{i}= [ε_{i}]_{j}^{k}[/itex]. Correct? Because by that we have:
[itex] (adX_{i})^{k}_{j}= ad X_{i} X_{j}|_{X_{k}} = [X_{i}, X_{j}]|_{X_{k}}=[ε_{i}]_{j}^{k} [/itex]

Now begins my question/problem. The matrices of [itex][ε_{i}]_{j}^{k}[/itex] are of dimension [itex]j_{max}\times k_{max}[/itex] so equal to the number of generators [itex]X_{i}[/itex].

The su(2) algebra has [itex]n^{2}-1=4-1=3[/itex] generators, so the adjoint representation can be seen as [itex]3\times3[/itex] matrices, so it naturally acts on 3 component vectors. That means that the adjoint representation is 3 dimensional representation and so it is the spin J=1. (?)
Is there another way to prove the last sentence? Eg using the existing isomorphism between su(2)-so(3) algebras? And one more question, what happens with the spin-1/2? The spin 1/2 representation (if my logic was correct) could only exist if the number of generators are 2!
Can someone help? :confused::blushing:
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  • #2
ChrisVer said:
The su(2) algebra has [itex]n^{2}-1=4-1=3[/itex] generators, so the adjoint representation can be seen as [itex]3\times3[/itex] matrices, so it naturally acts on 3 component vectors. That means that the adjoint representation is 3 dimensional representation and so it is the spin J=1. (?) [...]

Yes. The adjoint rep. is isomorphic to the standard weight =1 representation.

ChrisVer said:
[...]Is there another way to prove the last sentence? Eg using the existing isomorphism between su(2)-so(3) algebras? [...]

You don't need it. Just write down the 3 generators of each representation and compare them. The basis of the rep. space is (1,0,0), (0,1,0) and (0,0,1).

ChrisVer said:
[...] And one more question, what happens with the spin-1/2? The spin 1/2 representation (if my logic was correct) could only exist if the number of generators are 2!
Can someone help? :confused::blushing:

No. The dimension (weight) of the representation has to do with the dimension of the vector space on which the representation is built. Actually spin/weight 1/2 rep. is isomorphic to the fundamental representation. Both are built on C2.

FAQ: Understanding SU(2) Adjoint Repr of Algebra

1. What is SU(2) Adjoint Representation of Algebra?

SU(2) Adjoint Representation of Algebra is a mathematical concept that describes the structure of a special type of algebraic group known as the Special Unitary Group of degree 2. It is often used in physics and other fields to study the symmetries of physical systems.

2. How is SU(2) Adjoint Representation of Algebra different from other representations?

The SU(2) Adjoint Representation is unique because it is the smallest non-trivial representation of the Special Unitary Group of degree 2. This means that it is the simplest way to describe the symmetries of a system with two degrees of freedom.

3. What are the applications of SU(2) Adjoint Representation of Algebra?

SU(2) Adjoint Representation of Algebra is used in a variety of fields, including particle physics, quantum mechanics, and differential geometry. It allows scientists to understand and analyze symmetries in physical systems, which can lead to a deeper understanding of the underlying principles governing these systems.

4. How is SU(2) Adjoint Representation of Algebra related to Lie groups?

SU(2) Adjoint Representation of Algebra is a special case of a more general mathematical concept known as a Lie group. Lie groups are mathematical objects that represent continuous symmetries, and the SU(2) Adjoint Representation is a specific example of this type of group.

5. What are the benefits of studying SU(2) Adjoint Representation of Algebra?

Studying SU(2) Adjoint Representation of Algebra can lead to a deeper understanding of the symmetries present in physical systems. This can be useful in a variety of fields, including physics, engineering, and mathematics. Additionally, understanding this concept can also help scientists develop more efficient and accurate models for studying complex systems.
