Understanding the Chandrasekhar Boundary: Exploring Its Significance

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In summary, the Chandrasekhar boundary, also known as the Chandrasekhar limit, is the maximum mass that a white dwarf star can have before collapsing into a black hole. It is approximately 1.5 times the mass of our Sun and is determined by electron degeneracy pressure. Stars with more than the Chandrasekhar limit remaining when they collapse may become neutron stars instead of black holes. The upper mass limit for a neutron star is still uncertain, with estimates ranging from 2 to 3 solar masses, but currently, all discovered neutron stars have been measured to be around 1.4 solar masses.
  • #1
What does the Chandrasekhar boundary (or line, I'm not sure about it) means?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
(Chandrasekhar Limit.)

It's the limit of how massive a white dwarf star can be, and it's about 1 1/2 the mass of our Sun. Anything more massive than that will keep collapsing to form a Black Hole. This is not to say that a star twice as massive as the Sun will become a black hole, since it will blow off most of its mass before collapsing. But any star that still has more than Chandrasekhar Limit of its mass remaining when it collapses will just keep collapsing.
  • #3
To be more specific, the Chandrasekhar limit is the mass of the largest possible white dwarf star, which is a particular type of star that is supported against gravitational collapse by electron degeneracy pressure. Electron degeneracy pressure is a sort of pressure due to the inability of electrons to occupy the same quantum states -- you may have heard of this as the "Pauli exclusion principle."

A white dwarf of more than the Chandrasekhar mass does not necessarily become a black hole -- it may collapse a bit further and become a neutron star, an even more peculiar object supported by a stronger form of degeneracy pressure due to neutrons.

- Warren
  • #4
The upper mass limit for a neutron star is not very firm at this time. Estimates range anywhere from 2 to as much a 3 solar masses. I did some checking and was somewhat surprised to find it does not appear any neutron stars discovered to date have been measured to be much heavier than the lower limit of about 1.4 solar masses.

FAQ: Understanding the Chandrasekhar Boundary: Exploring Its Significance

1. What is the Chandrasekhar boundary?

The Chandrasekhar boundary, also known as the Chandrasekhar limit, is the maximum mass that a white dwarf star can have before it collapses under its own gravity and becomes a neutron star or a black hole.

2. Why is the Chandrasekhar boundary significant?

The Chandrasekhar boundary is significant because it helps us understand the final stages of a star's life and the formation of compact objects like neutron stars and black holes. It also plays a crucial role in the study of stellar evolution and the structure of white dwarf stars.

3. How was the Chandrasekhar boundary discovered?

The Chandrasekhar boundary was first proposed by Indian astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar in 1930. He derived the limit by applying the principles of general relativity to the structure of white dwarf stars.

4. What factors determine the Chandrasekhar boundary?

The Chandrasekhar boundary is determined by the mass and composition of the star. It is directly related to the star's ability to resist gravitational collapse, which is dependent on its mass and internal pressure.

5. How does the Chandrasekhar boundary affect the fate of a star?

If a white dwarf star exceeds the Chandrasekhar boundary, it will collapse and potentially form a neutron star or a black hole. This can also trigger a supernova explosion, which can have significant impacts on the surrounding environment and contribute to the formation of new stars and planets.
