Understanding the Conceptual Gap in Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution

  • Thread starter caelestis
  • Start date
In summary: The objections at the time were that an old trait could be breed back into a line - you could breed small dogs for size and strength back into wolves. This... was not possible.
  • #1

I'm having a lot of trouble with this statement and was wondering if someone could help clarify or give me a brief explanation of Darwin's conceptual gap??

It reads "Charles Darwin presented ideas on the causes of organismic change through time.
A primary conceptual gap existed which left his theory open to criticism."

I have tried endless hours searching the web for more information and reading through my textbook but still had no luck...

Thankyou I would really appreciate your help. :)
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
caelestis said:

I'm having a lot of trouble with this statement and was wondering if someone could help clarify or give me a brief explanation of Darwin's conceptual gap??

It reads "Charles Darwin presented ideas on the causes of organismic change through time.
A primary conceptual gap existed which left his theory open to criticism."I have tried endless hours searching the web for more information and reading through my textbook but still had no luck...

Thankyou I would really appreciate your help. :)

I don't know what exactly the "conceptual gap" is that your source is referring to, but some parts of the original formation of evolution by Drawin isn't in agreement with our current knowledge of evolution (neo-Darwinism). For instance, Darwin proposed a genetic mechanism of inheritance called "Pangenesis" but it has since between replaced with "Mendelian inheritance" as part of the modern sysnthesis. Note that although there was disagreement about the mechanism, the existence of the process known as evolution isn't in any scientific debate.
  • #3
It would help a lot if you provided your source and the context of the quote.
  • #4
Ah yes! I didn't think of that approach! Thankyou so much! :)
  • #5
caelestis said:
Ah yes! I didn't think of that approach! Thankyou so much! :)

If you have tried to provide a link and can't, send a Private Message to me and I can get your link to work (we recently changed some things here that will hinder you from posting a link until you have a few more posts...blame the spammers for ruining it for everyone). Context would really be helpful here.
  • #6
Moonbear said:
If you have tried to provide a link and can't, send a Private Message to me and I can get your link to work (we recently changed some things here that will hinder you from posting a link until you have a few more posts...blame the spammers for ruining it for everyone). Context would really be helpful here.

Oh I actually understand it now after missing a little important fact...
But thankyou for telling me about posting links Moonbear, I'll remember it for next time :)
  • #7
caelestis said:
Ah yes! I didn't think of that approach! Thankyou so much! :)

What approach?
  • #8
the source is a Biology assignment, and the question is "In 1859, Charles Darwin published Thw Origin Of Species in which he presented ideas on the causes of organismic change through time.
A primary conceptual gap existed which left his theory open to criticism. What was that conceptual gap?"

I too have been trying to find the answer with little success.

Any ideas peoples?
  • #9
Are these really kids asking for help with biology homework?

Or are they creationist trolls fishing for a "conceptual gap"?

  • #10
Not cynical at all are you?!?

wouldn't call myself a kid, (24 - I know, how ancient!)

but definitely asking for help with bio assignment, is very late and still no clue... have sadly run out of coffee... woe is me :(

personally have no time for creationists - twats don't think animals go to heaven! - if i were god i'd prefer the critters to the humans, but that's just me :)

so any ideas or?!?
  • #11
The conceptual gap was that genes are discrete.
The problem at the time was that any small advantage would be diluted out if you think of inheriting traits as analogue quantities. It's only once you know that a trait/gene is fully inherited or not at all that the mechanism makes sense.
  • #12
The conceptual gap you refer to is probably the fact that Darwin didn't have a coherent notion of where his "variants" could come from in the first place. Natural selection nicely explains how evolution happens by preexisting variants becoming more prevalent due to environmental pressures. It does not say anything about where the varients came from to start with.

Darwin may have had ideas about this, but whatever he thought it probably isn't the accepted view today. Darwin didn't know about mendelian genetics or mutations etc so he couldn't have had a modern view of where his variants came from.

Though I haven't actually read Darwin's original writings so take this with a grain of salt...

edit: mgb and I cross-posted. His post also makes sense, that may be the answer you are looking for.
  • #13
The theory was called "Blending inheritance".

The objections at the time were that an old trait could be breed back into a line - you could breed small dogs for size and strength back into wolves. This had practical importance to breed efficent cattle and sheep and would be impossible if the trait had been diluted to a tiny part by many generations.

The example given by Darwin's critic Fleeming Jenkin (excuse the 19th C world view!)
- imagine a white man shipwrecked on an island, however superior his gifts they would be diluted until many generations on there would be no trace of white skin among the islanders.
  • #14
but some parts of the original formation of evolution by Drawin isn't in agreement with our current knowledge of evolution (neo-Darwinism).

*Cough* Neo-Darwinism came up around 1900 and it is NOT the current theory of evolution. The current one actually does not have a concise name and is often referred to as new modern synthesis and sometimes even postmodern synthesis (modern synthesis came up around the 1950s).

One of the primary conceptual gaps in Darwin's original theory is the means of inheritance. Genes were unknown at that time and he could not really formulate how traits are passed on. In fact, he also accepted the possibility of Lamarckian inheritance, a notion that was refuted by the concept of neo-Darwinism.

FAQ: Understanding the Conceptual Gap in Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution

1. Who is Charles Darwin?

Charles Darwin was a British naturalist and biologist who is best known for his theory of evolution by natural selection. He published his famous book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859, which outlined his theory of evolution.

2. What is the theory of evolution by natural selection?

The theory of evolution by natural selection proposes that species evolve over time through the process of natural selection. This means that individuals with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on those traits to their offspring. Over many generations, this can lead to the development of new species.

3. How did Charles Darwin come up with his theory?

Darwin's theory of evolution was based on his observations and studies of various organisms during his travels on the HMS Beagle. He noticed that species in different environments had unique adaptations and that these adaptations were heritable. He also studied the process of artificial selection, where humans deliberately breed plants and animals for desired traits, and applied it to the natural world.

4. What evidence supports Charles Darwin's theory?

There is a significant amount of evidence that supports Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. This includes the fossil record, which shows the gradual changes in species over time, as well as anatomical and molecular similarities among different species. The observation of natural selection in action, such as the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, also supports the theory.

5. How has Charles Darwin's theory impacted science and society?

Darwin's theory of evolution has had a profound impact on both science and society. It has revolutionized the field of biology and has been supported by further scientific discoveries and advancements in genetics. It has also sparked debates and discussions about the relationship between science and religion, and has influenced social and political movements. Overall, Darwin's theory has greatly shaped our understanding of the natural world and our place in it.
