Understanding the Definition of a Directed Set

In summary, a directed set is a set with a binary relation that allows for the existence of a third element that is not necessarily distinct from any two given elements. This allows for a maximum operator to be defined, but only if the two elements are comparable. In some cases, such as with the binary relation defined by A\e B if and only if A is a subset of B, the existence of a maximum operator is not guaranteed due to the lack of comparability between elements.
  • #1

Homework Statement


The definition of a directed set at the site above makes no sense to me. The part that does not make sense is: "for any two elements a and b in A, there exists an element c in A (not necessarily distinct from a,b) with"

If c does not need to be distinct from a or b, why does this add any restrictions on the binary relation because a possible c is always just max(a,b), where max is defined in the natural way?

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  • #2
ehrenfest said:
If c does not need to be distinct from a or b, why does this add any restrictions on the binary relation because a possible c is always just max(a,b), where max is defined in the natural way?
We have no guarantee that a and b are comparable (i.e. we may have [itex]a \not\leq b[/itex] and [itex]b \not\leq a[/itex]), and thus cannot define a maximum operator.
  • #3
I see. Thanks.
  • #4
For example consider a colection of SETS with [itex]\le[/itex] defined by [itex]A\e B[/itex] if and only if [itex]A\subset B[/itex]. It is quite possible to have A and B, [itex]A\me B[/itex] such that A is not a subset of B and B is not a subset of A.-

FAQ: Understanding the Definition of a Directed Set

What is a directed set?

A directed set is a mathematical concept used in order theory to describe a set of elements that are partially ordered and have a specific direction. This means that for any two elements in the set, there exists a third element that is greater than or equal to both of them.

What is the difference between a directed set and a totally ordered set?

A totally ordered set, also known as a chain, is a directed set in which every two elements are comparable. This means that for any two elements in the set, one is either greater than or equal to the other. A directed set, on the other hand, may have elements that are not comparable.

How is a directed set represented?

A directed set is typically represented using a directed graph, where the elements of the set are represented as nodes and the direction between them is represented as arrows. Alternatively, a directed set can also be represented using a Hasse diagram, which is a type of graph used to represent partially ordered sets.

What is the importance of directed sets in mathematics?

Directed sets are important in mathematics because they provide a way to study and compare partially ordered sets. They also have applications in other areas of mathematics, such as topology, functional analysis, and algebraic geometry.

Can a directed set have an infinite number of elements?

Yes, a directed set can have an infinite number of elements as long as it satisfies the definition of a directed set. In fact, many important mathematical structures, such as the real numbers, can be seen as directed sets with an infinite number of elements.

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