Understanding the Effects of Parities on the Stark Hamiltonian

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  • Thread starter kelly0303
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    Stark effect
In summary, we discussed the effects of an electric field on a 2 level system with opposite parities and energies 0 and Δ. We saw that the Hamiltonian is modified to include a Stark term, which can be expressed as -eEz for a field in the z direction. We also explored the case of a field that varies with position, and found that the parity and matrix elements are affected accordingly. Our conclusion is that a uniform electric field results in an off-diagonal term in the Hamiltonian, while a field varying linearly with z produces a diagonal term.
  • #1
Hello! If we have a 2 level system (say an atom) with energies ##0## and ##\Delta## and opposite parities, and we add an electric field, E, the hamiltonian would now look like ##H = H_0 +H_{Stark}## (where ##H_0## is the unperturbed Hamiltonian), which is equal to ##H=H_0-e\vec{r}\vec{E}##, where (assume we are having an electron in an atom) e is the electric charge and r is the position operator. If we assume that the field is in the z direction we get in the end ##H=H_0-ezE_z##. Now, if we calculate the expectation value of this Stark Hamiltonian in one of the 2 states we would have something like ##<+|-ezE_z|+>=-eE_z<+|z|+>=0##, where ##|+>## is the state of positive parity and we get zero because z is an odd parity operator. On the other hand the diagonal matrix element is not zero and we have ##<+|-ezE_z|->=d_zE_z##, where we define ##d_z = <+|-ez|->##. So in matrix form we get $$H =
0 & d_zE_z \\ d_zE_z & \Delta
And from here we can diagonalize and get the new eigenstates and energy levels. Is this correct? Now my next question is, assume we have an electric field that depends on the position, such as ##E = E_0z##, pointing in the z direction. Now the hamiltonian would be ##H = H_0 - eE_0z^2##. But given that we have ##z^2## instead of ##z##, the parity changes, so in this case the Stark hamiltonian has even parity which means that ##<+|-eE_0z^2|->=0## and ##<+|-eE_0z^2|+>=E_0d_z^+## and ##<-|-eE_0z^2|->=E_0d_z^-##. So in matrix form we get
$$H =
E_0d_z^- & 0 \\ 0 & \Delta + E_0d_z^+
Is my derivation correct? So if we have a uniform electric field, we get off-diagonal term, but if we have a field varying linearly with z (or at least with an odd power of z), we get diagonal term, and the off-diagonals are unchanged. Is my conclusion correct? Thank you!
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  • #2
That looks ok to me.
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Related to Understanding the Effects of Parities on the Stark Hamiltonian

1. What is the Stark effect?

The Stark effect is a phenomenon in which the energy levels of an atom or molecule are split into multiple levels when placed in an external electric field. This effect was first observed by physicist Johannes Stark in 1913.

2. How does the Stark effect occur?

The Stark effect occurs when the electric field interacts with the electric dipole moment of the atom or molecule. This interaction causes the energy levels to split, resulting in a shift in the spectral lines of the atom or molecule.

3. What is the significance of the Stark effect?

The Stark effect is significant because it provides a way to study the electric dipole moment of atoms and molecules, which can give insight into their structure and properties. It also has practical applications in fields such as spectroscopy and quantum computing.

4. What is the difference between the normal and anomalous Stark effect?

The normal Stark effect occurs when the energy levels of an atom or molecule are split into equally spaced levels, while the anomalous Stark effect occurs when the energy levels are split into unevenly spaced levels. The anomalous Stark effect is typically observed at higher electric fields.

5. What is the role of parities in the Stark effect?

Parities, or the symmetry of a system, play a crucial role in the Stark effect. In atoms and molecules, the parities of the energy levels determine the selection rules for transitions between levels. This can help in understanding the observed spectral lines and can also be used to control and manipulate the energy levels through external electric fields.

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