Understanding the Forces Acting on a Skier During Acceleration

  • Thread starter PCSL
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In summary, when a skier is accelerating on a frictionless slope with jet-powered skis, the net force is equal to the thrust minus the component of the weight parallel to the slope. The normal force and perpendicular component of weight cancel out, resulting in a net force in the direction parallel to the slope. A free body diagram can help understand the forces acting on the skier in this situation.
  • #1
What forces act on a skier?

I do not want the answer to this question. What I do not understand is why the net force while the skier is accelerating is Fnet=Fthrust-FG. Can someone explain why normal force is not included? Thank you! :)

Sam (75kg) takes off up a 50m high, 10 degree frictionless slope on his jet-powered skis. The skis have a thrust of 200N. He keeps his skis tilted at 10 degrees after becoming airborne.
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  • #2

PCSL said:
I do not want the answer to this question. What I do not understand is why the net force while the skier is accelerating is Fnet=Fthrust-FG.

Assuming that FG is the component of the weight parallel to the incline, then Fnet is the net force in the direction parallel to the incline. The net force in the direction perpendicular to the incline is zero, because the component of the weight perpendicular to the incline cancels out with the normal force.
  • #3

cepheid said:
Assuming that FG is the component of the weight parallel to the incline, then Fnet is the net force in the direction parallel to the incline. The net force in the direction perpendicular to the incline is zero, because the component of the weight perpendicular to the incline cancels out with the normal force.
Thank you, but could you clarify my question below?
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  • #4
On second thoughts, I still don't get it. You are correct that FG is the weight component parallel to the incline. However, since weight=mg=gravity, I don't understand why the normal force and gravity/weight wouldn't cancel each other out leaving Fnet=Fthrust=ma. I still don't understand why it is Fnet=Fthrust-mg=ma
  • #5
PCSL said:
On second thoughts, I still don't get it. You are correct that FG is the weight component parallel to the incline. However, since weight=mg=gravity, I don't understand why the normal force and gravity/weight wouldn't cancel each other out leaving Fnet=Fthrust=ma. I still don't understand why it is Fnet=Fthrust-mg=ma

If Fg is supposed to be the gravitational force mg (which makes sense), then

Fnet = Fthrust - Fg

is simply not the correct equation. In this situation, as with all such situations, you should draw a free body diagram for the skiier (although in this case it is helpful to include not just the skiier, but the incline as well). What three forces act on him? His weight, the thrust, and the normal force. (Draw all of these on the diagram).

Once you have the diagram, you can see that the weight can be resolved into two components, one which acts parallel to the incline, given by mgsinθ, and one which acts perpendicular to the incline, given by mgcosθ, where θ is the angle of the incline. Then, since there is an acceleration in the direction parallel to the incline, you have that the sum of all forces in that direction is equal to ma:

Fthrust - mgsinθ = ma

Since there is no acceleration in the direction perpendicular to the incline, you can see that the sum of all forces in that direction must be zero:

Fnormal - mgcosθ = 0

Hopefully the answer to your question of why weight doesn't totally cancel out with normal force is now clear from the diagram. Remember that the word normal means "perpendicular" and the normal force is always perpendicular to the contact surface. In contrast, weight is vertical. So they don't even point exactly in the same direction. But if you resolve the weight into parallel and perpendicular components, you find that the perpendicular component of the weight cancels with the normal force. (The parallel component has the effect of hindering the skiier, i.e. of opposing the thrust by trying to pull him down the incline).
  • #6
That makes sense. Thank you very much. I always draw FBDs but I guess that I just have to work at thinking through problems more.
  • #7
If you assume he doesn't come off the ground or fall through the ground, then all force acts parallel to the ground and then you use that analysis given by cepheid.
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FAQ: Understanding the Forces Acting on a Skier During Acceleration

What is the force acting on a skier?

The force acting on a skier is the total force that is exerted on the skier as they move down a slope. It includes both external forces, such as gravity and air resistance, as well as internal forces, such as the muscles used by the skier to maintain their balance and control their movements.

How does the force of gravity affect a skier?

The force of gravity is the main external force acting on a skier. It pulls the skier towards the center of the Earth, causing them to accelerate downwards. This force is what allows the skier to move down the slope and maintain their speed.

What is the role of air resistance in skiing?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is another external force acting on a skier. As the skier moves down the slope, they encounter air molecules that create resistance against their movement. This force can slow down the skier and affect their ability to control their movements.

How do the skier's movements affect the force acting on them?

The skier's movements, such as turning, stopping, and changing direction, can affect the force acting on them. These movements require the skier to use their muscles, which can create internal forces that counteract the external forces acting on them. For example, turning requires the skier to apply a force in the opposite direction of their movement to maintain balance and control.

What factors can influence the force acting on a skier?

The force acting on a skier can be influenced by various factors, such as the slope angle, the skier's weight and speed, the type of snow, and external conditions like wind. These factors can affect the amount of external force, such as gravity and air resistance, that act on the skier, and can also impact the skier's ability to control their movements and apply internal forces.
