Understanding the Free Fall Velocity Equation

In summary, the conversation revolves around the task of coding graphs for free fall motion. The problem involves solving the free fall velocity equation (1.1) numerically and comparing it with the exact solution, v(t) = -gt. The conversation also discusses the confusion over the meaning of dv/dt = -g and the difference between the numerical and exact solutions. The assignment calls for using TGraph and TF1 to plot the numerical and exact solutions respectively, and the conversation concludes with a confirmation that the outcome should be two linear functions graphed on top of each other.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

I am tasked with coding some graphs regarding free fall motion.

I am unclear what the professor means regarding the following, so I am looking for incite here.

Problem: Solve numerically free fall velocity equation (problem 1.1), compare with exact solution
(1.1) dv/dt = -g

The exact numerical solution and the coding solution should agree here.

My problem is what does dv/dt= -g mean as free fall velocity?

I thought that when you take the derivative of velocity, you get acceleration. That should be what it is saying. (as it is).
She states that she wants us to solve the free fall velocity equation and directs us to dv/dt=-g. Does this make sense?

My understanding is that free fall velocity is v(t) = g*t which is a linear graph Any clarity on the wording?
note* I can't talk to her as it is due Monday.
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  • #2
V=-gt would be the exact solution, assuming zero velocity at time 0. A numerical solution would consist of calculating the velocity at a sequence of times using the relationship ##\Delta v=(dv/dt)\Delta t##. You are given what to substitute for dv/dt.
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  • #3
Okay, so we both agree that this graph should be linear and that what she is asking for the a velocity graph.
The exact solution I was able to graph and I took into account initial velocity.


So now I have to just add in the numerical solution as you stated.
The numerical solution would then be -g*(change in time)
But this doesn't make sense to me. Because -g*change in time would just be a constant and not a linear down slope.
  • #4
RJLiberator said:
But this doesn't make sense to me. Because -g*change in time would just be a constant and not a linear down slope.
Change in velocity = -g*change in time . Pick some time interval ##\Delta t=T##.
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  • #5
Ah, beautiful.

I just want to confirm one thing with you.
The assignment calls for:
–Solve numerically free fall velocity equation (problem 1.1), compare with exact solution
and later states:
Use TGraph to show numerical solution for v(t) and TF1 to illustrate the exact solution (on top of it)

For some reason, she drew a slightly parabolic curve for the 'example graph' in class on the white board.
I don't see how this could, in any sense, be parabolic and I don't understand how any of our current analysis could be skewed.

We seem to be right on with what she has stated as the assignment here and I will use my exact solution (previously pictured) with the numerical approach (as you helped me with here).
And the outcome will be two linear functions essentially graphed right on top of each other.
That seems to clear the assignment, agreed?
  • #6
RJLiberator said:
she drew a slightly parabolic curve for the 'example graph' in class on the white board.
Since I was not in the class, I cannot say what the drawing meant. Maybe she was illustrating the basic method of plotting a numerical solution, which would in general give some curve.
You did write
RJLiberator said:
The exact numerical solution and the coding solution should agree here.
I was not quite sure what that meant, but I interpreted it as meaning the numerical solution would exactly match the algebraic solution. That would only ever be true for a straight line.
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  • #7
Excellent, thank you for your help here!

FAQ: Understanding the Free Fall Velocity Equation

1. What is the free fall velocity equation?

The free fall velocity equation is used to calculate the velocity of an object as it falls towards the ground due to the force of gravity. It is represented by the equation v = gt, where v is the velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²), and t is the time the object has been falling.

2. How is the free fall velocity equation derived?

The free fall velocity equation is derived from Newton's second law of motion, which states that the force applied to an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration. In the case of free fall, the only force acting on the object is gravity, and the acceleration due to gravity is constant. By rearranging the equation F=ma to solve for velocity, we get v = gt.

3. Can the free fall velocity equation be used for any object?

Yes, the free fall velocity equation can be used for any object falling towards the ground due to gravity. However, it is important to note that air resistance and other external factors may affect the accuracy of the calculation.

4. How does the free fall velocity equation relate to terminal velocity?

The free fall velocity equation is used to calculate the velocity of an object before it reaches terminal velocity. Once an object reaches terminal velocity, the force of air resistance is equal to the force of gravity, and the object will no longer accelerate. Therefore, the velocity is constant and the free fall velocity equation is no longer applicable.

5. Are there any limitations to the free fall velocity equation?

The free fall velocity equation assumes that the acceleration due to gravity is constant and that there are no external forces acting on the object. In reality, these factors may vary and affect the accuracy of the calculation. Additionally, the equation does not take into account air resistance, which can significantly impact the velocity of an object falling through the air.
