Understanding the Genetic Code: What is Universality and Redundancy?

In summary, the three terms used to describe the genetic code are universality, redundancy, and non-overlapping reading frame. Universality refers to the fact that codons have the same meaning in all species, implying a common evolutionary origin. Redundancy means that there are multiple codons that can code for the same amino acid, providing a backup plan and potentially allowing for the transfer of genetic information between species. Non-overlapping reading frame refers to the specific way in which codons must be read to code for the intended gene, and how a slight shift in the reading frame can result in a different gene being translated. This can be seen in the genetic code of eukaryotes, where the mitochondria have a different genetic code compared
  • #1
I'm having problems with three terms that are used to describe the genetic code:
non-overlapping reading frame

1) Universality: For the most part, I understand. I know that the universality of the code allows for the limited exchange of genetic information among different types of organisms, and the activities of molecules such as viruses. However, I still don't get what "Universality" really is. Is it the fact that all life comes from one source?

2) Redundancy: all but two of the twenty amino acids (methionine and tryptophan) can be specified by more than one codon. Is this the only definiton of redundancy?

Thank you
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  • #2
jackdamack10 said:
1) Universality: For the most part, I understand. I know that the universality of the code allows for the limited exchange of genetic information among different types of organisms, and the activities of molecules such as viruses. However, I still don't get what "Universality" really is. Is it the fact that all life comes from one source?

Universality is the fact that codons have the same meaning (with a few exceptions) in virtually all species. The universality of the genetic code can be used to imply that the three domain of life shared a common evolutionnary developments. It also implies that genetic information can be transfer from one organism to another as you stated.

jackdamack10 said:
2) Redundancy: all but two of the twenty amino acids (methionine and tryptophan) can be specified by more than one codon. Is this the only definiton of redundancy?

As far as the genetic code is concern, it is the only function. In broad sense in biology, more specifically genetics, redundancy can also be used in the context of gene and their functions. Sometimes genes will duplicate and therefore the newly created gene will have reduntant function. Also, 2 gene, which have a separated origin, may have the same function.

jackdamack10 said:
non-overlapping reading frame

A open reading frame (ORF) is a strech of codons, with a start and stop codon, that has the potential to encode a complete protein. Non-overlapping reading frame is basicly 2 ORF that are speparated by 1 or more nucleotides.
  • #3
An example of the ORF would be:

Imagine a good ORF that codes for a functional gene

e.g. THE BIG FAT CAT ATE RAT We can call this ORF 1 where each word is a codon

If we shift this ORF by just one nucleotide,

e.g. HEB IGF ATC ATA TER AT... The whole sequence does not make sense anymore, and will code for a nonfunctional or different gene.

So when we say that the genetic code has a non-overlapping reading frame... it means that codons must be read in one specific way (e.g. ORF 1). If read in a different way, the intended gene will not be translated into the correct protein.

The genetic code having redundancy basically means that there's always a backup plan. Also, there are different combinations of three nucleotides (codons) that can code for the same amino acid, giving extra redundancy to the genetic code.

Hope this helps a bit
  • #4
One interesting thing about the genetic code is that eukaryotes generally have mitochondria (basically an aerobic energy producing organelle). The mitochondria have DNA that has a different genetic code then the chromosomal DNA. This may suggest that mitochondria once were single cell organisms that had a different genetic code the prokaryotic ancesters.

FAQ: Understanding the Genetic Code: What is Universality and Redundancy?

1. What is the genetic code?

The genetic code is the set of rules by which the sequence of nucleotides in DNA is translated into the sequence of amino acids in a protein.

2. How is the genetic code determined?

The genetic code is determined by the sequence of nucleotides in DNA. Each set of three nucleotides, called a codon, codes for a specific amino acid.

3. Is the genetic code universal?

Yes, the genetic code is universal, meaning that the same codons code for the same amino acids in almost all living organisms.

4. Can the genetic code change?

Yes, the genetic code can change through mutations, which are changes in the DNA sequence. These changes can result in different amino acids being coded for by a specific codon.

5. What are the implications of understanding the genetic code?

Understanding the genetic code allows us to better understand how genes are expressed and how mutations can lead to genetic diseases. It also helps in the development of genetic engineering and biotechnology.

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