Understanding the Polar-Cartesian Relationship in Jacobian Calculus

In summary: This is why we have to be careful when using differentials as multiplication or division shorthand. They are not quantities to be manipulated like that. We need to always keep in mind what they represent in the specific context we are working in. In summary, the conversation discusses the use of Jacobians and differentials in solving a problem involving polar coordinates. The initial statement of dydx = rdrdθ is valid, but changing it to dy/dθ=rdr/dx is not, as it is taken out of the context of the Jacobian equation. This highlights the importance of understanding the context in which differentials are used and not treating them as numeric quantities.
  • #1
This is a problem that has been bugging me all day. While working with the well-known dydx = rdrdθ, where r is a function of θ I divided both sides of the equation by dxdθ to get dy/dθ = r(dr/dx)

For the left side, I use y = rsinθ and derive with respect to θ to get dy/dθ = sinθdr/dθ + rcosθ. For the left side, I use r^2 = y^2 + x^2, and derive both sides dx, to get

2r(dr/dx)=2y(dy/dx) + 2x, which simplifies to r (dr/dx)=y(dy/dx) + x.

I then put both of these equalities in the equation to get

sinθ(dr/dθ) + rcosθ = y(dy/dx) + x. Knowing that x = rcosθ, and that y/r = sinθ

I subtract x then divide y from both sides to get

(1/r)(dr/dθ) = (dy/dx).

However, this contradicts the proof that

dy/dx =((dr/dθ)sinθ+rcosθ)/((dr/dθ)cosθ-rsinθ).

I just want to know what went wrong. (I have checked mathematically, these two functions will NOT give the same results at most points.)
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  • #2
subinator said:
While working with the well-known dydx = rdrdθ
Where did you get this expression? In general it is not a valid expression. In certain tightly constrained contexts it might be able to be given a meaning specific to the context, in such a way that the equality holds. But we don't know from what context you took it, and whether the conditions of that context are preserved throughout the manipulations you do above.

A good general principle is to not treat differentials like dx like numeric quantities by which one can multiply and divide. They are not, and one can't. In some cases one can use such multiplication or division as a shorthand, but one needs to have a sense of what the shorthand is short for, and be confident that the abbreviation is valid.
  • #3
andrewkirk said:
Where did you get this expression? In general it is not a valid expression. In certain tightly constrained contexts it might be able to be given a meaning specific to the context, in such a way that the equality holds. But we don't know from what context you took it, and whether the conditions of that context are preserved throughout the manipulations you do above.

A good general principle is to not treat differentials like dx like numeric quantities by which one can multiply and divide. They are not, and one can't. In some cases one can use such multiplication or division as a shorthand, but one needs to have a sense of what the shorthand is short for, and be confident that the abbreviation is valid.

This expression is the Jacobian which the differentials dydx in cartesians are translated into polar differentials rdrdθ, and I am keeping it in the context of coordinates in a plane where it is valid (as that is where I make the comparison to the proof y'=(r'sinθ+rcosθ)/(r'cosθ-rsinθ), which simply equates dy/dx to (dy/dθ)/(dx/dθ), an algebraic transformation). I think I may see your point in the division of two differential numbers at once, which may violate the conditions of shorthand and there is where it becomes illegal, but I wish I knew for sure if that was the case or not.
  • #4
subinator said:
This expression is the Jacobian which the differentials dydx in cartesians are translated into polar differentials rdrdθ, and I am keeping it in the context of coordinates in a plane where it is valid (as that is where I make the comparison to the proof y'=(r'sinθ+rcosθ)/(r'cosθ-rsinθ), which simply equates dy/dx to (dy/dθ)/(dx/dθ), an algebraic transformation). I think I may see your point in the division of two differential numbers at once, which may violate the conditions of shorthand and there is where it becomes illegal, but I wish I knew for sure if that was the case or not.

After checking further, this is indeed the case, as when there are two differential numbers this doesn't become a legal operation. The initial statement dydx = rdrdθ is valid, but changing it to dy/dθ=rdr/dx is not. (by this logic this would mean (dx/dr)(1/r) would have to equal dθ/dy, which is most certainly not true or how derivatives work. Thank you.)
  • #5
OK, then the context where we are using Jacobians for area is that we have the following equation:

$$\iint_A f(x, y) \,dx \,dy = \iint_A f(r \cos \vartheta, r \sin \vartheta) \, r \, dr \, d\vartheta$$

That is not the same as saying that:

$$dx \,dy = r \, dr \, d\vartheta$$

The manipulations need to be done within the context of the first equation. As soon as they are taken out of that context, they lose validity.

FAQ: Understanding the Polar-Cartesian Relationship in Jacobian Calculus

What is the difference between polar and cartesian coordinates?

Polar coordinates use a radius and angle to describe a point on a graph, while cartesian coordinates use x and y coordinates.

Which coordinate system is more commonly used in science and engineering?

Cartesian coordinates are more commonly used in science and engineering because they are easier to work with mathematically.

Can polar and cartesian coordinates be converted to each other?

Yes, polar and cartesian coordinates can be converted to each other using simple mathematical formulas.

What types of problems are better suited for polar coordinates?

Polar coordinates are better suited for problems involving circular or symmetrical shapes, such as polar graphs or polar equations.

Why do some scientists prefer to use polar coordinates over cartesian coordinates?

Some scientists prefer to use polar coordinates because they can better describe certain physical phenomena, such as circular motion or electromagnetic fields.

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