Understanding the Propagation of Photons: E-field and B-field in Motion

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of photons and electromagnetic waves. The YouTube video shows a classical electromagnetic plane wave, while a photon is a more abstract concept. The electric and magnetic field vectors oscillate as the wave passes over charged particles, and a photon is the quantized interaction of the wave. It is not possible to follow a photon in time, and only asymptotically free single-particle Fock states have a proper particle interpretation. The concept of light is complex and strange in nature, just like the concept of photons.
  • #1
Hi PhysicsForums,

I was wondering if this youtube was a correct representation of a photon traveling through space with time.

What I am trying to grasp is that, is the photon creating a trail of static Efields and Bfields as it moves through space as shown in the youtube, or does the photon only have one Efield and Bfield around the photon, in which the Electrif Field and Bfield alternate in their plane, Perpendicular to the propagation of the photon.

Thank you Physicsforums!
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  • #2
The photon does not create the EM field because it has zero electric charge.

Photons are created as the energy state of the EM field changes from a ground state with minimal energy to elevated states which have higher energy.

I hope i was helpfull.
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  • #3
What's shown in the Youtube movie is a classical electromagnetic plane wave (which doesn't exist in nature but is a very useful mathematical tool since you can describe real electromagnetic waves by superpositions of such plane waves in terms of Fourier series and Fourier integrals).

A photon is a much more abstract concept than these classical waves. It doesn't even make sense to ask about the location of a photon, because it is not possible to define what position means for a massless particle with a spin [itex]\geq 1[/itex]. You can only ask with which probability you will detect photon in a detector. The location of this detection is well defined, because the detector is a macroscopic object with mass, where a position observable is well defined.

From the point of view of quantum electrodynamics classical fields are coherent states, which are a superposition of all photon-number (Fock) states. Here the phase of the wave is quite well-defined while the photon number follows a Poisson distribution.
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  • #4
OO hmm, all these ideas have brought new ideas into my head. I was wondering then, what it meant by Efield and Bfield oscilating. Does that mean as we measure the photon in time, the Efield and Bfield that is associated with the photon would oscillate in their planes? Meaning we measured more Efield in one direction say-y at time t1, and at time t2 we would have an Efield in another direction say-x, but 0 Efield in the y-direction at time 2.

Is this a correct view? It so hard visualizing this. But I think this is wrong bc my description is depicting a Efield and Bfield around a photon that is oscillating.
  • #5
What is oscillating is the electric and magnetic field vectors. A field vector represents the direction and magnitude of the force exerted on a charged particle by the field. As an EM wave passes over a charged particle, the particle oscillates back and forth as the field vectors vary in magnitude and direction.

A photon is simply the quantized interaction of the EM wave. This means that when the wave interacts with particles, it does so in finite sized "chunks" of energy which we call photons. The photon is not creating the EM wave, it is inherently part of the EM wave.
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  • #6
Forget photons! At your level of understanding you have to study classical electrodynamics first. An electromagnetic wave is a space-time dependent electromagnetic field, which you get as solutions of Maxwell's equations.

You cannot follow a photon in time in principle! A photon is created somewhere, then may interact with something (e.g., an atomic nucleus) and then you detect it long after this interaction. You cannot even well define what an interacting photon might be let alone how it behaves in time. Only asymptotically free single-particle Fock states have a proper particle interpretation!
  • #7
Ohh, I get it better now. The concept of light is quite intense. Such a weird phenomena in nature. I guess I am a weird phenomena in nature too!

FAQ: Understanding the Propagation of Photons: E-field and B-field in Motion

1. What is an electromagnetic wave?

An electromagnetic wave is a type of energy that is made up of electric and magnetic fields that move through space. These waves can travel through a vacuum, such as outer space, and do not require a medium to travel through.

2. What is the difference between an electromagnetic wave and a time wave?

An electromagnetic wave is a type of energy, while a time wave is a concept used to measure the duration of events. Electromagnetic waves are used to transfer energy, while time waves are used to measure the passage of time.

3. How do electromagnetic waves and time interact?

Electromagnetic waves and time do not directly interact with each other. Time is a concept used to measure the duration of events, while electromagnetic waves are a form of energy that can travel through space.

4. What are some examples of electromagnetic waves?

Some common examples of electromagnetic waves include radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays.

5. How do electromagnetic waves change over time?

Electromagnetic waves can change over time in terms of their amplitude, frequency, and wavelength. These changes can be caused by various factors, such as the source of the wave, the medium it is traveling through, and interactions with other objects.
