Understanding the Relationship Between Determinism and Quantum Mechanics

  • Thread starter revo74
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    Qm Random
In summary, the question of whether QM is random or not is a debated topic and is dependent on one's interpretation. Some argue that QM is not purely deterministic, while others argue that it appears random due to our limited understanding and that there may be underlying deterministic laws. The key difference is that the outcomes of a specific measurement in QM are probabilistic, rather than predetermined. However, the concept of randomness in QM may be different from the everyday understanding of the term, as it involves accurate probabilities and the inability to know the outcome at a fundamental level. Ultimately, the answer to this question remains unknown and is subject to further research and interpretation.
  • #1
Is it wrong to say that QM is random? Aren't we too ignorant of what's going on at the level of QM to claim with certainty what's going on?

How could the Universe be deterministic at the level of GR, but we different at the level of QM. They are both connected, only describing different scales.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
revo74 said:
Is it wrong to say that QM is random? Aren't we too ignorant of what's going on at the level of QM to claim with certainty what's going on?

How could the Universe be deterministic at the level of GR, but we different at the level of QM. They are both connected, only describing different scales.

Quantum Mechanics is not random, but the outcomes of a specific measurement are probabilistic and that is a key difference. Its mathematical description is entirely deterministic up until a measurement is made at which point it tells us the relevant probabilities for various outcomes. Furthermore, we no undoubtedly that should there lie a deterministic core (what is called a hidden variable theory) it would have to violate locality (and thus relativity). It's pretty far from my field of expertise but I believe it is possible to recover much of GR within the framework of QFT. The fact that GR should have equations that are deterministic and QM should not is not particularly interesting regardless. The reason being that larger quantum systems tend to have their probabilistic nature drowned out (decoherence) which is why large quantum systems can be treated within the framework of Newton's Classical Mechanics, which is deterministic, to great accuracy. I don't believe particle physicists and cosmologists would be surprised at all if it turned out that the equations of GR were just an effective field theory of an ultimately quantum one.
  • #3
revo74 said:
Is it wrong to say that QM is random? Aren't we too ignorant of what's going on at the level of QM to claim with certainty what's going on?

The answers to these questions are what is called "interpretation dependent". There is absolutely NO evidence that quantum phenomena are anything other than fully random. There is substantial evidence that it is not possible to complete our understanding of what is going on at the quantum level by additional knowledge. However, these statements are explainable by some deterministic interpretations. However, they will not be causally local.
  • #4
DrChinese said:
fully random

Again, I'm not a fan of the term "fully random" since it implies, in everyday usage, that essentially any outcome is possible or even that all outcomes are equally likely, that it lacks order or description; chaotic (this word also in the layman sense). Which is of course not the way quantum is at all. Quantum mechanics can tell you that if you perform a certain experiment then 73.31873...% of the time you will get outcome A and 26.68127..% of the time you will get outcome B. In this sense it is very deterministic and accurate (if you repeat the exact same experiment many many times you will find the probabilities predicted by QM to be extremely accurate). However, on any given experiment it not only can't say which outcome will occur but it says that it can't be known at the most fundamental level (reality itself doesn't know). In this sense it is "random". However, in our made up example it does give you extremely accurate probabilities for outcome A and B and in addition tells you that outcomes C, D and E will never occur.
  • #5
@maverick_starstrider let me make it simple, QM is not purely deterministic, does that help?
  • #6
unusualname said:
@maverick_starstrider let me make it simple, QM is not purely deterministic, does that help?

Well I'm just saying if you're talking to a non-physicist "probabilistic" and "random" will likely be interpreted differently. When layman talk about random they tend to mean something either has a uniform random distribution or an unknown distribution. Neither of which is an aspect of QM.
  • #7
maverick_starstrider said:
Well I'm just saying if you're talking to a non-physicist "probabilistic" and "random" will likely be interpreted differently. When layman talk about random they tend to mean something either has a uniform random distribution or an unknown distribution. Neither of which is an aspect of QM.

Ok, point taken, and you've actually been very reasonable in your posts above (so apologies for the bluntness of my post).

I believe there is one deterministic law in the universe, it is Schrödinger Evolution, the rest is non-deterministic (check my home page for exactly how I think it works)
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  • #8
maverick_starstrider said:
if you repeat the exact same experiment many many times you will find the probabilities predicted by QM to be extremely accurate). However, on any given experiment it not only can't say which outcome will occur but it says that it can't be known at the most fundamental level (reality itself doesn't know). In this sense it is "random".

My point is that it appears random to every test humanly possible. That would indicate NO evidence that it is NOT random. The rest is semantics. If a pattern is found in the future, so be it. But it existeth not at this time!
  • #9
There is absolutely NO evidence that quantum phenomena are anything other than fully random.!

You've hit on one of the great unsolved problems in QM. Wiki "quantum chaos" or the "correspondence principle" for more. The answer isn't so clear cut.
  • #10
Depending on interpretation, it'd be yes or no.

Completely Random, if your interpretation says that the "wave" characteristic exists or that all other possible worlds exist.

--Not-- at all Random, if your interpretation says that classical physics arises out of an unknowable -deeper- classical-type physics in which the usual classical variables only exist as equilibrium variables. In that case, the interpretation is not random dynamics, but ultimately unknowable dynamics.

FAQ: Understanding the Relationship Between Determinism and Quantum Mechanics

1. What is QM and why is it important to understand its randomness?

QM stands for quantum mechanics, which is the branch of physics that studies the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level. It is important to understand its randomness because it helps us understand the fundamental laws of nature and how the universe works at a microscopic level.

2. How does QM differ from classical mechanics in terms of randomness?

The main difference between QM and classical mechanics is that QM takes into account the concept of probability and randomness, while classical mechanics assumes that all physical quantities can be precisely measured. QM introduces the concept of uncertainty and randomness at the subatomic level, which is not present in classical mechanics.

3. Can we predict the outcomes of QM experiments?

No, we cannot predict the outcomes of QM experiments with certainty. QM is based on the principle of indeterminacy, which states that it is impossible to know the exact state of a particle at any given time. Therefore, the outcomes of QM experiments are probabilistic and cannot be predicted with 100% accuracy.

4. Is there any evidence that supports the randomness of QM?

Yes, there is a lot of evidence that supports the randomness of QM. One of the most well-known examples is the double-slit experiment, which demonstrated the wave-particle duality of light and the probabilistic nature of QM. Additionally, various experiments in quantum cryptography and quantum computing also rely on the randomness of QM.

5. Is the randomness in QM truly random or is it just our lack of understanding?

This question is still a topic of debate among scientists. Some argue that the randomness in QM is just our lack of understanding and that there may be underlying hidden variables that determine the outcomes of experiments. However, the overwhelming majority of evidence and theories support the idea that the randomness in QM is truly inherent and not just a result of our limited understanding.

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