Understanding the Relationship Between Spin and Magnetic Moment

In summary, the spin of an electron is defined as having the same direction as if it had components around it that swirl around with the angular momentum, and is always opposite in direction to the magnetic moment. However, since spin does not take into account the charge of the particle, the magnetic moment is different for an electron with a negative charge compared to a proton with a positive charge. This can be understood classically by comparing the spin to the area vector of a spinning particle, even though in reality nothing is actually spinning in the electron.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The spin is opposite in direction to the magnetic moment of the electron. Is that because the magnetic moment, u is defined as Ia where a is the area vector and spin is defined with the same direction as if it had components around it that swirl around with the angular momentum being (r)x(v) so is always oppsite in direction to the magnetic moment. So the spin of the proton would always have the same sign as its magnetic moment?
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  • #2

I don't understand what is your question... perhaps you can rearrange it a little bit.


pivoxa15 said:
The spin is opposite in direction to the magnetic moment of the electron.

This is an statement.

pivoxa15 said:
Is that because the magnetic moment, u is defined as Ia where a is the area vector and spin is defined with the same direction as if it had components around it that swirl around with the angular momentum being (r)x(v) so is always oppsite in direction to the magnetic moment.

Is this your answer or part of your problem?

pivoxa15 said:
So the spin of the proton would always have the same sign as its magnetic moment?

This seems to be a guess of yours, Isn't it?

If you put it clearer, so we can help :wink:

  • #3
The electron has negative charge, the proton positive charge.
Mag mom is proportional to charge. Spin isn't.
  • #4
The key part of my question is

'...spin is defined with the same direction as if it had components around it that swirl around with the angular momentum being (r)x(v) so is always oppsite in direction to the magnetic moment [since as Meir Achuz said, the spin does not take into account the charge].'

The rest is trying to draw a comparison with something that is understandable classically which is the magnetic moment.

So spin is like the area vector of a spinning particle. However in the electron nothing is spinning. But we still give this area vector. This vector is different to the mangetic moment when the charge is negative.

So I have given a go at answering my own question. Is it correct?

FAQ: Understanding the Relationship Between Spin and Magnetic Moment

What is spin in physics?

Spin is a fundamental property of particles in quantum mechanics. It describes the intrinsic angular momentum of a particle, independent of its orbital angular momentum.

How is spin measured?

Spin is measured using the Pauli spin matrices, which are mathematical operators that represent the spin states of particles. These matrices are used in experiments to determine the spin of particles.

What is the difference between spin and orbital angular momentum?

Spin and orbital angular momentum are both forms of angular momentum, but they have different origins. Spin is an intrinsic property of particles, while orbital angular momentum is associated with the motion of a particle around some axis.

Can spin change?

Yes, spin can change through interactions with other particles or fields. For example, when an electron interacts with a magnetic field, its spin can change due to the influence of the field.

How is spin used in practical applications?

Spin has a wide range of practical applications, such as in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, which use the spin properties of particles to create detailed images and analyze chemical structures.
