Understanding the Remainder Term in Taylor Series: A Closer Look at the Formula

In summary: Isn't that just adding up all the terms in the Taylor series up to the n+1th term and then dividing by n?
  • #1
in vissia
I'm currently studying the Taylor series and I cannot figure out how the remainder term came to be. If anyone could clarify this for me, I would be really grateful ...!

I understand that the Taylor series isn't always equal to f(x) for each x, so we put Rn at the end as the remainder term (note that a + h = x).

f(a+h) = f(a) + [tex]\frac{h}{1!}[/tex]*f'(a) + [tex]\frac{h^2}{2!}[/tex]*f''(a)+⋯+[tex]\frac{h^n}{n!}[/tex] f[tex]^{(n)}[/tex] (a) +Rn

So Rn is f(x) minus it's Taylor series.

But then we try to approximate how big Rn actually is. For fixed values of a and x, we look at a new function that looks like this (t is any number, p [tex]\in[/tex] (1, 2, 3, ..., n)):

F(t) = f(x) - f(t) - [tex]\frac{x - t}{1!}[/tex]*f'(t) - [tex]\frac{(x - t)^{2}}{2!}[/tex]*f''(t) - ... - [tex]\frac{(x - t)^{^n}}{n!}[/tex]*f[tex]^{(n)}[/tex](t) - Rn(x)*([tex]\frac{(x - t)^{p}}{(x - a)^{p}}[/tex]^{p}

From here on we say that F(a) = F(x) = 0 and see that, following Rolle, there should be a value w between a and x for which F'(w) = 0 and that's how we end up with a formula for Rn.

What bothers me here: What is F(t)? And if I compare it to the first formula, where did that fraction of ((x-t)/(x-a))^p next to Rn come from?

Thank you for your time!
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  • #2
"I understand that the Taylor series isn't always equal to f(x) for each x, so we put Rn at the end as the remainder term"

I thought we put Rn as the remainder term becuase we are only looking at the first few (finitely many) terms in the Taylor series, which are in general pretty close to f(x), but still need some correction. ?

What book are you using?
  • #3
I gathered this from the notes from our Math class and it also says so in one of the books we're supposed to use, Higher Mathematics 1 (Višja matematika) (it's Slovene, you probably don't know it) for our Analisys class.

By looking at your comment, I just figured something out ... Thanks!
The thing is, in our book it's explaned by having a function that can be derived n+1 times and constructing a Taylor series by using n derivations and what's left out (the n+1th derivation) is the remainder term. Which is what you explained in much plainer words :)

But I still don't get why the remainder in that F(t) function is multiplied by that fraction?

FAQ: Understanding the Remainder Term in Taylor Series: A Closer Look at the Formula

What is a Taylor series?

A Taylor series is a mathematical concept that represents a function as an infinite sum of terms, using the function's derivatives evaluated at a specific point. It is named after the mathematician Brook Taylor.

What is the purpose of the remainder term in a Taylor series?

The remainder term in a Taylor series is used to estimate the error or the difference between the value of the function and its Taylor polynomial approximation. It helps to determine how close the approximation is to the actual value of the function.

How is the remainder term calculated?

The remainder term in a Taylor series is calculated using the Lagrange form of the remainder, which involves taking the derivative of the function and evaluating it at a point between the original point and the point of approximation. This value is then multiplied by the remaining terms in the Taylor series.

What is the significance of the remainder term?

The remainder term plays a crucial role in determining the accuracy of a Taylor series approximation. It allows us to estimate the error and make adjustments to improve the approximation. In some cases, the remainder term can also help to determine the convergence of the Taylor series.

How is the remainder term used in real-world applications?

The remainder term is used in many fields of science and engineering, such as physics, chemistry, and economics. It is particularly useful in approximating complex functions to a simpler form, allowing for easier calculations and predictions. It is also used in numerical methods to improve the accuracy of calculations and simulations.
