Understanding the Second Derivative Test

In summary: The graph of z = f(x, y) requires three dimensions: two for the domain, and one for the range. Using my example of f(x, y) = 2x3y2, can you get a graph of that function?Yes, you can graph fx(x, y) = 6x2y2 and fxy(x, y) = 12x2y.
  • #1

Homework Statement

So fx is how much f changes when you change x. Thus fxx is the rate of change of fx, or geometrically how fast the functions slope is changing. The same can be said for fy and fyy. But what about fxy and fyx? Could someone please explain to me what they mean?

I want to understand what it means to understand the second derivative test:

I am not sure what the meaning of the term [fxy(a,b)]^2 is. I can't seem to visualize what's going on when you take the second derivative test and the textbook doesn't have a proof.
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  • #2

theBEAST said:

Homework Statement

So fx is how much f changes when you change x. Thus fxx is the rate of change of fx, or geometrically how fast the functions slope is changing. The same can be said for fy and fyy. But what about fxy and fyx? Could someone please explain to me what they mean?
fxy is the rate of change of fx relative to a change in y.
fxy is also written as
$$ \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}$$

Note that the two kinds of notation are a little confusing, as the order of x and y is reversed in the two kinds of notation.
theBEAST said:
I want to understand what it means to understand the second derivative test:

I am not sure what the meaning of the term [fxy(a,b)]^2 is. I can't seem to visualize what's going on when you take the second derivative test and the textbook doesn't have a proof.

For [fxy(a, b)]2,
1. take the partial of f with respect to x
2. take the partial of fx with respect to y
3. evaluate the result of step 2 at the point (a, b).
4. square the result of step 3.

For example, if f(x, y) = 2x3y2, and we need to evaluate it at (1, 1),
fx = 6x2y2 and fxy = 12x2y.
fxy(1, 1) = 12*1*1 = 12

Squaring that result gives you 144.
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  • #3

Mark44 said:
fxy is the rate of change of fx relative to a change in y.
fxy is also written as
$$ \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}$$

Note that the two kinds of notation are a little confusing, as the order of x and y is reversed in the two kinds of notation.

For [fxy(a, b)]2,
1. take the partial of f with respect to x
2. take the partial of fx with respect to y
3. evaluate the result of step 2 at the point (a, b).
4. square the result of step 3.

For example, if f(x, y) = 2x3y2, and we need to evaluate it at (1, 1),
fx = 6x2y2 and fxy = 12x2y.
fxy(1, 1) = 12*1*1 = 12

Squaring that result gives you 144.

Thank you but I what I really don't understand is what fxy looks like on a graph. What is it's visual representation? If I can understand that then I think I can answer other questions like:

Why you would subtract [fxy(a, b)]2, why not add it.
  • #4

with the partial with respect to x, you are able to extract the flat structure of the function f but only in the x direction. so you're transforming the function f into another function df/dx, and you find its measures the flatness of f but only in the direction of x. now look at df/dx and we want to find the flat structure of this function but now in the y direction. so we create another function from this one that measures the flatness of f in the direction of x and the flatness of df/dx in the direction of y. this function does not necessarily measure flatness in other directions, in fact a derivative may not even exist in other directions.

sorry my cumbersome attempt to describe it.
  • #5

theBEAST said:
Thank you but I what I really don't understand is what fxy looks like on a graph. What is it's visual representation?
The graph of z = f(x, y) requires three dimensions: two for the domain, and one for the range.

Using my example of f(x, y) = 2x3y2, can you get a graph of that function?
If so, you should also be able to graph fx(x, y) = 6x2y2 and fxy(x, y) = 12x2y.
theBEAST said:
If I can understand that then I think I can answer other questions like:

Why you would subtract [fxy(a, b)]2, why not add it.
If I recall correctly, this is directly related to what is known as the Hessian matrix (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hessian_matrix), whose deteriminant consists of the second partials. I don't remember why this plays a role in categorizing critical points, but it does.
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  • #6

Alright it is starting to make sense now, thanks everyone.

Does anyone know how to complete the square for this? It looks so complicated :S
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  • #7

theBEAST said:
Thank you but I what I really don't understand is what fxy looks like on a graph. What is it's visual representation?
Mark44 said:
The graph of z = f(x, y) requires three dimensions: two for the domain, and one for the range.

Using my example of f(x, y) = 2x3y2, can you get a graph of that function?
If so, you should also be able to graph fx(x, y) = 6x2y2 and fxy(x, y) = 12x2y.

If I recall correctly, this is directly related to what is known as the Hessian matrix (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hessian_matrix), whose deteriminant consists of the second partials. I don't remember why this plays a role in categorizing critical points, but it does.

We want to know if the Hessian is positive definite, negative definite, or indefinite. In the first case the point is a strict local min, in the second case a strict local max, and in the third case a saddle point. The determinant is the product of the Hessian's eigenvalues, so if it is > 0 both eigenvalues have the same sign. THAT is why it plays a role.

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  • #8

In a more abstract, but more general, sense, the "derivative" of a function, f, from Rm to Rn is the linear function, Lf, from Rm to Rn that best approximates f ("best approximates" can be made precise through limit calculations). A linear function from Rn to Rm can be written as an n by m matrix.

So the first derivative of f, from R3 to R is a "3 by 1" matrix or vector- the gradient vector, in fact. And since the first derivative is from R3 to R3, the second derivative is a linear transformation from R3 to R3- which, of course, can be represented by a 3 by 3 matrix- the "Hessian" that Ray Vickerson mentions:
[tex]\begin{bmatrix}\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x^2} & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x\partial y} \\ \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial y\partial x} & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial y^2}\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

Since the "mixed" derivatives are equal, that is a symmetric matrix and there exist a "basis" (coordinate system) in which it is diagonal. That is, there exist x', y' such that the second derivative is
[tex]\begin{bmatrix}\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x'^2} & 0 \\ 0 & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial y'^2}\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

And, since the first derivatives are 0 at a critical point, we can write f as
[tex]f(x,y)= f(x;_0, y'_0)+ \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x'^2)(x'- x'_0)^2+ \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial y'^2}(y- y_0)^2[/tex]
plus higher power terms. If those two derivatives are both positive (at [itex](x_0, y_0)[/itex]) then it f is increases in a neighborhood and so f has a minimum there. If they are both negative, f has a maximum there. If one is positive and the other negative, f has a saddle point.

Note that the determinant of that matrix is
[tex]\frac{\partial^2f}{\partial x'^2}\frac{\partial^2f}{\partial y'^2}[/tex]
which is positive if they both have the same sign (so increasing or decreasing) and negative if they have opposite signs (so saddle point). Finally, the determinant of a matrix is independent of the change of coordinates so that it is sufficient to check
[tex]\frac{\partial^2f}{\partial x^2}\frac{\partial^2f}{\partial y^2}[/tex]
without having to actually make that change of variable.

Unfortunately, that doesn't work for dimensions higher than 3. The sign of the determinant, the sign of the product of the diagonal elements, does not tell us much about the sign of the individual terms.

Related to Understanding the Second Derivative Test

1. What is the purpose of the Second Derivative Test?

The Second Derivative Test is used to determine the nature of a critical point in a function, whether it is a local maximum, local minimum, or saddle point. It helps in understanding the behavior of a function and identifying the presence of extrema.

2. How is the Second Derivative Test performed?

To perform the Second Derivative Test, we first find the critical points of a function by setting its first derivative equal to zero. Then, we evaluate the second derivative of the function at these critical points. If the second derivative is positive, the critical point is a local minimum. If it is negative, the critical point is a local maximum. And if it is zero, the test is inconclusive and further analysis is needed.

3. Can the Second Derivative Test be used for functions with multiple variables?

Yes, the Second Derivative Test can be used for functions with multiple variables. In this case, we take the second derivative with respect to one variable while holding the other variables constant. The resulting value is then evaluated at the critical point to determine its nature.

4. Are there any limitations to the Second Derivative Test?

Yes, the Second Derivative Test has some limitations. It can only be used to determine the nature of a critical point, not the value of the function at that point. It also cannot be used for functions that are not twice differentiable or have discontinuities at the critical point.

5. How does the Second Derivative Test relate to the First Derivative Test?

The First Derivative Test is used to identify the presence of extrema in a function, while the Second Derivative Test is used to determine the nature of those extrema. In other words, the First Derivative Test tells us where the extrema are located, and the Second Derivative Test tells us what type of extrema they are.

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