Understanding the Working of Superconductors and Ordinary Conductors - Explained

In summary: Superconductivity can occur in many different materials, but it is most common in materials with an abundant electron density, such as copper and carbon-12. When the material is cooled below its critical temperature, the electrons start pairing up and forming Cooper pairs. The pairs form a kind of "sea" of electrons, and the material becomes superconductive.
  • #1
Hi, I did a forum search on the topic , but from all the threads I went through I still have doubts about my understanding , please correct me.

Both superconductors and ordinary conductors are metals or metal alloys.Both have ion lattice and electrons that are the moving , current , heat carrying parts.
In ordinary conductor the electrons have higher kinetic energy at room temperature and when current flows they hit the ion lattice and so impart some of their energy to the lattice which results as heat.
in superconductor the electrons have much lower kinetic energy so electrons form pairs and the whole current in the length of the conductor is more like a solid stream , the electron current becomes a little ion lattice like?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Not really. For normal metals which become superconductive at very low temperatures, the key lies in the fact that when the momentum of the electrons is low enough, they can bind together in pairs. Since it takes energy to break this bond, there is a minimum amount of work that must be done on them by any disturbance to break them apart, which forbids small disturbances like scattering from stealing energy from them.

A more accurate description involves energy states. Per wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooper_pair

Cooper originally considered only the case of an isolated pair's formation in a metal. When one considers the more realistic state of many electronic pair formations, as is elucidated in the full BCS Theory, one finds that the pairing opens a gap in the continuous spectrum of allowed energy states of the electrons, meaning that all excitations of the system must possesses some minimum amount of energy. This gap to excitations leads to superconductivity, since small excitations such as scattering of electrons are forbidden.[6] The gap appears due to many-body effects between electrons feeling the attraction.
  • #3
so it means that the only basic variable for superconductivity in metals is temperature which is a measure of the kinetic energy of the electrons?

is there any other know or theorized way in which the electrons could have low enough kinetic energy for Cooper pairs to form?

FAQ: Understanding the Working of Superconductors and Ordinary Conductors - Explained

1. How do superconductors work?

The working mechanism of superconductors is based on the phenomenon of zero electrical resistance and perfect diamagnetism at extremely low temperatures. In simple terms, when a superconductor is cooled below its critical temperature, the electrons within the material form pairs and flow through the material without any resistance, allowing for the perfect conduction of electricity.

2. What is the critical temperature of a superconductor?

The critical temperature, also known as the transition temperature, is the temperature at which a material becomes a superconductor. This temperature varies for different materials, but typically falls below -200 degrees Celsius. Scientists are continually researching ways to increase the critical temperature of superconductors to make them more practical for everyday use.

3. How are superconductors made?

Superconductors are typically made by mixing certain elements or compounds together and then subjecting them to extreme temperatures and pressures. Some superconductors are also made through a process called doping, where impurities are intentionally added to a material to enhance its superconducting properties.

4. What are the practical applications of superconductors?

Superconductors have a wide range of potential applications, including in healthcare (MRI machines), transportation (magnetic levitation trains), energy storage (superconducting magnets for storage of renewable energy), and computing (quantum computers). However, their limited operating temperatures and high cost make it challenging to use them on a large scale.

5. Can superconductors be used for everyday objects?

As of now, superconductors are primarily used in specialized and high-tech applications. However, researchers are continuously working towards developing superconductors that can operate at higher temperatures and are more cost-effective, which could make them viable for everyday objects in the future.
